Bryan Tew of the University of Liverpool writes via Facebook:
Why it is Necessary for RNM Mind Control to Exist and How It Works.
Mind Control technology began in the 1960’s during the Cold War and was used on unwitting citizens for non-consensual experimentation for the purpose of research and development, such as the infamous MKUltra programs run by the American CIA. The horror of what was happening was discovered and the program was allegedly shut down in the 1970’s, which we now know is a lie.
Neuroscience is essentially the study of the human mind and central nervous system. It has now been weaponized by the CIa and Department of Defense using Directed Energy Weapons and nano-scale devices.
The human body is a ‘Vibratory Organism’. It is an ‘Electromagnetic Organism’ and, as such, each organ of the body ‘VIBRATES’ at a different frequency of electromagnetic energy. By varying the frequency and intensity of each beam of energy, CIA NSA operatives can manipulate each region and organ of the human anatomy.
Everything started in the 1960’s with the Spanish scientist, Dr. Jose Delgado, who conducted his famous ‘bull experiment’ by implanting an electrode in the brain of one of these animals. Dr. Delgado agitated the bull until it became angry and began to attack, while at the same time standing motionless in front of the bull. When the bull would charge at him, Dr. Delgado had a remote control device in his hand that he would push causing the bull to come to a complete stop and then spin around in circles.
The CIA later hired Dr. Jose Delgado, and other pioneers in the field, such as the notable neuroscientist from Norway, Dr Jacobson.
At that time, non-consensual experimentations on human beings began to occur under the guise of black ops covert weapon testing programs, for which there was no accountability, transparency or oversight, and this continues to our present day in the 21st century.
The CIA DoD paradigm has perfected the manipulation of the human body’s five senses: sight, touch, taste, hearing, smell. Now they are attempting to perfect and implement a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) regime founded not on older methods of mathematical equations known as ‘If & Then’ algorithms, but on a new AI regime based on a ‘REVERSE ENGINEERING’ of the Human Mind
[I am being hit with directed energy right now to disrupt this paper].
One of the products of this new technology is the field of ‘SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY’ invented and developed by my friend, former CIA and DoD scientist, Dr. Robert Duncan., whose conscience got the better of him after he realized what they were doing to innocent Americans with this technology. he walked away from the CIA, blew the whistle on the covert program, and exposed it to the world.
With this new technology, the CIA & NSA are able to read your thoughts, see through your eyes, and maintain a direct conversation with your mind.
CIA & NSA operatives can induce directly into your brain, both visual images and auditory sequences, such as voice to skull (V2K).
The British and other European countries are heavily involved in this new weapons program, developed for the purpose of controlling the masses via ‘Censorship’., ‘Memory Management’ and ‘Direct Behavioral Control’ all of which is now possible by what is known as Nano-Technology.
A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter and these microbic composite materials are so small they can only be seen with a special microscope. On average, these microbic composite materials are around 50 nanometers in size. they interact through streams of photons (directed energy flashing) and can speak to and decode the neurotransmitters in your brain.
As such we are now able to digitally communicate with the human mind via a brain to computer interface or an electronic brain to brain interface.
With advances in medicine, chemistry, engineering, and other disciplines, Neuroscience now includes the study of Cellular, Molecular, Structural, Functional and Evolutionary development of the human mind and central nervous system.
From molecular and cellular studies of individual nerve cell,to sensory imaging and basic motor tasks of the human brain, Neuroscience is no longer just a field of medicine. It has crossed the threshold of medical science and is now a chief weapons platform used by many of the national security agencies of the world.
The ability to decipher the human mind has expanded exponentially in this our 21st century and has now forever altered evolution and society as we know it. They have imposed their diabolical plans into what is most important in our society Freedom to Choose and the Human Will. They can now completely control the mind.
[Now they have switched tactics on me and are hammering me with delta wave to make me drowsy so I will make mistakes in typing this up].
Of course, controlling the human mind becomes more difficult when the Targeted Individual is aware of their schemes, but there are probably hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been exposed to this technology that are unable to determine that they are being controlled in this way.
Again, CIA and Department of Defense are seeking to achieve three things with this technology: ‘Censorship’, ‘Memory Management’ and ‘Direct Behavioral Control’. These three are the holy grail of all mind control technologies.
CNN recently reported that within 5-10 years we will be able to remotely (Keyword: ‘REMOTELY’) modify our behavior with this technology. Not then, but it is happening right now.