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Thread: Thrive:

  1. #11
    I just found Thrive today while doing some research about orgone pyramids (they're SOO pretty!). Anyhow, I found this video and it reminded me about something that happened just a few months ago.

    It was Autumn so there were lots of leaves all over. One night, I heard some movement outside right beneath my living room window (which I sit only a few feet away from). It was dark, around 10 PM or so. I heard the leaves and I knew somebody (or something!) was messing around with them. I looked out but couldn't see anything! The next day, I went outside and right outside the front door was a PERFECT leaf pile! They were formed in an arch on the side of the pile closest to my front door and a perfect, straight edge on the other side of the pile. There's no way that anybody in my neighborhood did that! The formation was so perfect that it reminded me of a crop circle! I did take pictures but unfortunately, they're deleted off my computer. I'm bummin' about that.

    Here's the video that I found: Thrive - Crop Circles are Clues to New Energy Technology!

    So now, this has me thinking. What was the purpose of making that leaf pile? I was so amused by it, and excited! It was pleasurable, joyful. I felt like I had friends playing with me and that felt pretty good. But, could there be another reason or purpose that I'm not aware of?

  2. #12
    There is a lot of information and videos floating around. So much, that if something covers stuff I already know it is easily passed-over. Thrive film was one of those that popped onto the radar, but appeared to cover things I already knew about.

    Foster Gamble founder of Thrive Movement was interviewed this week on the radio show, Fade to Black / Jimmy Church.

    Click to catch interview on Speaker.
    Interview starts in second half of the show.

    The interview was interesting. I finally watched their film on youtube, no charge - click here to watch THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

    First portion of the film dealt with "free energy", then moved to "follow the money".

    Upside it was free to watch, putting their movement ahead of money. For anyone getting started in the "follow the money" I would recommend the film. It was well done, researched and plausible information put out there for consideration.

    Free energy aspect, sure I can see it - there is evidence of suppression of information and people shutdown for trying to go public with inventions.

    Overall, I enjoyed the documentary. Film production is very good. It is slightly over two hours.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 11-05-2015 at 02:27 AM.

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