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Thread: Introduce Yourself

  1. #111
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Here, not there
    Quote Originally Posted by shmush View Post
    Oh Chris and Doc...I remember talking via skype 5 years ago, those were the good ole days of Serpo. I am super confused though what happened, if one or both of you could PM me, it would be much appreciated. Anyway, I like the new digs guys.
    Hey shmush! Welcome to TOP!

    Give me a ping on Skype over the w/e.

  2. #112
    Hi Shmush, good to see you. Glad your still around. How the business going?
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"
    Sherlock Holmes

  3. #113
    Junior Member orangekea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The Netherlands
    Hello, new girl here. Well, actually I stepped straight in from OM, thinking this new site must come with with an experienced team . I've been interested in the UFO subject for many decades, and an active reader/poster on several UFO websites. I'm looking forward to meeting you guys, and learning your points of view.


  4. #114
    Hello orangekea, welcome the Outpost! It sounds as if you have some good background in some of the primary areas here, so, join right in with the discussions. We can all learn together!

  5. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by orangekea View Post
    Hello, new girl here. Well, actually I stepped straight in from OM, thinking this new site must come with with an experienced team . I've been interested in the UFO subject for many decades, and an active reader/poster on several UFO websites. I'm looking forward to meeting you guys, and learning your points of view.

    Welcome aboard, orangekea.

    We're looking forward to your contributions as well!
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  6. #116
    My name is justin. I seen 2 or maybe even 3 things in my life that I consider interesting. Not proof of anything and probably most likely just fantasy. Regardless it was enough to get me interested in the subject matter specifically to find authentic information. I'm big on creation... in my own little world so some times I just use it to fuel my thoughts as well. Thanks for havin me.

  7. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by VKTD View Post
    My name is justin. I seen 2 or maybe even 3 things in my life that I consider interesting. Not proof of anything and probably most likely just fantasy. Regardless it was enough to get me interested in the subject matter specifically to find authentic information. I'm big on creation... in my own little world so some times I just use it to fuel my thoughts as well. Thanks for havin me.
    Hi Justin, welcome aboard.

    Would you care to elaborate on those 'interesting things' you've seen?
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  8. #118
    Hi and welcome, Justin. Please do tell us more about your experiences or find a conversation that interests you and jump right in.

  9. #119
    One time I saw a beam of light come down from what seemed like a star, on me and my brother and then that same star took off real quick faster and further than any ship we would know of (Southern ON. - about 10 -12 years ago). Of course my brother doesn't remember that incident, he only remembers seeing red lightning that night ... which I don't remember at all.

    The other was when I was a teen a green comet passed over my head as I waiting for the bus (Ottawa ON. about 20 years ago). My buddy who was with me doesn't remember this (Even recently after the event and we both looked and marvelled at it). The funny thing was at that moment I was approached by a lady who claimed to be with an astronomical society, who wanted to confirm what we saw. I just thought that the timing was interesting that she happen to be their as we see a comet at the bus stop.

    I also had one incident of lost time while driving a car with a female acquaintance. What struck me most about the lost time incident was the cerebreal lead up to it. Everything seemed to be pointing up - the road signs, the bridge, everything, and then the next thing I remember we were about 25 KMS off course on the other side of fort erie.

    Again only interesting things that are - PROBABLY just fantasy more than real or related to UFO's but ... it is still what makes me interested in the subject. Their are other incidents that make me interested but these three stand out the most. Thanks for asking and providing a forum to answer.
    Last edited by VKTD; 12-22-2011 at 04:14 AM.
    Activate the bio-psychic implants

  10. #120
    Hi Justin / VKTD,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    And, yes, experiences like that are what puts people on this path.

    Did you ever consider trying to find out what happened during that missing time episode?
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

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