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Thread: Ancient Wisdom, Mythology and Archons

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  1. #1
    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    Ancient Wisdom, Mythology and Archons

    This is a really good and meaningful article by John Lash called Wisdom's Dare: The Future of a Divine Experiment.

    It talks about intrusive, alien lifeforms that invade humanity. They don't come from the real light source 'the organic light at the center of our galaxy known as the Pleroma'.

    The Gnostics were on to something. I like this article because it gets you thinking about a bigger picture, of bigger lifeforms that are close to us but beyond our comprehension.

    Sophia is separated from the company of Aeons at the galactic core, cut off, momentarily out of contact due to her intense enmeshment in a planetary experiment she had uniquely previsioned. She could not and did not anticipate certain conditions that would impact that experiment, consequent to her fall. She did not, for one thing, anticipate how the impact of her Pleromic luminosity upon elementary matter in the spiral arms would spontaneously produce a species, the locust-like cyborgs called archons. Even before the earth arose, the archon horde erupted in interstellar space (like the Acari insects of the famous experiment by Andrew Crosse in 1837). Commanded by their reptilian overseer the Demiurge, they falsely claimed to be creator gods in their own right. Yet they are nothing but demented insects.

    This unanticipated burst of inorganic life-forms in the impact zone of her plume took Sophia by surprize. The archon locust horde was a messy, meddlesome swarm, and quite distracting. To occupy the horde, the goddess allowed them to construct a heaven world for a habitat: the inorganic planetary system of celestial mechanics (stereoma). Picture a maze-like ET Disneyland in the third spiral arm. The archons are a mimic species, cosmic copy-cats. Their habitat is a static, lifeless duplicate of fractal patterns in the Pleroma. In their delusion they take themselves for lords of all the cosmos they survey. They disrespect boundaries, looking aggressively and enviously at any region of the Kenoma that does not fall under the dead mechanical laws of their home zone. They are not evil, but engage in deceit and confusion to entertain themelves. Having no life-force of their own, they are parasitical to organic life but can only live vicariously off sentient energies.

    Sophia did not anticipate that these archon ETs would try to intrude upon the strain of the anthropos she had selected to live out her private experiment. As we have seen, this intrusion went so far as an attempt to hack the anthropos, the human genome, but failed. Sophia and Thelete designed the genome to resist that kind of intrusion, but they did not design the human mind with sufficient resistance to the subterfuge of those same mind parasites who operate through hal, "simulation, virtual reality." Read the story for the true plot of the human condition: our species was not sufficiently designed to repel archontic mind intrusion because our genomic design was engineered before the conditions for such intrusion arose. This happened by anomaly, a side-effect of the fall of the wisdom goddess.
    Fine, clear enough, but there is a nasty twist to the cosmic plot. Due to anomalous conditions impacting the experiment, namely, the intrusion of the archontic mind parasites, we are challenged to detect and overcome an alien factor working in our own minds. This alien factor is a compound tendency to deceive, fake, hoax, conceal, lie, avoid, prevaricate, and pretend, that frustrates the natural talent of our species, our ingenuous, open-ended learning capacities.
    Note that the Gnostic expose of extraterrestrial intrusion does not blame archons for humanity's deviance from the divine experiment: it states that these entities, also called "rulers" and "authorities," prey upon and exaggerate our tendency to prefer simulations of reality for reality itself. By turning ourselves into aliens in our own natural habitat, we foster and fulfill the alienating influence of the archontic mind parasites. We complete in fact and act the deviant bias they merely insinuate in our minds. We are totally responsible for self-delusion. Archons merely piggy-back on our folly and fallacy.
    Last edited by lycaeus; 06-12-2013 at 05:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Interesting read that, thank you for sharing.

  3. #3
    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    No problem, I liked that piece so much I had to share it. I got it from an email subscription from Eve Lorgen. She gets a lot of interesting stuff about aliens, demons, spirituality that kind of stuff.

  4. #4
    This IS the most interesting subject and one I study avidly - as the amount of real information is so sparse and we hear of it only from certain ancient texts -
    The Book of Enoch (original lost script)
    The Pistus Sophia (Coptic scroll) Expanded version

    and also expanded upon by bold folks like
    Elisabeth Clare Prophet - Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch

    The largest part of reality (imo) that we are controlled from aka the Matrix and the one we have the most to learn about.

    "The mind is like a garden - if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it."

  5. #5
    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    This IS the most interesting subject and one I study avidly - as the amount of real information is so sparse and we hear of it only from certain ancient texts -
    If the world wasn't so busy I could probably see myself reading ancient and esoteric things like that all day every day. You might like the Gnosis Series on . There's a lot of information that ties together a variety of subjects including mythology, Gnosticism and aliens.

  6. #6
    That's a cool heads up lycaeus

    I have been reading Tom's work since his early version website. Very clear and easily understandable. A truly valuable resource and one to understand.

    I am a member of The Academy for Future Science where we study such works. Linking the above with the below.

    "The mind is like a garden - if you do not cultivate it, you cannot harvest from it."

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