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Thread: Guerilla Novelist, Casper Parks - Updates

  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by CasperParks View Post
    Unexpected Craziness!

    I listed all five of my novels free as eBooks at select retailers Mid October through November 30th, 2021. For reasons that are unknown, four of the five books are in the top 100 as free eBooks at Google Play! Free doesn't count toward bestseller lists... Taking into account the number of free eBooks at Google Play, making into the top 100 is cool...

    With everything going-on about UAP/UFOs in the news and people talking about Disclosure, it's understandable that Coming from Darkness made it into the top 100.

    eBooks of my novels are free almost everywhere, but wasn't able to offer free at Amazon. Visit the Casper Parks website for links to retailers by clicking here.

    Paperbacks of my books are starting to show-up at several online retailers, and will post links in the near future.

    With each new book my writing improves. Order books were released:
    1) Perceptional Threshold
    2) Ages Past
    3) Coming from Darkness
    4) Bristol
    5) Accidental Destiny

    Accidental Destiny was released Summer 2021...

    I'll do free from time to time, simply to push my titles up in the algorithms. It was unexpected that four of my books made into the top 100 at Google Play as free eBooks.
    Nice, nice. Congratulations!
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    Nice, nice. Congratulations!
    Thanks... It's weird and happened out of the blue. It's been in a pattern like that for a few days. The numbers are moving up and down, but staying in the top 100 as free eBooks.

  3. #163

  4. #164
    On Shift Happens Pod, aired 02/11/2022: Among a number of topics, Casper Parks revisits the 2016 Election. It is a question he started asking in November of 2016. Was it possibly rigged to keep Clinton out of Office to prevent UFO/UAP Disclosure. He updated that question on this episode with; Is the UAP Task Force a consolation prize for the 2016 election? He doesn't claim the election was rigged, it is simply a question with a quick discussion of events that took place. Also Updates on Corporate and Government Surveillance. Is the United States in the process of being broken emotionally, financially and physically to be rebuilt into something else?

    Casper Parks comes on at roughly 30:00 on the meter

    Casper Parks novels are available in print and eBook.
    Click here to visit Casper Parks Website for links.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 02-12-2022 at 07:21 PM.

  5. #165

  6. #166
    Thanks for posting Casper. We need to resist this! It's bad enough that all payments seem to be going contactless.
    Microchipping people is a dangerous diection to go it, it lends itself to the simple implementation of a police state, we've all seen the movies.
    It doesn't end well.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Thanks for posting Casper. We need to resist this! It's bad enough that all payments seem to be going contactless.
    Microchipping people is a dangerous diection to go it, it lends itself to the simple implementation of a police state, we've all seen the movies.
    It doesn't end well.
    Putting it into fiction helps to raise awareness. Similar stuff has been in books, film and television. When put into a fictional story, sometimes it's presented as evil and other times it's simply in the background.

    When I was growing up, many people thought the Mark of the Beast would be a tattooed number. Then the Bar Codes happened, and many thought the Mark of the Beast would be tattooed Bar Codes. Now we have the RFID Bio Chip Implants and Electronic Tattoos. On the horizon are Gel Chip Implants able to detect viruses before someone has symptoms.

    As technology progresses; Is possible for that Gel Chip to add personal identification, finical and other data to it?

    If not an RFID Chip Implant, or Electronic Tattoo, or Gel Chip Implant; it could be something we haven't seen yet.

    Opinion: We hear claims that Chip Implants and Electronic Tattoos aren't trackable. However, for example that Gel Implant is able to transmit a Bluetooth signal. A Bluetooth signal is able to be picked-up by a cellphone, and cellphones are trackable... Since the Gel Implant is able to transmit a Bluetooth signal, I assume RFID Chips and Electronic Tattoos in the future could do the same thing.

    I am not the only person to say this about how it could roll-out. At first people without it will be boycotted for employment, banking, healthcare, and so-on... Then it will become The Law of the Land...

    Will it happen in five, ten, twenty, thirty years or longer? It is difficult to predict when...
    Last edited by CasperParks; 04-12-2022 at 11:41 PM.

  8. #168
    You ever come across the Yorkshire inventor and engineer,Winston Keech he claimed to have foiled the plot to microchip everyone in the 2000's by developing the chip and pin card?
    Patents listed on here.

    Claimed to have worked for Rolls Royce when Thatcher ditched a hyper sonic jet 'Hotel' which could get to Mach 15
    He did have a company selling wind turbines which fitted horizontally onto your roof, Ridgeblade which was an awesome invention.
    Unforturnately the company seems to have gone bust or is having trouble used to be a site for it.

    Recent interview here

    AT 1Hr 8 Mins he talks about stopping implants

    " probably know from if you look since
    when history that I invented the pin processes that go on all the credit and debit cards in the world hmm if I used
    to have five global patents on that and I invented that as part of the awakening process would being connected to the
    crop circle consciousness in that I invented it was a process to protect people from having biometric implants"

    He always seemed like a good engineer but have no idea where some of his info comes from it. He's got a whole other history of the planet.
    Last edited by Longeyes; 04-13-2022 at 01:42 PM.

  9. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    You ever come across the Yorkshire inventor and engineer,Winston Keech he claimed to have foiled the plot to microchip everyone in the 2000's by developing the chip and pin card?
    Patents listed on here.

    Claimed to have worked for Rolls Royce when Thatcher ditched a hyper sonic jet 'Hotel' which could get to Mach 15
    He did have a company selling wind turbines which fitted horizontally onto your roof, Ridgeblade which was an awesome invention.
    Unforturnately the company seems to have gone bust or is having trouble used to be a site for it.

    Recent interview here

    AT 1Hr 8 Mins he talks about stopping implants

    " probably know from if you look since
    when history that I invented the pin processes that go on all the credit and debit cards in the world hmm if I used
    to have five global patents on that and I invented that as part of the awakening process would being connected to the
    crop circle consciousness in that I invented it was a process to protect people from having biometric implants"

    He always seemed like a good engineer but have no idea where some of his info comes from it. He's got a whole other history of the planet.
    Longeyes, thanks for posting where on the meter for the topic. Saved a lot time.

    I've seen photos for several versions of Vertical Wind Turbine Generators.

  10. #170
    Casper Parks - Ep. 243 Shift Happens

    I come onto the show at roughly 23:32 on the meter.
    It's more or less a "shoot the breeze" episode.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 05-02-2022 at 10:28 PM.

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