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Thread: Unmasking the disinformers

  1. #1

    Unmasking the disinformers

    Joseph Burkes posted this on Facebook:

    Unmasking the Disinformers” by Ralph Steiner

    A UFO investigative reporter’s odyssey into the bizarre world of orchestrated deception by psychological warfare agents. My long term friend Ralph Steiner was drawn into an elaborate hoax in which he was supplied with disinformation. He states that,
    “If I had gone public with my “findings” at the time, my credibility as a journalist would have been destroyed, my carreer as a producer ruined, my marriage and family demolished, my friendships cancelled. I would have gained a reputation for insanity…Unwittingly, I would have become one of the disinformers.”

    For the full report:
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    Joseph Burkes posted this on Facebook:

    Unmasking the Disinformers” by Ralph Steiner

    A UFO investigative reporter’s odyssey into the bizarre world of orchestrated deception by psychological warfare agents. My long term friend Ralph Steiner was drawn into an elaborate hoax in which he was supplied with disinformation. He states that,
    “If I had gone public with my “findings” at the time, my credibility as a journalist would have been destroyed, my carreer as a producer ruined, my marriage and family demolished, my friendships cancelled. I would have gained a reputation for insanity…Unwittingly, I would have become one of the disinformers.”

    For the full report:
    Personal opinion only,

    It sounds like there are details being left out or passed over very lightly in this guys account. When I thought he would elaborate on something specific, he is very vague instead. Yet on other details that are supporting his stance and view, he goes into details that aren't that necessary. (IMO)

    I think there was more happening than meets the eye from the parts he seems to give vague details about. Perhaps he was embarrassed about it and thought to minimize the most important aspects?

    From my view, there is a larger story in this account that gets lost in the translation. Multiple Personality Disorder doesn't induce psychic activity. While it could have been government sanctioned discrediting attempts...(discrediting against what? Again, details of side projects left out) looks like the story is legit in the sense that he was being roped in.

    I differ though that he really understands what was playing out in the background. I think he just put forward his best interpretation and what he thought was going on based on what little he did know.


    I have heard of the drugging techniques (ET source) that woman experienced. The side effects seem about right. I doubt she got to her destination unaided. I wasn't surprised and half expected she'd have MPD (or similar) side effects because she sounds like a by-product of a (IMO real) ongoing intervention. (Of the more shady kind)

    To me at least, the case doesn't sound like a simple crazy couple + 1 friend. The added psychic phenomena just added perspective on the method of delivery and is pretty much what you'd expect after hearing about it in conversations. I can't say the case sounds unfamiliar because I have heard of things like this through the ET. Stuff that was said to mostly be employed by human groups.

    It was said that those "types" specifically had "complex treatments". One thing I specifically remember still was of those "types" in human projects being able to perceived a series of full fledged events/scenarios despite the fact that they'd never actually interact with anything.

    (It was a complicated expression that I won't do much justice in English. If you'd imagine someone being handled in such a way that you could trigger a strong suggestion, the individual was supposedly said to turn around and experience the memories and vividness as if they had just lived through the scenario.)

    (Side note: Another unrelated conversation with the ET revealed that one of the injections given to "victims" were used by human groups for the purposes of ~programing~ details. I don't recall all the details but what I still do recall was that it was said that one type of injection puts the person into a chemically induced state that makes them emerge with a co-operant personality (my paraphrased wording of the expression). Allegedly the victim then responds interactively with the [human] person guiding them into the scenario. They weren't more specific than that about that point. But it basically put the idea into your head that altered states could be used that way.)

    Since the woman suffered "a disappearance" and the memory loss of what happened, + suffers from diagnosed MPD, well you kinda see why I am not too surprised.


    The ET version is supposedly different in that I still remember one shady ET's once mentioned in a different story altogether about a person who went through "handling" and could be infused with motivations/suggestion without the aid of drugging. Basically a project one ET stated was about how they could intervene remotely (psychically) and turn individuals on a dime.

