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Thread: Climate Change why are we still even debating it?

  1. #121

  2. #122
    Global temperatures for sept 2023 have broken many records, one climate scientist says they are 'Gobsmackingly Bananas' :/

  3. #123
    Yeah, I read that, too.

    It's October and they're having temperatures close to 40 degrees C in Spain...
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  4. #124
    Yep it's 23 degrees C in the UK :/

    Nice but scary

  5. #125
    So here is some reports for September.

    3.6K views 20 hours ago

  6. #126
    Permafrost frozen for tens of thousands of years is thawing. Bacteria, spores and viruses are emerging from suspended animation...

    "Zombie Viruses Are Waking Up After 50,000 Years as Planet Warms" article at Yahoo News, click here to read.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by CasperParks View Post
    Permafrost frozen for tens of thousands of years is thawing. Bacteria, spores and viruses are emerging from suspended animation...

    "Zombie Viruses Are Waking Up After 50,000 Years as Planet Warms" article at Yahoo News, click here to read.
    I recently saw a video clip of worms that were still alive after the permafrost thawed, after thousands of years.
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  8. #128
    So I think there are a few facts to be figured out before going Green by 2050!!!

    Hopefully you have 25 minutes to view this video . . .

  9. #129
    Hi Epo

    How stupid this guy? Don't know how he got a phd. This is why you shouldn't listen to 'experts' on the internet.
    He's equating reduced co2 emissions with reducing available power for industry?!?. No one is suggesting reducing the power available for countries that would be madness.
    All the power supplied by fossil fuels needs be changed for green energy sources, ie solar wind etc. Therefore there would be NO REDUCTION in available energy!

    On the cheapness of windfarms - yep they are still cheap. In the UK Sunak screwed the bids for the North Sea, there's been something like 10% inflation in the UK and the buy in tariffs were too low and didn't reflect the rising costs faced by the turbine producers. They same inflation would likewise affect building new power plants as well.
    Oil/gas industry has had huge subsides for years and massive tax breaks.

    If you look at the demographics of take up of wind and solar it is happening pretty fast because it is cheaper. Why is someone looking at a few article and seeing a few of companies going bankrupt evidence??

    Energy for renewables is intermittent I'll give him that that's why countries are backing up with nuclear. Another solution could surely be worked out? Molten salts? Pressured air? Nothings made it yet.

    What they need to do is release the free energy devices they cracked and then we'd have resources to reverse global warming

  10. #130
    Article at Science Alert: "Arctic Permafrost Hides Migrating Methane That Could Skyrocket Emissions" click to read...
    (Article date, December 14th 2023)

    As permafrost continues to thaw, a number of unknowns come to play.

    Something never before encountered by modern day humans?

    Types of gases that are unlike anything humans have seen?

    Is it possible that precious metals are discovered?

    Will humans add new elements to the periodic table of elements?

    Will ancient bacteria and viruses effect humanity?

    Will ancient bacteria and viruses effect plant-life, crops, insects, pets, live stock, wild life, and fish.

    Will gases, bacteria and viruses effect the soil, rain, snow, ice and water?

    Will thawed roots and seeds from unknown plants start sprouting?

    Will it alert the atmosphere?

    Scientific speculation is required. Speculations are possibilities that may or may not occur. Graft charts that reflect the probability of occurring would be helpful.

    A lot of unknowns...

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