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Thread: Climate Change why are we still even debating it?

  1. #161
    United Nations ? Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns . . .

    . . . and so it goes . . .

  2. #162
    Hi Epo, I can see there's some kind of logic to what these guys are saying - but it's a false premise.
    Finding failing climate predictions doesn't mean climate change is nonsense, it just means those certain predictions were wrong. Some of the ones they picked were ridiculous and never going to come true. So what?

    The major predictions have be largely correct we've seen a global rise in temperature...

    And accompanied by that longer periods, and more intense extreme weather events like droughts, hurricanes and flooding. And that's happening to such an extent that it's effecting pretty much anyone no matter where they live.
    It's freakishly warm again here in the UK this Autumn and it's been one of the wettest years on record. Globally, catastrophic floods, tropical storms and hurricanes have hardly been out of the news.

    Just because it scary that we could have *****ed up the planet because we are burning fossils fuels doesn't make it scaremongering. It's directly linked to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere - can't we just deal with it and move on?
    People don't understand the science and are dumb enough to think they can think whatever they want to think regardless of the real facts, unfortunately reality, as we all are too aware - kicks you in the butt.
    Last edited by Longeyes; 10-24-2024 at 02:33 PM.

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Hi Epo, I can see there's some kind of logic to what these guys are saying - but it's a false premise.
    Finding failing climate predictions doesn't mean climate change is nonsense, it just means those certain predictions were wrong. Some of the ones they picked were ridiculous and never going to come true. So what?

    The major predictions have be largely correct we've seen a global rise in temperature...

    And accompanied by that longer periods, and more intense extreme weather events like droughts, hurricanes and flooding. And that's happening to such an extent that it's effecting pretty much anyone no matter where they live.
    It's freakishly warm again here in the UK this Autumn and it's been one of the wettest years on record. Globally, catastrophic floods, tropical storms and hurricanes have hardly been out of the news.

    Just because it scary that we could have *****ed up the planet because we are burning fossils fuels doesn't make it scaremongering. It's directly linked to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere - can't we just deal with it and move on?
    People don't understand the science and are dumb enough to think they can think whatever they want to think regardless of the real facts, unfortunately reality, as we all are too aware - kicks you in the butt.
    There is little doubt that our climate is changing, I remain skeptical that much of it is caused by humans. How much carbon has to be reduced before plant life starts dying out.

    E-Z graphic . . .
    Last edited by epo333; 10-25-2024 at 04:23 PM.

  4. #164
    Odd thing happening along California's Pacific Coast.

    Some cultures consider the Oarfish as a Harbinger of Doom.

    Oarfish are deep sea creatures. One washing ashore is rare... But two of them? Is something is happening, and or about to happen. They claim it's due to changing climate. I'm not saying changing climate isn't the cause. What if it's a combo of climate change and something else? I'm keeping an open-mind.

    What if there is a shifting of the Pacific Tectonic Plates? Are sounds and vibrations driving Oarfish from their deep sea dwelling places? If true, are the sounds and vibrations a prelude to a major shifting of one or more of the Pacific Tectonic Plates? If there is shifting, what should we expect?

    A series of major earthquakes, and a series of Massive Tidal Waves...

    Probably not the Tectonic Plates or Underwater Volcanos... It's something to consider.

    Article at The Guardian, click here

    Second oarfish, mythical harbinger of doom, found washed up in California
    Roughly 10ft-long specimen discovered on Encinitas beach shortly after August discovery of the ?doomsday fish?

  5. #165

    Quotes from article:

    "The tundra, which is experiencing warming and increased wildfire, is now emitting more carbon that it stores, which will worsen climate change impacts," NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said in a press release. "This is yet one more sign, predicted by scientists, of the consequences of inadequately reducing fossil fuel pollution."
    The Arctic is warming faster than the global average for the 11th year in a row, according to the report card.

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