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Thread: The Saturn-Alien Connection

  1. #11
    That was a really interesting video.

    David Icke covers the Saturn connection in his latest book.Much of his information there correlates with what's shown in the video.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by epo333 View Post
    Here is some possibilities ...


    In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields. Part of this revelation came about from Tesla’s experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere. Tesla’s simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects. But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel.

    Attachment 1208

    ... etc. etc. ...

    Last but not least...
    I had always joked how the moon was an "interstellar rest-stop"...sort of like a jump point. LoL
    project-maji forum

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by EighthSphere1 View Post
    That was a really interesting video.

    David Icke covers the Saturn connection in his latest book.Much of his information there correlates with what's shown in the video.
    ...Why do I keep seeing stuff saying, "David Icke was right"??? LoL
    project-maji forum

  4. #14
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CasperParks View Post
    Nikola Tesla was denied credit for many of his accomplishments. I suspect part of it, his unwillingness to bow to big money, corporations and the government. In recent decades, more and more people are learning the truth of where credit lays for a number of inventions.
    I think you need to restudy Tesla's history. Tesla was screwed by his first employer and ripped off for his discoveries during his employment: that employer Thomas A. Edison and company. When Tesla broke out on his own he got involved with J.P. Morgan and Westinghouse and they too screwed him over in several ways on several critical patents. Tesla never did quite get himself funded in such a way as to empower his place as the premier inventor and theoretician that he was. If there is one underlying fault with capitalism it is what happens to inventors like Tesla at the hands of pirates like J.P. Morgan, et al.

  5. #15

    Thanks for posting that Vid Clip I for one after watching 'Michael's Eyebrows' will never doubt 'Star-Gates'. I do also believe that as Tesla himself stated that he was in fact from Venus. We are used to immigration here in the UK and Tesla to me at least has many similar traits to other Venusians.

    I wonder how the gates are operated, the process and procedure involved. We would know right away if it were us in the future installing any such facility with the words "Please insert coins" and "Methods of Payment". Do our intergalactic brothers and sisters from afar suffer waiting at the 'Toll Booth'? Imagine having to extend the journey by many light-years just to avoid payment at Pluto.

    I for sure will keep my Oyster Card topped up!

    Kind regards,


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by lux aurea in obscuro View Post

    Thanks for posting that Vid Clip I for one after watching 'Michael's Eyebrows' will never doubt 'Star-Gates'. I do also believe that as Tesla himself stated that he was in fact from Venus. We are used to immigration here in the UK and Tesla to me at least has many similar traits to other Venusians.

    I wonder how the gates are operated, the process and procedure involved. We would know right away if it were us in the future installing any such facility with the words "Please insert coins" and "Methods of Payment". Do our intergalactic brothers and sisters from afar suffer waiting at the 'Toll Booth'? Imagine having to extend the journey by many light-years just to avoid payment at Pluto.

    I for sure will keep my Oyster Card topped up!

    Kind regards,

    Your welcome!

    Though I can't speak much on 'Michael's Eyebrows', I could point out the many inventions of Gene Roddenberry's StarTrek have materialized in our time. Transporters and Star Gates are very likely in our future...

  7. #17
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    "I could point out the many inventions of Gene Roddenberry's StarTrek have materialized in our time." Gene Roddenberry regularly consulted with people at RAND Corporation. RAND did a lot of consulting on "Black Projects", it is possible that some of the "Star Trekky" ideas were from back engineering recoveries of alien artifacts.

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