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Thread: Climate Change why are we still even debating it?

  1. #11
    IMHO Climate change is a smoke screen… What need to focus on folks is our effect not on climate but the effect we have on the whole biosphere. In truth it is all connected.
    A volcano has no choice if it blows but we do have a choice as to whether we suck as a species or not. As far as I can see we have been pretty sucky so far.! {{{FAIL }}}

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by norenrad View Post
    " ...continuing to draw about half of the emitted CO2 back out of the atmosphere."
    Half not all, it also doesn't mean that the system isn't creaking or that CC isn't effecting the planet. Increased Co2 levels have lead to plants growing faster all around the world and the oceans are getting more acidic.
    How long are these changes mild and more importantly can we stop them before they get really serious.
    Last edited by Longeyes; 02-06-2014 at 11:36 PM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by whoknows View Post
    IMHO Climate change is a smoke screen… What need to focus on folks is our effect not on climate but the effect we have on the whole biosphere. In truth it is all connected.
    A volcano has no choice if it blows but we do have a choice as to whether we suck as a species or not. As far as I can see we have been pretty sucky so far.! {{{FAIL }}}
    I agree whoknows we are one of the most successful species this planet has created but at the moment at a great cost to the rest of the species we share this world with. All consumption needs to be balanced with nature.

  4. #14
    On the news today wettest winter in 250yrs in south of England. There's been one storm after another here, and I know it was the hot in Australia in 2013 the average temperature was 39 C for the whole continent for seven days. In the US that cold snap was weird.
    The field out the back of our property has been flooded for six weeks, last year it was twice for a week, the year before that not at all. That's not to say it's never flooded before that, but this year it is really extreme. The flood waters are rising and there are two more storms due in the next few days. It's going to be real close this time.

  5. #15
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    The increase in rain and snow are consistent with a warming climate, but so are clear skies and hot temperatures. The point we miss seeing is that the overall energy in the atmosphere is greater now than before. With the oceans acting as both a thermal and chemical sink the heat flow is diguised leaving us to think things are maybe not so bad. This increase in heat changes how some processes act and how things act. With these changes we really cannot predict how things will be evolving. We very well may osscilate between extremes in the processes with no real way to fight them.

    I am feeling that the best way to get rid of carbon in the atmosphere is to freeze it to dry ice, scavenge the oxygen and use the carbon to replace steel used in transportation, cars and planes, and in buildings which would be lighter, stronger, taller than those with steel. The net enrgy balance of this course would do more to bring carbon back into control than energy used to just pump it back into the ground and loose the oxygen in the process.

  6. #16
    I agree that there are always smarter and better ways to do things, but the people in charge want a quick fix that lines their pockets, screw everyone else. I also agree that we should have clean and renewable industrial processes, medicines without side effects and a general love for fellow human beings, but so long as political polarization makes money, we will always be slaves to the powers that be.
    This isn't poetry, this is the language of reality.

  7. #17
    Senior Member atmjjc's Avatar
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    This video is so weird.

    I have never seen anything like this.

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  8. #18

  9. #19
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    Flooding in England has broken records going back 250 years, and while a single event, taken together with similar events it speaks to the title of this thread, why is it still a debate?

  10. #20
    Senior Member atmjjc's Avatar
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    Here are a couple of debates, one hosted by John Stossel who is a Libertarian and the other by Pierre Morgan who is a Liberal.

    We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull.
    ~ George Orwell ‘1984’

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