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Thread: Blue Planet Project - Is this real? What is it?

  1. #1
    Senior Member newyorklily's Avatar
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    Blue Planet Project - Is this real? What is it?

    Someone posted this on Facebook

    Has anyone here heard of the Blue Planet Project before? Or the Meta Tech website?
    Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
    "Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010

  2. #2
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    "Alien Files" TV series tonight covered this issue, I've heard of the book before but it sounds like something interesting.

  3. #3
    Exopaedia is another good site for research.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 12-02-2012 at 10:14 AM.

  4. #4
    Something that bears repeating:

    Disclosure when it comes is likely to be laced with lies and deceit.

    Researching and investigating now makes it easier down the road to sort through Disclosure.

    After Disclosure, through bits and pieces of information made public at that time you might catch the government in a lie.

    Internet abounds with misinformation, incorrect assumptions and people looking to take advantage of others.

    Is any of this real?

    It is probable that some of it is…

    Not a simple matter to figure-out what is real and what is not.

    Research and investigating mentally arms and shields us for an unfolding future.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 12-02-2012 at 10:40 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by newyorklily View Post
    Someone posted this on Facebook

    Has anyone here heard of the Blue Planet Project before? Or the Meta Tech website?
    That one has been doing the rounds for at least a decade: I've got a PDF copy of the report here from June 2002.

    Allegedly it's a report written by some scientists. Personally I think it's written by a small group of people with a common interest. It makes for an interesting read. Some of it seems genuine, some of it doesn't.

    EDIT TO ADD: The PDF can still be downloaded from the MetaTech web site:

    (It's almost 10 MB in size).
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  6. #6
    There's a sequel called The Pulsar Project. I agree with Garuda on the source. They may not necessarily be insiders, more like a think tank of researchers. If you want to know their angle, read pages 48 through 51 of the document: basically, "there's no reason to conclude aliens are hostile."

    But in between the parts that aren't truthful, there seem to be technical tidbits that could be uncannily true -- and not common knowledge either. Despite the B.S. there's something of value if you cross reference with other sources. That's why I like these two documents. Not to mention that artwork is entertaining
    Last edited by montalk; 12-02-2012 at 07:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CasperParks View Post
    Something that bears repeating:

    Disclosure when it comes is likely to be laced with lies and deceit.

    Researching and investigating now makes it easier down the road to sort through Disclosure.

    After Disclosure, through bits and pieces of information made public at that time you might catch the government in a lie.

    Internet abounds with misinformation, incorrect assumptions and people looking to take advantage of others.

    Is any of this real?

    It is probable that some of it is…

    Not a simple matter to figure-out what is real and what is not.

    Research and investigating mentally arms and shields us for an unfolding future.
    A Trickle Out Disclosure would be a series of fake stories, paced as long as years apart, containing either a small percentage of truth, or just one fact or event they wanted to get out into the public consciousness. Some people believe this is underway now and is seen in any of the big stories that end up inconclusive like The Drones or Serpo. They served their purpose and were discarded like stages of a rocket launch. That would be a good way to do Disclosure and maintain control of the flow of information and preserve deniability. If any of that is true, Disclosure is being managed by the absolute experts in the field of information and deception.

  8. #8
    Senior Member newyorklily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by montalk View Post
    There's a sequel called The Pulsar Project. I agree with Garuda on the source. They may not necessarily be insiders, more like a think tank of researchers. If you want to know their angle, read pages 48 through 51 of the document: basically, "there's no reason to conclude aliens are hostile."

    But in between the parts that aren't truthful, there seem to be technical tidbits that could be uncannily true -- and not common knowledge either. Despite the B.S. there's something of value if you cross reference with other sources. That's why I like these two documents. Not to mention that artwork is entertaining
    Thank you, everyone.

    Think tanks can have some big names associated with them. I vaguely remember some sort of UFO/alien think tank that Katherine Austin Fitts was invited to but turned down. I think the organizer's name might have been Johnson. Does anyone remember that? Was that part of the Rockefeller Foundation? Is that the kind of think tank in this case?
    Last edited by newyorklily; 12-02-2012 at 08:26 PM.
    Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
    "Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    A Trickle Out Disclosure would be a series of fake stories, paced as long as years apart, containing either a small percentage of truth, or just one fact or event they wanted to get out into the public consciousness. Some people believe this is underway now and is seen in any of the big stories that end up inconclusive like The Drones or Serpo. They served their purpose and were discarded like stages of a rocket launch. That would be a good way to do Disclosure and maintain control of the flow of information and preserve deniability. If any of that is true, Disclosure is being managed by the absolute experts in the field of information and deception.
    Doc used a great choice of words.

    Trickle Out Disclosure, good laymen's terminology for today.

  10. #10
    The original Blue Planet Project Notebooks were handwritten by their owner at the First International UFO Congress held in Tucson Arizona held from May 3rd thru the 7th in 1991. The notebooks were grey Composition Graph Notebooks with sketches, diagrams, formulas, charts and information about Extraterrestrial data collected from various sites around the world.

    The Congress was founded by Lt Colonel Wendelle Stevens, retired US Air Force pilot turned UFO investigator and researcher. Lt Col Stevens was assigned to Wright Field in 1946, and his research on UFO’s began there with all of the information about the Roswell crash in 1947. .

    Lt Col Stevens was assisted with his Hosting duties at the Conference by his good friend Command Sergeant Major (ret.) Robert O. Dean, who claims he saw a "Cosmic Top Secret" briefing document on UFOs when he worked on the General Staff at SHAPE (Strategic Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe) in the mid-1960s.

    The Conference theme was: Extraterrestrials Are Visiting Earth..

    The Conference featured: Exotic UFO Sightings, Contacts, Abductions, Photos, Movies, Artifacts, Art and Continuous Platform Presentations. A total of 30 World class speakers were on the agenda during the five day Congress.. Many famous UFO contactees were present.

    Inside the Conference Hall were 50 display tables of UFO books, magazines and journals, video and audio tapes, UFO art and objects from around the world to be discussed and sold. UFO paintings, models, sculptures, artifacts and exhibits were displayed.

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