Hi there!
I was the first to open a thread on the Metoerite-shower in Russia today, but unfortunately it seems to have been removed without any notification.
Is this the general atmosphere in the outpost-forum? Then good night!
Hi there!
I was the first to open a thread on the Metoerite-shower in Russia today, but unfortunately it seems to have been removed without any notification.
Is this the general atmosphere in the outpost-forum? Then good night!
Your post was not the first on the subject, and was moved into the ongoing discussion about it, here:
Edit to add: usually the software does leave a note that the thread or post was moved, but, apparently, this time it didn't.
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
- Jef Mallett
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
- Charles Darwin
Hi, Dandy Dust and welcome to the OutPost Forum. I moved the thread you started so it would be in the discussion that was in progress. Usually the notification is automatic but I didn't check to see if it was there. My intention in moving it was to include you in the discussion.
Dandy Dust,
I looked and found your post in the merged thread.
Welcome to the forms, look forward to interacting.
As long as the sky does not fall on our heads - greetings from Vienna, Austria, Europe, Terra...
Me: I used to read and sometimes write in the "famous what was it´s name?" - forum, that does not exist any more... ;-)
I like to think of alien - possibilities and alternative thinking "out of the box" - but I don´t like the right-wing solutions that much too often come with all the conspiracy stuff - BUT I like much of the information going down the streams... I guess "keep an open mind and never stop your own critical thinking" is a motto for me. For example: I am buisy with alien and ufo stuff night for night for about 7 years now and I tell you WHAT: I have not seen anythink that I would call solid proof of any of that - but a million tons of illusions, delusions and (sadly) fake fake fake. I don´t "want to believe". I want to know. - in terms of guessing my view is like this:
There IS a principial military secrecy - about anything they cannot admit, because they cannot explain or control it.
On the other hand their factual "knowledge" of what really is going on is much smaller, than we want to believe.
There is so much psychology involved in all strange and seldom phenomenom, that means, we don´t even grasp our own functions, how should we understand what is "out there" and what is (let´s say) archetypes of the psyche...
As all kinds of curious phenomenon is seldom and "unrepeatable" it´s difficult for common sience (needs repeatable experiments) to wrap it´s method arround those.
Sience unfortunately neclects all phenomenon that it cannot adress as a method. (sience is a method)
One example is conciessnes: Science orientated pragmatists (like Dan Dennett) just neclect it, because their is not real science on it (yet). --> he says conciousness is an illusion, but everybody knows, that for an illusion there must be a subject, WHO is beeing tricked on.
If science cannot even talk about man, how could this method speak (much) about occasionally occurring phenomenon?
Does Nasa lie? - Stupid question! Everybody, everything, every organisation, any entity HAS to lie. (for many reasons)
the question is rather: Does NASA or anybody (here) have the truth? - I doubt it.
Well, that are 0,0000001% of the thoughts that move me and my brains...while I am sitting on the outpost and gazing at the stars or the flyby-Asteroids,
as I am writing this, the thing that ever came closest to the earth, in relation to it´s size, has passed by. The skies in Vienna a overcast, no ways to see anything.
By the way: In my opinion OFF COURSE the METEORSHOWER in RUSSIA is connected to the FLYBY of the ASTEROID!!!!
Thpse clowns on tv stating that after their analyzing of the videos the can tell for shure it was coming form the wrong directions, when on other occasions the claim to take years to f........ find out what a corn of sand consists of. OH NO - we are being bulled a lot. Of corse!
But not necessairily by an elite that is somehow super-clever. Rather by a system that exists because it works, if even it is or has a system.
We would LOVE to think that there is a (real) conspiracy, not just simple greed-mechanisms, but it is rather the second.
Will there be disclsosure soon? I doubt it: I think that they don´t have a lot, that they understand very well, so that it could be disclosed in a usefull manner.
Wellwellwell, Dandy