    From the way the story goes I doubt they are too stable. The few things I still remember was that the individual could only be influenced (motivated as they called it) via psychic activity. (Another whole story surrounding that shady ET by the way that went into different areas about that)

    It makes me personally wonder if the reason they [the couple] got up "to go supposedly check for surveillance" in the restaurant wasn't actually like some sort of event where they walked away to be "motivated" in a different direction. Maybe I am overthinking it.


    Either way, the psychic ability the woman displayed and the reporter encountered is not something found in a cereal box of a lucky box of charms.

    I imagine perhaps this couple + friend got victimized from a joint terrestrial and extra-terrestrial activity exercise that messes with people? The scenario sure fits what I have heard of before.

    He is pretty lucky he is still in good health after just witnessing the womans abilities and writing about it. If he is as clueless as he appears, then perhaps that is a good thing.

    At least he actually noticed the electronics at his place going all wonky due to his own resulting psychic field. He probably never thought to ask himself how she targeted him from...47 miles away. <smirk> There is alot behind that story.


    I kinda laughed internally when he wrote this part:

    On the other hand, some of the main witnesses’ harrowing experiences may also be genuine, raising frightening possibilities that some “abductees” are subjects of callous experimentation by agencies unknown, as well as perhaps, even true alien lifeforms. The juries on this and other complex cases like it are still out. Thorough follow-ups are needed.

    Was I deliberately singled out for “targeting”? Not until I initially responded to the “bait” and stayed “on the hook.” The important point to remember is that the target could have been anyone.

    The disruptive aspects of this case not only affected my immediate relationships and contacts, but later appeared to impact upon witnesses and researchers hundreds of miles away from me. The affected locale happens to be the site of my most sensitive research. This suggests a possible far-flung operation with intelligence support networks and financing
    Last edited by Fore; 08-14-2014 at 02:15 PM.
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  3. #3
    LOL this really becomes sort of a circular thought puzzle to me.

    Is the disinformed so far removed from the disinformer? The lack of hard fact makes these kinds of hypothesis just so much more obfuscation.

    IMO it is not helpful.

  4. #4
    I think people won't know much of anything unless they know the real underlying story. That isn't really present and won't ever likely be. We only have one perspective to look at things from and that person has come to a nebulous decision that it was some kind of 3 letter agency + financial wherewithal and disinformation agents.


    If you come at it from a fresh enough angle I am pretty sure it would look like thought puzzle. I noticed he seemed pretty confused about the motive.

    I don't imagine (based on the ones guys perspective and his assumptions about what is going on) that you could tie a bow tie around it with a simple conclusion. All I do know is I have heard of projects like it from before now. All the elements match what you'd expect to find if you have heard of it before.

    So I personally think the woman (which seems to be the focus) her man, and the additional element of the guy who looks like he has intelligence background (??) all seem to be an extension of something a bit more hidden. Events whose surface elements are exposed but which aren't fully appreciated by the main observer (the guy reporting the incident).

    As far as I am concerned based on the story the primary dis-informers aren't actually being witnessed first hand. All I took from it are there are a collection of victims of such a scenario playing out in front of one guy with a background in the UFO field. The couple, + the "intel guy" seem to be caught up in some activity.

    Activity which includes:

    --Open Psychic activity.
    --Obfuscation of victims real past vs the proposed past.
    --"Anomalous"/Aberrant behaviors in the victims.
    --The focus being on some UFO researcher.

    I'd also point out that the target (the guy recounting the story) wasn't a chosen target as the woman called a large number of people before she ended up with the guy researching this. So this doesn't appear to be directed at any specific person. We only know the woman claimed she was visited by a Grey (or any X number of alleged entities).


    The mentally deranged trio the man encountered, at the very least, don't seem to be able to distinguish from real events vs [what I assume are] implanted ones. I assume psychic interfacing was the method employed to inculcate the scenarios in these people. Am I surprised that after spending time with the couple that the man developed side-symptoms of psychic activity? No. Kinda surprised he even mentioned it.

    I am also not too surprised the woman's condition started deteriorating after June 6th. What I am surprised about is that she didn't die in the process.


    I look at it and I saw something. Who knows if it is what I think it is.

