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Thread: Demise of alienscientist forum?

  1. #71
    Talked to your fearless leader, and my friend Chris, for a long time tonight. We always end up discussing politics and history from opposing viewpoints sometimes. One thing led to another and of course he wanted to know more about the Alienscientist forum, the infamous video of me being drunk, etc. I've followed his/your forum since the first day. Since I have friends here, I thought you'd like to hear my parting two cents worth.

    The video in question was recorded illegally a while back, last year if I remember correctly. Before I quit drinking. I was talking to Dan and David Hilton. David Hilton recorded over two hours without me knowing it.

    At one point I began making fun of them and saying I was a NSA agent and everything I ever said was a lie. But once it was chopped up and edited the way it was, it definitely made me look a fool and a fraud.

    Those that have known me for years know I have tried to get the truth out to the public as I and a select few friends knew it at the time.

    When I came out and talked and wrote about the Flying Triangle (formally TR-3B), quasicrystals, metamaterials, mercury plasma, and gravity manipulation even most scientist called me a liar. Even when I first met Jeremy Rys (Alienscientist) when he was in Colorado building the fake UFO for the balloon boy's dad, his physics professor didn't know what quasicrystals were.

    Since then we've had thousands of triangle sightings, the only argument; are they ours or theirs, or both?

    Also metamaterials and quasicrystals are two of the hottest fields of research in physics now. Since I first spoke of these things in the early 90s, that would make it about two decades before they became public and accepted knowledge.

    Unlike other so called insiders I've posted many of my military and DoD records. Annual reviews, significant awards and medals, endorsements from generals and equivalent civilians, pictures, and training, just to name a few.

    I'm retired USAF with 20+ years served. I have always admitted that I was on classified black programs, worked some intelligence issues regarding crypto, satellite, R&D, and FOT&E. I've always admitted I worked with but not for several three letter agencies like the NSA and NRO.

    Have I told lies? Absolutely! You don't spend almost 30 years working for the government and military of TS programs/projects and keep your clearances by not lying. Many many times I told ex-wife I was going TDY to a classified school or to another base to assist on non-specific work. But in actuality I was in a different place or different country. This is one of many examples.

    When I wrote 'Alien Rapture' it was the truth about how the government worked in TS Black programs and how they cover up technology and intelligence from my own experiences. The aliens in my book were a total hypothesis also. Fiction is not truth. But there was a lot of truth in my book.

    I haven't been affiliated with the government directly/indirectly, nor have I been had any type agreement or contract or employment for them since BEFORE I came out publically (1998) with my own little whistleblowing/disclosure. If you never believed my story then it's a moot point. I've also been retired or self-unemployed (as I like to call it), since then.

    Those that know me know I have two excellent PCs and one of them is in the shop every other month. So I must be really lame as a disinformation agent and troll.

    Oh, the mystery NSA address? was a real email address many years ago. NSA=NSA, SAP = special access program, 429=the first three number of my old SSN, and FANX= Friendship Annex, near Ft. Mead, part of the 'R' Branch and also called by un old insiders as the 'Leper Colony.' I am almost 66 and I've been around long enough to have used ARPAnet, MILnet, and the internet. So it's an inactive email address. Surprised it didn't bounce when tested by Jeremy, David, and others? Anything that goes into the massive black hole known as the NSA doesn't come back out. Ha.

    There are a number of new bold lies against me on Jeremy Rys website. I was the once contacted by more than one TV production companies for a new series coming out next year. This is not unusual. I thought I'd throw him and another person a bone, and not only recommended that they be interviewed, but going so far as saying I wouldn't do the interview unless they were interviewed. I thought it was a nice friendly gesture. However it was found out that Jeremy had a prison/jail record twice, and was charged with several things. When asked about it, I told the truth. I knew it was a matter of public record. So they weren't going to use him on the show. He also posted a statement on my facebook saying I was cheating on my wife. Really!

    So now Jeremy want's everyone to think I'm a NSA agent, a liar, a hoaxer, ad nauseum. I kept our fight private via email or Skype, but it was Jeremy (Alienscientist) and David Hilton who decided it was the right thing to edit and post it that video on me. Oh and the fight really started when I kept bitching at Matt and Jeremy to fix their own forum I worked to support diligently for two years. Oh, well.

    And by the way, ask Chris, I didn't take down the old OMF forum, and you really know nothing if you think that. Thanks Ed Fouche

  2. #72
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    I believe regardless if Ed has lied, Like he said he has in various instances. Or if he's telling the truth. All I believe what is being served here is the further bickering amongst people who are actively trying to see and have the truth be told. Most if not everyone here know of the blatant disinformation and misdirection and out right lying the Government has done and all it's associates. Let Mr. Fouche be, let's glean what we can from him and if some feel he's been lying then let it be. If some feel he has been perhaps leading us astray then let that be. Let's move on and refocus not only as individuals but as a community to bringing forth the truth, and living that truth the best we can. The endless in-fighting only serves to keep us away from our goals and to keep us DISTRACTED. So we can not achieve our goals. Let's keep that all in mind.

