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Thread: The Underground: The True Story of A Hidden Reality

  1. #1
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    The Underground: The True Story of A Hidden Reality

    Some very compelling information here. I recommend a full watch on this. Heck I'm not even finished yet. about 20 mins to go in this video and up to this part it's been "interesting"


  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    Minneapolis. Minnesota
    I had a close friend who's brother-in-law was a geologist who specialized in subterranean problems in tunneling. He always told my friend in the most careful terms the kind of work he was doing, but kept details at a minimum to actual digging. He worked mostly in Montana, doing something very secret. All mail to the brother-in-law was routed through Los Alamos National Labs in New Mexico, and he believed it was read and censored when necessary. When I gave my friend a book on underground bases and tunneling between them. The brother-in-law when asked about them, gave him a stare and said sternly, "I cannot talk about that".

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