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Thread: End Game....Economic/Political Crisis

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by murmur View Post
    The Tea Party was born out of the opposition to Wall St Bailouts...Tarp to be exact.

    OWS also has a problem with Wall st obviously.Quote Murmur:"The Tea Party and the OWS are not really all that different".
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........

    I totally disagree with your assertion!! The "Tea Party" and the OWS are as different as is the night to day!!! There is no real similar comparison, neither foundationaly, nor in intent, nor in action. NOTHING to compare, except both involves groups of people. The OWS is an embarrassment to most Americans, and a lot of them have landed in jail, through the many weeks of their terrorizing the various communities. Acorn has done a good job of keeping the Occupiers going, but in many many cases the OCS has devastated many many small to medium businesses in the various Occupy areas, to include their having to lay-off employees. Yes, that sounds just great, right?? One of the sad things, is, many of the OCS people don't work anyway, so what do they care if somebody gets laid off??

    The laxness of the Mayor of New York is the only reason this Occupy crap was able to rise even to a false level of genuineness, that and the POTUS encouraging it, rather than condemning it for what it really is - a "get out and break the laws of our cities", with public defecation on car hoods, urinating everywhere, rapes, terrorizing small shop owners, making a mess or destroying public places, and on and on and on, and even to blocking various shipping processes.

    I say, that from an American values standpoint, The Tea Party should be given the Medal Of Honor (civilian equivalent), and the OWS needs to be pretty much jailed for their crimes, as they are being committed!!! Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani said he would have shut down the OWS right away!

    Can you not see how the Republocrats have divided and split this anger for there own agenda's?

    The real problem is the Federal Reserve....there would be no bailouts and Wall st would not have the power and influence over politics without the Federal Reserve backing them.

    Don't fall for the misdirection.

    Bush had Paulson...Obama has Geithner. Very little difference at all.

    Republicans and Democrats are still pushing what the elites want....and through the media shills they try to paint a picture that they are very different.

    But on the real the POLICE STATE America has and is becoming...they are no different.

    Look at the votes.....Patriotic Act...the recent NDAA....and tell me what's different?
    .................................................. .................................................. ..............
    Murmur, I am not going to post tit for tat. There is nothing you can say that can change what I know is the truth relative to the Occupy "crowd". However, my larger concerns are about the next POTUS election, and as I said in other posts, Ron Paul absolutely will not be my man for POTUS, unless, sadly to say, he is the last man standing. And nothing Ron Paul can say, or do, since he has really been running for POTUS since 1988 (which is 23 years about now) will change my mind about him either.

    Murmur, have you ever listened to Mark Levin, on talk radio? Don't know if you know him, but he does have a history with government, and really is a Constitutional lawyer. If you are interested his bio here:

    And if you might be interested, here is his website, where one can listened to his archived daily broadcasts.

    If you are looking for a liberal, then don't even go there. He is really a sharp knowledgeable guy. He tells it just like it is, on the radio, and in his books.

    Murmur, I do respect your opinions and thoughts., and we probably do agree on some things, but not on the lawlessness of OWS!

  2. #22
    I have listened to Levin....I used to be a Republican...but my eyes have been opened.

    There is really very little difference on matter of substance.

    Here is the irony.

    The Tea Party and OWS are protesting the exact same thing.

    But both groups hate each other because of old left right politics as usual......defined for them by the elites.

    Maybe some day you'll understand what my point is here.

    The rage against politicians was divided into two smaller groups instead of a larger ....third party group

    Republocrats no longer represent actual people....they represent the money that owns them.

    That's another thing the tea party and OWS agree on.

  3. #23
    Senior Member noot's Avatar
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    When the spot lights finally focus on ol' Ron and he starts to yammer his nonsense about Ludwig Von Mises and the Austrian School he'll fall off the cliff in a heartbeat. The truth is that as good as he is with his anti-war schtick his economics are ludicrously reactionary. He can't seem to remember that this is the 21st century, not the 18th. No religious zealotry concerning magical metals is gonna save the Empire. Any abstract concerning the decline and fall of Leviathan is better served by a study of Pax Romana than by a critique ex nihilo currency. Just sayin.
    "Toon, with an attitude like that I'm surprised you're not in jail". Brother Dankk

  4. #24
    I have lived through five recessions. I began my working life at an investment bank on Wall Street. I've been to more than one rodeo, lived in New England for ten years and was married to a woman who didn't like me. In short, I could be a tour guide in Hell.

    People predicted that the mortgage market would go bad as soon as Pres. Clinton began talking in the early 90's about how everyone should be able to buy a house. Some predicted it all in some detail. Even more remarkable to me, wiser heads predicted the course and trajectory of the European Union before it got off the ground and some of them even gave a pretty good timeline as to its demise.

    What very few have mentioned and what I have found to be absolutely true is that in good times or bad, here and elsewhere, the purpose and goal of government is to make sure that rich people don't lose any significant amount of money. Every action government takes in times of economic crisis is designed to protect position, wealth and power of the elite. The corollary is that the same people always, always pay for it all.

  5. #25
    Senior Member noot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    I have lived through five recessions. I began my working life at an investment bank on Wall Street. I've been to more than one rodeo, lived in New England for ten years and was married to a woman who didn't like me. In short, I could be a tour guide in Hell.

    People predicted that the mortgage market would go bad as soon as Pres. Clinton began talking in the early 90's about everyone should be able to buy a house. Some predicted it all in some detail. Even more remarkable to me, wiser heads predicted the course and trajectory of the European Union before it got off the ground and some of them even gave a pretty good timeline as to its demise.

    What very few have mentioned and what I have found to be absolutely true is that in good times or bad, here and elsewhere, the purpose and goal of government is to make sure that rich people don't lose any significant amount of money. Every action government takes in times of economic crisis is designed to protect position, wealth and power of the elite. The corollary is the same people always, always pay for it all.
    This ^^^
    "Toon, with an attitude like that I'm surprised you're not in jail". Brother Dankk

  6. #26
    I can't argue that.......

    But what I can argue is that OWS and the tea party have a lot in common.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by noot View Post

    When the spot lights finally focus on ol' Ron and he starts to yammer his nonsense about Ludwig Von Mises and the Austrian School he'll fall off the cliff in a heartbeat. The truth is that as good as he is with his anti-war schtick his economics are ludicrously reactionary. He can't seem to remember that this is the 21st century, not the 18th. No religious zealotry concerning magical metals is gonna save the Empire. Any abstract concerning the decline and fall of Leviathan is better served by a study of Pax Romana than by a critique ex nihilo currency. Just sayin.
    This isn't the Ron Paul thread

  8. #28
    Senior Member noot's Avatar
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    It is now.
    "Toon, with an attitude like that I'm surprised you're not in jail". Brother Dankk

  9. #29
    Senior Member noot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murmur View Post
    I can't argue that.......

    But what I can argue is that OWS and the tea party have a lot in common.
    There is a disturbing tenor of racism among the teabaggers. That in itself disqualifies them from serious consideration in my view. They're basically a reactionary, hateful bunch, think I.
    "Toon, with an attitude like that I'm surprised you're not in jail". Brother Dankk

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by noot View Post
    There is a disturbing tenor of racism among the teabaggers. That in itself disqualifies them from serious consideration in my view. They're basically a reactionary, hateful bunch, think I.

    That's a marginal that the media has defined for most of folks not paying attention.

    Fact is the Tea Party and OWS came into being because of outrage against politicians choosing to protect Wall st instead of average Americans.

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