    I personally know Ed through the internet and various real-time conversations. I believe deep down in his heart of hearts he is an honest man(or wants to be). At the same time I am not blinded to the fact that there may be other "factors" at hand here yet to be broached or even discussed. This is my gut feeling here and I consider Ed my friend and I have nothing but respect for him even though at times I do feel sometimes something else may be going on that I can not place my finger on.

    With Ed now posting what he did. Let's all please move on from this subject and let's all continue with due diligence in the matter of bringing forth the issues, questions and realities that will forever change our thoughts, our consciousness and our reality in the way we see and do things.

    Last edited by Edward; 11-25-2013 at 04:00 AM. Reason: spelling

  3. #73
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    To follow up with that.

    I must ask everyone this. Ask yourself this. Do we all not make mistakes? Do we not all do things we wish we could all take back???? Or undo???

    This is rhetorical and just to highlight an unspoken point I'm trying to make.

    Don't focus on the drama, we have to stop that cycle if we ever want to move FORWARD!


  4. #74
    Now the rebuttal is out by Ed...all this should be put away and let's move forward like Edward said. Period.
    A fantastic journey begins with curiosity

  5. #75
    Senior Member earthman's Avatar
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    Fantastic... That is what I wanted to hear, Ed's side. Good one Ed. Appreciate it. Jeremy had us thinking you were a NSA spy and you know how that can scare people in the forums. Had me worried, and I apologize Ed, vary much. Makes me fell like ****. So glad you came here and told the truth about what happened. Wish you were able to tell us more about your time in, but I know you are bound by the rules on these things. Man, what you have probably seen on those years. Thanks Ed..


  6. #76
    Apologies Ed for doubting you.
    Yep I still have no real clear idea how Omf died, but you and big pappy did drive John Lear off it for good or for ill.
    Sorry longeyes

  7. #77
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    It had been way too long since I last chatted with Ed and it was great to catch up with him last night.

    Personal attacks make for great drama but in the end are destructive and pointless. It's sad to see how the actions of a few can destroy the work done and the information posted at places such as OM and AS, but all you can do is learn from it and move on.

    We welcome Ed and any of the other AS ex-members to join us here at The OutPost Forum and continue our journey to the truth!

  8. #78
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Hi Ed.
    Nice of you drop by and tell your side of the story.
    Hope you'll have the time to discuss a few of the details with us

    You said "Illegally recorded"? You got that right. Here in Sunny California they take such things serious.

    California Wiretapping Law

    California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632.


    If you are operating in California, you should always get the consent of all parties before recording any conversation that common sense tells you might be "private" or "confidential." In addition to subjecting you to criminal prosecution, violating the California wiretapping law can expose you to a civil lawsuit for damages by an injured party. See Cal. Penal Code § 637.2.
    You'd have to check on your own state's law, but I suspect you may have legal recourse if you want to take the time to pursue the matter.

    As for the email issue. I just wanted to confirm, you are saying that was your very own legitimate email address, but unused for many years?
    Can you say how you originally obtained such an address (maybe related to a specific job, part of your very public CV)?
    Any clue how it ended up on the cc list of a recent email?

    BTW, as a former OMF moderator I can vouch, you Mr Fouche, did NOT "take down" OMF.
    You did complain about administration issues (ie deleted/adulterated/moved posts & threads) that concerned us all.
    Some of this material you had contributed, and you were certainly within your rights to express concern.
    At the risk of going OT (solely to validate my point), IMO the mismanagement issues were major components to what killed that forum, not the complaints made by you and others. Enough said.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
    Attachment 1008

  9. #79
    Thanks to everyone who posted. Many of my duties as Hq. Liaison to the DoD industry required me to travel to or communicate with many military branches and a large number of defense contractors. Autovon phone and various net services were used to communicate. When I went in, in the late 60s, it was teletype, phone, and message courier.

    I've used MS Outlook since it came out. Every six months or so I save my .pst (address) file going back about 20 years. In short my email address list has well over two hundred names in it. I thought I was carbon copying the email to someone whose name started with a N. Just wasn't paying attention. I don't even know the password to the NSA account. My wife and I've been married going on 18 years and I'm pretty sure I haven't used that account since we've been married. Besides, what would I accomplish by sending an email to myself?

    As far as the law goes, I'm quite familiar with it. Every program I worked, I had to be familiar with the Contract, Statement of Work (SOW), the relevant specifications. and contract law. The internet law is still evolving. In the state it was recorded there is a 'two party consent' law which was violated. In the state it was uploaded, Mansfield MA, there is a two party requirement also, and aiding and abetting a violation of the law is the same as breaking the law. So slander, libel, malice, and copyright laws were broken. I'm fortunate that we have a well known family lawyer who used to be a Texas Rep. and he is a close friend of mine. I've been advised that my legal standing in these areas related to these specific violations of the law is sound. Thanks Ed.

  10. #80
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Ed, thanks for those comments.
    Now, in your earlier post you said David Hilton recorded over 2hr. of you without permission.

    Can you share with us how you know it was him, and not someone else?
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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