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Thread: GCHQ, Snowden and 'dirty tricks'.

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  1. #1
    Administrator Lee's Avatar
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    GCHQ, Snowden and 'dirty tricks'.

    This week we finally get to see a (partially) UFO related document released from the so called Snowden Archive. (Leaked documents from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.) The papers have been published in full at "The Intercept", a website dedicated to Edward Snowden's controversial material.

    The document in question is a PowerPoint presentation from the UK Government Communication Headquarters' (GCHQ) formerly secret, Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) entitled; “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”

    Of particular interest to us here is the inclusion of three UFO images, unfortunately there is no explanation or related text due to the nature of the document (Powerpoint). However, given the subject matter of the presentation the inclusion of UFO images has some very intriguing implications.

    Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald writes: "Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that."

    Read the article and the complete document at the links below:

    Direct link to the complete GCHQ PowerPoint presentation:
    The OutPost Forum - "Breaking the Boundaries of Science, Exploring the Frontier of Understanding"

  2. #2
    Outstanding topic.

    Having majored in Psy, and a background in military...this powerpoint has Central Intelligence written all over it. It uses the exact implications as described in the graphs throughout the powerpoint to focus on the reader at an individual level. I can also see the layout of how it is presented. At first, if in chronological order, certain subtle references are given to manipulate the mind to focus on "one". Then, it moves to group, then community...and so forth until it reads on a global scale. I can tell that there have been some slides removed, but following the pattern...those ufo pics are right were they should be.
    I just have a few ideas to bounce off anyone willing...
    *In reference to the top of the slides. (Ref to USA FVEY) What is FVEY?
    It also appears across this document about the NSA for "Bullrun"

    *Im interested to know what the 3 distinct references on pg 16 are in reference to. More info on these individuals is needed...
    As well as the tank photo with soldiers. (I believe this is a doctored photo that these internet magicians use.)

    *False flag= 9-11? (BTW, the reference to classified declassification is completely accurate. 25...50...70 yrs kind of thing.)

    *My last perplexity...Looong story short. In reference to pg 49. Certain operations require certain lvls of clearance...when "one" goes through "top secret" clearance...its a very demanding process. The 25 remaining, were separated into 2 groups. "One" did not have a code stamp in the top right he stood to the left. His friend "two" had Operation Blowtorch stamped in the corner. There were 4...that's it. They left, never said anything about it again. Seeing how this fits the sort of time frame as early 2013, I'm wondering if there's relevance. ("Ones" lvl was pretty high, so "two's topped that apparently.) Googling this...I find nothing. which fits...

    Thanks for your info.

    \ \/ /
    project-maji forum

  3. #3
    I read this yesterday, but it wasn't in the right spot. Now a day later, you've made a thread about it. Lol.

    p.s. I understand that it is an inflatable tank...just throwing that out there.
    Last edited by Pandora'sParadox; 02-28-2014 at 12:18 AM.
    project-maji forum

  4. #4


    and... Snowden points out that the E.T.s have been in Nevada, helping our tech.

    Where is the one place on Earth were the USAF trains drone pilots?

    project-maji forum

  5. #5
    Would love to hear the lecture that went with it.
    Appears a very well thought out and researched presentation.
    Is one of the UFO photos genuine the other two fake? One is certainly a bird.

    I hope Snowden had access to some of the better stuff. But fear it'll be the last thing he releases; he needs to hold something back to remain safe. Hasn't he stashed copies with people so if he's killed they will release all?
    Last edited by Longeyes; 02-28-2014 at 12:22 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Would love to hear the lecture that went with it.
    Appears a very well thought out and researched presentation.
    Is one of the UFO photos genuine the other two fake? One is certainly a bird.

    I hope Snowden had access to some of the better stuff. But fear it'll be the last thing he releases; he needs to hold something back to remain safe. Hasn't he stashed copies with people so if he's killed they will release all?
    The one that looks bird-like also looks like an object in a video that Gordon Novell was showing people on a laptop he was carrying around at one of the first Crash Retrieval Conferences I attended in Las Vegas. I was still smoking back then and Gordon and I bumped into each other a few times in the little smoking area outside the conference hall. We began recognize each other, share a light or a smoke and we began to talk. I believe he said it was either a crashed saucer that had been repaired and test flown or a back-engineered duplicate of a crashed saucer. At the time he was raising funds for a group that was planning build a replica of a saucer like that for research and sales. He was a fascinating guy, always neatly dressed in a light-colored suit and tie, spoke quietly and although he was slight in stature he looked like a very tough fellow indeed under that suit.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Would love to hear the lecture that went with it.
    Appears a very well thought out and researched presentation.
    Is one of the UFO photos genuine the other two fake? One is certainly a bird.

    I hope Snowden had access to some of the better stuff. But fear it'll be the last thing he releases; he needs to hold something back to remain safe. Hasn't he stashed copies with people so if he's killed they will release all?
    The seagull poo one has been widely discounted. The balloon video still is from Arturo Robles Gil who if you google him has had many encounters with these objects! The other picture is Dean Morgan UFO, never seen an answer either way.

    Does this mean that the lecture was about the misidentification of objects or hoaxing?

  8. #8
    Administrator Lee's Avatar
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    Thanks, PC. Hadn't seen your post.

    I don't think the lecture was about identifying hoaxes, given the subject matter and context. That section could have been about perception and information management perhaps?
    The OutPost Forum - "Breaking the Boundaries of Science, Exploring the Frontier of Understanding"

  9. #9
    Administrator Lee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Would love to hear the lecture that went with it.
    Appears a very well thought out and researched presentation.
    Is one of the UFO photos genuine the other two fake? One is certainly a bird.

    I hope Snowden had access to some of the better stuff. But fear it'll be the last thing he releases; he needs to hold something back to remain safe. Hasn't he stashed copies with people so if he's killed they will release all?
    I'd like to have heard the lecture too. ; )

    As for the photos, I suspect they're all public domain and agree that the last one is a bird in flight, in fact I think we might have covered it at OMF. Next stage is to identify the source of those images, the first has a date and location, the second is obviously stills from a video and has a name so it shouldn't be difficult. (I almost expected to see the cali drones in there... )

    As for the documents themselves, my understanding is that they are in the possession of journalists and it is them, not Snowden that are responsible for their publication.
    The OutPost Forum - "Breaking the Boundaries of Science, Exploring the Frontier of Understanding"

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    I'd like to have heard the lecture too. ; )

    As for the photos, I suspect they're all public domain and agree that the last one is a bird in flight, in fact I think we might have covered it at OMF.

    Ah yes wasn't it a Cornish seagull?. Will have a dig tonight.

    The presentation seems to be aimed at taking out or destroying, groups or individuals. How belief systems work and how easy they are to undermine.
    Magicians and how to hide stuff in the open if you look like the surroundings are expected to be there. Lots of ufo photos like the seagull people go ' I never saw anything then' because a seagull would be a natural part of the scenery.

    That maybe why a couple of the photos were used?

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