If you are ever going to watch anything in your life. I will tell you right now. There is tons of information here. Enjoy. Take it or leave. Do as you will. I will tell you this though. All of these video's build upon each other, as in there is a correlation of information being related back to with each video.
P.S. Yes, I've seen it all with the exception of part 6 series. I haven't come back to this series in a while and I didn't realize he came out with the Part 6's. I'm just posting it all here now for everyone to view.
P.S.S. This series as a whole could be posted in various other strings, but since it starts out with Esoteric information and consciousness in the first Video. I posted it here in this first. It covers much more than what this string covers.
Ancient Knowledge Pt.1: Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality
Ancient Knowledge Pt.2 Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God
Ancient Knowledge Pt.3 Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines (Earth's Energy Grid)
Ancient Knowledge Pt.4 The Real Secret Of How The Pyramids Were Built & Coral Castle
to be cont.......
*Note: I can only put 4 video's per post and per rules/set up of the forum. Please continue to each successive post.
** I have listed all videos as individual postings. There will be an all inclusive video that has the whole series from start to finish on the last Post of this video series.