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Thread: Bigelow Funding and Research into the SkinWalker ranch

  1. #11
    Keith Basterfield has been digging around Bigelow's funding of research into consciousness and NDEs.
    Many of the big names are either asscociated with NIDS or UNLV where he donated $3.7 million, Raymond Moody, Melvin Morse, Charles Tart.

    Looking back now its amazing how many of the top NDE researchers were on the Science Advisory Board at NIDS.

    One person he has left off the list is Kit Green.

    Much more on Keith's blog...


    Robert Bigelow and research into consciousness

    In 1997, Robert Thomas Bigelow, and his wife Diane, donated money to the University Of Nevada, Las Vegas to establish a Chair of Consciousness Studies....

    ...In fact, at this point it would be worth while providing a list of individuals who were on the NIDS Science Advisory Board, taken from the Wayback Machine's filing of the NIDS website.

    John B Alexander; Warren Burggren; Douglas P Ferraro; Albert A Harrison; Edgar Mitchell; Melvin Morse; Martin Piltch; Harold E Puthoff; Theodore Rockwell; John F Scheussler; Jessica Utts; Jacques Vallee; Jim Whinnery.

  2. #12
    This is amazing, Chris Marx spills all his beans. Quite astounding

  3. #13
    Great post Longeyes. Thank you.

    ‘Astounding’ is quite accurate. To hear him say how poorly equipped they were, using fake cameras, having to pirate internet and having only one guard present, etc. If I inferred correctly, he also seemed to implicate the DOD as the cause of some of the ‘paranormal’ activities. IIRC, he said something to the effect of feeling like playing an unwilling part of an elaborate ruse.

    He also wasn’t exactly effusive with praise for Knapp and Corbell.

  4. #14
    Yep, I was under the impression that scientists went up there in pairs for two week stints. I thought that came from Colm Kelleher or Eric Davis. I thought they had cameras everywhere?
    It also very interesting how one of the technologies TTSA are collaborating on with the US Army is camouflage.
    He claims they might have been guinea pigs, his story how the hut door was kicked open with no one there, could have been a test. But I’m pretty dubious that that kind of thing was going on. There was definitely some psychic phenomenon there. I think they were really interested in the technology behind that. Where they really the only people there? Surely they would know especially if they were stationed there?

    I think there is a distinct possibility that the Utes are right - there are SkinWalkers there. The three wolves would be them.
    That they opened some kind of portal at sometime in the past, to somewhere not great and the barrier between the worlds is thinner there. Some kind of cleansing ritual could be done to heal the place but then there would be nothing for them to study.
    Last edited by Longeyes; 11-21-2019 at 08:12 PM.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Yep, I was under the impression that scientists went up there in pairs for two week stints. I thought that came from Colm Kelleher or Eric Davis. I thought they had cameras everywhere?
    It also very interesting how one of the technologies TTSA are collaborating on with the US Army is camouflage.
    He claims they might have been guinea pigs, his story how the hut door was kicked open with no one there, could have been a test. But I’m pretty dubious that that kind of thing was going on. There was definitely some psychic phenomenon there. I think they were really interested in the technology behind that. Where they really the only people there? Surely they would know especially if they were stationed there?

    I think there is a distinct possibility that the Utes are right - there are SkinWalkers there. The three wolves would be them.
    That they opened some kind of portal at sometime in the past, to somewhere not great and the barrier between the worlds is thinner there. Some kind of cleansing ritual could be done to heal the place but then there would be nothing for them to study.
    Fascinating conclusions. I recall a display of ‘adaptive camouflage’ of a tank by the British military years ago and there is the ‘Harry Potter’ type cape made by the Japanese university professor so it’s no wonder that DARPA has ongoing research and possibly even testing near the Ranch.

    No doubt something supernatural is afoot too, the bizarre tales go back far too long.

  6. #16
    Vice and M J Banias have reveal the new ranch owner Brandon Fugal

    Full Article here:

    The person who owns the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, a supposedly haunted UFO hotspot in Utah, has decided to come out of the shadows.Twenty-two stories up in a striking glass building in downtown Salt Lake City, I sat down with Brandon Fugal, a Utah-based real estate mogul and tech investor...

    Not much on the science

    ...Currently, we have evidence for anomalous injuries, footage of anomalous aerial phenomena, transient EMF and a whole array of other bizarre things...

    He appearing in a History Channel doc The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch that will premiere March 31.

  7. #17
    Jeremy Corbell has put up his interview with Fugal

  8. #18
    Seems the earlier project Fugal worked on with Kit Green etc was Joe Firmage's project

  9. #19
    Fugal Jeremy Corbell and Robbie Williams were on C2C last night

    Much has been said of Skinwalker Ranch in Utah - a 512-acre property that is a supposed hotspot for paranormal and UFO activity. George Knapp has been researching the ranch for years and has been on the property multiple times. Earlier this month, the name of the new owner of the ranch was released - Brandon Fugal, a 46-year-old business leader and tech investor. He joined George to discuss why he bought the ranch and what type of experiments are currently being conducted there. Fugal emphasized that the ranch was originally not for sale, but after he met with former owner Robert Bigelow, they "built a relationship of trust" that allowed the sale to go forward...

  10. #20
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Fugal Jeremy Corbell and Robbie Williams were on C2C last night

    Much has been said of Skinwalker Ranch in Utah - a 512-acre property that is a supposed hotspot for paranormal and UFO activity. George Knapp has been researching the ranch for years and has been on the property multiple times. Earlier this month, the name of the new owner of the ranch was released - Brandon Fugal, a 46-year-old business leader and tech investor. He joined George to discuss why he bought the ranch and what type of experiments are currently being conducted there. Fugal emphasized that the ranch was originally not for sale, but after he met with former owner Robert Bigelow, they "built a relationship of trust" that allowed the sale to go forward...
    The most recent episode of Ancient Aliens on History Channel aired on 3/21/2020 was "The Mystery of Skinwalker Ranch".
    They also identified/interviewed the new owner, Mr Fugal. He claimed Bigelow only agreed to sell after he gave assurances of continuing the research (and possessed the resource$ to do it).
    If you are interested, now that History Channel's "Project Blue Book" has ended season 2, they have a new replacement series called: "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" in the same time slot.
    and S1E01 is "Bad Things Happen When You Dig".
    Premier is 3/31/2020.
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