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Thread: British MOD release of UFO documents

  1. #11
    Next release scheduled for march 2016 and may contain the missing Rendlesham Forest papers

  2. #12
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Next release scheduled for march 2016 and may contain the missing Rendlesham Forest papers

    Thanks for sharing the story with us.

    I subscribe to UK Archives newsletter.
    No mention of this release yet.

    My last email inquiry to them on this subject got a negative response... mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread.
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  3. #13
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Just a follow up on the stalled MoD Files release.

    As many of you may remember, the MoD released hundreds of files at the National Archive website approx. 2011 to 2013. But, 18 top secret MoD files remained to be seen.
    Researchers, backed by Lord Black of Brentwood, lobbied Parliament last year for release of the remaining files.

    It was announced by Parliament, July of 2015, that the files would be release by March of 2016. Here it is, nearing the end of March 2016, and no files are in sight.

    Your's truly contacted The National Archives for an update awhile ago, but the response, noted in a post somewhere above, was (paraphrased) "What files? We know nothing about new UFO files?".

    I sent an eMail inquiry to Mr. Nick Pope, a retired MoD official and current UFO researcher, regarding the impending release. He was kind enough to reply.


    Thank you for your email. The National Archives (TNA) were being a little disingenuous in their response to you, because while - technically speaking - the files aren't "missing", they should have realized which ones you were referring to, in view of the extensive media coverage and public interest. In any case, I'm not aware of any recent update, and so far as I'm aware the position is this: the MoD had undertaken to redact the 18 files and send them to TNA "by March". This should now have happened. But TNA have previously said they are likely to need another 9 months to prepare the files for public release, so sometime around the end of this year remains the best current estimate. That said, if TNA forego the sort of proactive media release they've done previously for MoD UFO files, and simply put the documents online, they shouldn't need 9 months. So, realistically speaking, the files might be released anytime between now and the end of the year.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Best wishes,

    Nick Pope
    Our genuine thanks to Mr Pope, for his perspective on the matter.
    Appears we will have to wait a bit longer for the release.
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  4. #14

  5. #15
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Last files could be on there way soon ...
    Good find, I'll keep an eye out.
    No mention of a new UFO files release, in the National Archives' monthly newsletter.

    Last I spoke (email exchange) with Mr Pope, sounded like the National Archives had received the new MOD files last year, and was in the process of preparation (converting to PDF, etc.) for distribution via the National Archives website.

    This article makes it sound as if the MOD has not even handed over the files yet.
    If that is true, August might be a bit optimistic since the conversion process will still need to take place.
    Of course it is a small batch, but seems like nothing happens fast when government bureaucracies are involved.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
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  6. #16
    Apparently the final release is being delayed by 12 months

  7. #17
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Apparently the final release is being delayed by 12 months
    I've been monitoring the UK's Archive web site on a monthly basis for the past year, ever since they announced the pending release of the remaining MOD UFO files scheduled for August of 2015. Looks like I will have to wait awhile longer.
    Thanks for the update Longeyes.
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    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  8. #18
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    I was watching recent episodes of Ancient Aliens on The History Channel yesterday. One of the programs featured Nick Pope, among others. They mentioned that the last 18 remaining MOD files that had been released to the National Archives have been recalled by the MOD, and will not be released. This Includes the much anticipated Rendelshem files.
    One reason Mr Pope speculated was "they don't want to panic the public".
    Very disappointing.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  9. #19
    We have a date for the release of the last files -8th June

  10. #20
    I always wonder what the hell this guy is doing and if he still has any position in MJ?
    Kissinger met Theresa May, it was on the 25th Oct 2016, she was only made prime minister 13th July. Was he really there to talk about Edward Heath's old house?

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