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Thread: Introduce Yourself

  1. #121
    I didn't try to overtly find out what happenned. It was probably not ET related, but of course when I hear about lost time that is ET related I instinctively relate to it and figure this is intreresting enough and read or watch some more. I wouldn't be a good candidate for hypnosis or anything because my mind would probably fill in the blanks with fantasy and I've read too much on the subject.
    Activate the bio-psychic implants

  2. #122
    It sounds like an interesting story. I had a missing time experience while traveling in Connecticut a long time ago. At the time I thought it was probably Highway Hypnosis but I always have wondered what that was actually all about.

  3. #123
    A big "howdy" from the heart of the ozarks ! Good to see familiar people here !

  4. #124
    Administrator Lee's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    North West, UK
    Welcome to The OutPost, touched!
    The OutPost Forum - "Breaking the Boundaries of Science, Exploring the Frontier of Understanding"

  5. #125
    Thank you for the welcome Lee !

    It is a pleasure being here . In the future Ill most likely be discussing some "activity", both current, and a gray "visit" which took place here in Southwest Mo. about 11 years ago.

    Though some here may have heard about this before in a couple other places , there are updates to be made and memories still unfolding.

    I have also recently witnessed a disappearing triangle, 2 orange orbs during the Oct. 2011 ufo Missouri "flap" , and several years ago 2 of us saw a mind blowing ufo in the constellation of Perseus. I look forward to sharing these and more in the near future .

  6. #126
    Welcome, touched. I look forward to reading about those events and sightings soon!

  7. #127
    Hey All, The last train I was on didn't seem to be stopping at any stations I wanted to see. So I had an honourable sepuku and headed here.

  8. #128
    Hi guys

    I know nothing. I am nothing. I am an insignificant worm. I've never seen a UFO either. But I retain an open mind.

    I was a member of OMF, briefly. I'm intrigued by what Ed Fouché has to say.

  9. #129
    Senior Member newyorklily's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Outpost, Problem Child!
    Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
    "Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010

  10. #130
    Senior Member newyorklily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Hi guys

    I know nothing. I am nothing. I am an insignificant worm. I've never seen a UFO either. But I retain an open mind.

    I was a member of OMF, briefly. I'm intrigued by what Ed Fouché has to say.
    Hi GMan! