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reptilian.. if you're ok with turtles then i guess we can get along.. i have a turtle named socrates.. most of my decisions are made with the help of socrates.. and, i want you to know that i'm a fan of the ninja turtles movement. i understand that the ninja turtle scene was devised by reptilians as an alternative to superman taking the conflict of man vs reptilian to the entertainment level. no doubt reptilians derive cash income from the copyrights and commercial outlays allowing them to wage bets in man's domain _
as to the reptilian claim that they were the earth's first inhabitants, this is at best a medium rare joke. your great great .. great great grandfather tyrannosaurus rex brought about the extinction of his own kind on earth by his own doing _ not through warfare _ but _ rather _ lovemaking _ the heaving and pounding during sexual intercourse heated the earth's magma causing super volcanoes to erupt..your ancestors were buried under tons of lava and cinder .. our archeologists thought that your kind had gone extinct due to an asteroid impact