    The couple + the guy might just be some Grey's mental play thing. All that is obvious is that the couple + the extra seem to be mentally unstable or under the influence of some third party which is suspected but never actually seen.

    It seems like what I'd expect out of these incidents.
    Last edited by Fore; 08-15-2014 at 01:52 AM.
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

  5. #5
    there's the who knows factor again, and really my point.

    Hard fact has been hard to come by ever since...

    I mean I have had some very strange experiences my self, but, can not to this day say that what I experienced was real. Have to say I have a most amazing dream life compared to what I hear others speak of.

    And, all that I experienced happened before I ever experimented with hallucinogenic substance, I can tell you that after I experienced hallucinogenics I became aware of the brains capability to create the most amazing things. I also have to say some people I have encountered have had the capacity to get really caught up in their own imaginings and that without the help of hallucinogens! Funny thing, me not so much after having been "experienced" as some would say. Some time I think maybe I have become too pragmatic, on the other hand, thinking outside the box isn't such a bad thing, other than being a rather hackneyed phrase.

    Can I or would I ever say there is no reality in any of these stories, no, absolutely not

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by whoknows View Post
    there's the who knows factor again, and really my point.

    Hard fact has been hard to come by ever since...

    I mean I have had some very strange experiences my self, but, can not to this day say that what I experienced was real. Have to say I have a most amazing dream life compared to what I hear others speak of.

    And, all that I experienced happened before I ever experimented with hallucinogenic substance, I can tell you that after I experienced hallucinogenics I became aware of the brains capability to create the most amazing things. I also have to say some people I have encountered have had the capacity to get really caught up in their own imaginings and that without the help of hallucinogens! Funny thing, me not so much after having been "experienced" as some would say. Some time I think maybe I have become too pragmatic, on the other hand, thinking outside the box isn't such a bad thing, other than being a rather hackneyed phrase.

    Can I or would I ever say there is no reality in any of these stories, no, absolutely not
    The perverse thing about the ["hypothetical"] situations on the first post account is that even if it were real, there is [a very convenient] condition where never fully knowing is never crossed.

    So alot of things can happen in these cases, people may even recognize it upon hearing of the account, but it is never quite accepted widely. Since I have seen (and know of) things like the story because I have done segments of it to others, it makes alot of sense to me. Though, it never really stops surprising me how events like these are self-concealing and self-healing. The psyche and reasoning of the average person makes it strangely possible.

    Without the common shared experience on a national or international scale or some event that reaches a sort of critical mass of systemic belief, it seems that society can absorb and hide these types of cases right out in the open.


    Right now there was a movie released called "Lucy" which puts on air a backdrop of supernatural abilities that increase in the course of a day. The continuum of abilities the fictional woman displayed (to me) were more familiar than I'd care to admit. What I found mostly entertaining was the real life parallels and bits and piece segments that you'd find in a real ET case. Everything before 28% in the movie was pretty much your standard psychic ET.

    As the character reached 40%~60% you could just really smile as if someone had made an interesting "work of fiction" based on something no normal human being would ever get to see. It reminded me of so many stories and conversations and the thoughts and memories shared of some of those ET. People who I had never gotten to meet in person but did hear plenty of bizarre stories about.

    The type of ET's who move beyond just psychic activity and moved on to levels where they can actually manipulate physics to a more profound degree. I have heard of accounts on the net where these types were witnessed but the recountings are rather vague.


    I doubt this particular case is all that unique.

    What I really find interesting above all else are the reactions people have when exposed to stories/accounts like these. What happens next when "it's time"? And how does anyone cover up all these loose threads that leak out when people are more predisposed to believing in such things?

    I mean if one UFO researcher guy was [supposedly] nearly compromised when some mentally unstable by-products got going. What does it actually look like when someone actually tries to do this the right way? Can a UFO researcher hold their ground when and if they get the full workup?

    How many are compromised right now in different ways? [With the exception of Dr. Greer, cause' you know he is totally [willfully] compromised.]

    I recall Burisch and whats his name...Lazaar?...were abducted or forcibly injected at some location. Both seem to have missing time and therefore are compromised. [IMO]
    For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous

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