Sergeant Robert Dean is one of the biggest liars, besides Lazar, Lear, Burisch, and Sherman I've ever known! The title 'Command Sergeant' means nothing in the military. It only means you were in command of your own department. Secondly, he was in NATO, in the European Union. I respect his service to the US for sure. But he got the 'UFO Disease.' He loved the attention but he lied when he said that the COSMIC Clearance was 32 levels above Top Secret! BS!
As I've stated BEFORE... A Top Secret Clearance in NATO is called a 'Cosmic' clearance. It's not higher than a US 'Top Secret' clearance. It's the SAME.
Find me ONE military, active or retired, officer who says he had a clearance dozens higher than a 'Top Secret' clearance (Above Top Secret). There are NONE. Special Access Programs (SAPs) are lateral clearances for specific Top Secret Programs. We have about 800,000 US citizens with a Top Secret Clearance. During my 20 years in the service I had a Top Secret clearance most of the time. My first clearance was a Secret, and after the first year a Top Secret.
Congressmen and other people running for office like the President and Vice President are vetted once the run for a public office. They usually get the fast track and have a 'Secret' clearance after a few months. Once elected to these high offices the clearance process continues. Most high level officials have a minimum of a Secret Clearances. If you are on any Committee that deals with secrets, National Security, Homeland Security, CIA, DoD, FBI, etc., you will have to get a Top Secret Clearance. Ed Fouche - Author of 'Alien Rapture'