Then just as I was getting into that state I hear the pastor say in words similar but not exact to "and her medicine, by a miracle cost her $1.11".
How do synchronicities work? What causes them? That's a big mystery.
Some synchronicities can be telepathically induced. If I'm an alien and you're in a bookstore and you come across A Course in Miracles, I could very easily make some kid nearby say, "It's a miracle mommy, look" and if you read too much into things you could take that as some divine sign and go become an ACIM junkie.
But what if you're getting a big cart of groceries and behind the dusty can of beans someone had dropped a coupon many months ago. The coupon is still valid and gives you 2 bucks off your pasta sauce, and your total therefore ends up being $111.11. You notice on the receipt it's store number 333 and the cashier's name is Geraldo, same name as your childhood neighbor who lived in apartment 111. And you get in your car, and the truck parked in front of you has plate # 333 JHC with a bumper sticker that says, "The Kingdom Awaits You." Then you turn on the radio and it's some telethon asking for money: "call 973, one one one one, that's 973, one one one one".
Then how would I, as an alien, orchestrate all that? I don't think I could. It would be beyond my finesse. That's why I think some synchs are done by our own spirit, or by angels or something on that order, that has surgical control over the flippable bits of our reality.
From what I can tell, 11 by itself indicates initiation. So let's say you were in church meditating, and you achieved a bit of spiritual activity that's relatively new for you ... hence, you reached a new level = initiation = 111. For me, 111 just means "in the flow" while 1133 more specifically represents initiation. 33 is 3 times 11, the combo of trinity and initiation, and the triangle is one of those alien-beloved symbols but is actually a more universal symbol of how creation itself creates (passive, active, neutralizing forces ... thesis, antithesis, synthesis).
But like dream symbols, while synchronistic numbers have a general meaning, they can be customized or redefined to your subconscious preferences. I know a guy for whom 111 was a bad thing because it looks like three scratches, like claw marks on a door. If that's how his subconscious mind linked it, then cool. But for me it's like things are aligned, in the flow.
As for the meaning of 11 and 111, it's hard to find sources on 111 that aren't either synchromysticism, conspiracy theory, schizophrenic, or New Age based. I would look toward older occult, hermetic, tarot, freemasonry, and gematria sources.
From what I'm seeing so far, there's a reason why 11 seems to be the number of initiation. It resembles two pillars. In Freemasonry that would be the pillars named Jachin and Boaz, which feature heavily in Freemasonry. "Boaz and Jachin were two copper, brass or bronze pillars which stood in the porch of Solomon's Temple, the first Temple in Jerusalem." (Wikipedia).
Explanation of the pillars from a Canadian freemasonry lodge website:
The significance of the legendary Antediluvian Pillars was evidently that they preserved accumulated scientific knowledge. While there does not seem to be any scriptural or other support for the theory that the Solomonic Pillars served as archives, of the Biblical books dealing with the pillars, Jeremiah 52:21 indicates that the pillars were cast hollow, their walls having been four fingers width in thickness. It must have been tempting, especially in view of the legends of the earlier pillars, to embellish masonic lore by adding the story of archival deposits.
If Dr. Myers is correct in her conclusion that the Solomonic pillars primarily served to impart Divine legitimisation to the ruling dynasty — in this case the Davidic one — it follows that after the reign of the twenty kings of Judah there was no longer a reason for similar freestanding pillars when the Second Temple was built. This was indeed the situation and apparently the reason why little is mentioned of Jachin and Boaz in later Jewish source books.
Early masonic initiation ceremonies were apparently linked with the pillars, very likely also to legitimise and to elevate the initiation to the highest possible level. There is evidence to show that both pillars were used for the first degree ceremony and it was only at a later stage that the ritual was split into the first and second degree so far as the two pillars are concerned. Harry Carr, Bernard E. Jones and others confirm this point.
An echo of this practice is found in lodges in Scandinavia where normally both wardens are seated in the West, and the two pillars are placed near them, forming a kind of portal through which the initiate passes on his admission. (H, Carr, AQC, 75, p. 206) The French exposure Trahi also shows an Apprentice Plan with both 'J' and 'B' pillars. (
As you know, secret societies tend to claim alien, supernatural, or antediluvian ancestry. They see themselves as holders of privileged knowledge or instructions. For instance, the world went through a cataclysm and was destroyed, and a group of elites who survived entrusted their knowledge and mission onto their secret society descendants while the rest of humanity degenerated. They then became the architects of the new civilization, shaping things toward some eventual goal which may be resurrection of the glory they felt the world had prior to the cataclysm.
The symbolism in their rituals and mythology would encode what that mission may be. Things get more complicated when they see themselves as part of some grand chessboard, with other secret societies having opposing agendas. Now if it was aliens that set all this into motion, you can see it's really about competing alien agendas playing out among their elite human proxies.
Anyway, more on the number 11, from a tarot forum:
11 La Force: Swan
"In The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall mentions that the swan is a symbol of initiation. This agrees with the Curtisses, who refer to the number 11 as 'the initiate'."
See, same theme of initiate. What's the 11th card in the Tarot? Depending on the deck, it's either Strength or Justice. Tarot is one of those "secret society instruction books hidden in public domain" kind of things. By the way, the 11th sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is coming up next, and that's the one these secret societies have been planning/fighting for.
Here's Justice: -- notice the two pillars behind her.
Here's Strength: -- notice the two cards: one shows a woman handling a lion, the other a woman breaking a pillar. Pillar symbolism again.
In the Bible, it was Samson who slayed a lion and pushed apart the pillars to collapse the temple of Dagon: ... so that connects Samson to the number 11 and secret societies. Samson symbolizes strength, virility / vital energy, and non-conformity (since he never cut his hair).
In the book Hamlet's Mill it's shown how Samson in the Bible is actually based on an even earlier non-Judaic figure that comes from Indo European / Aryan / Iranian mythology. That figure's name was Amlodhi in the Scandinavian tradition. (Recall the freemasonry quote above about the pillars tradition being echoed in Scandinavia). His uncle killed his father and married his mother, so Amlodhi pretended to be an idiot (noncomformist) while using his cunning to plot revenge against his evil uncle. In the end, he made a hanging net fall down on his enemies and trapped them inside a burning building which collapsed onto them, like Samson collapsing the temple.
Point being that there's a lot of mythology stuff you could dig into, to try and figure out why freemasons and other secret societies like them are so obsessed with this pillar, and hence why they're into the number 11 or 111. It goes back to events of the Bronze Age and earlier, to feuds and agendas that were spawned back then.
One book on that is The Triumph of the Sea Gods -- I haven't read it yet, but there was an article by the same author in the latest issue of Atlantis Rising magazine. In a nutshell, the stories of Homer (Odysseus and Illiad) didn't take place in the Mediterranean, but in the Atlantic. There was a relatively advanced civilization out there during the Bronze Age that worshipped Poseidon. Probably the red haired mummy people. They got involved in a really big war and then a cataclysm finished them off. Some of their survivors may have gone East and set up shop in Caanan -- modern day Lebanon, which is where Solomon's Temple once stood and they could have helped build... which brings things back to those two pillars. They may have started secret societies back then that still exist today, working toward whatever goal they were tasked with. Hence their symbols would trace back to that Atlantic civilization more than anything.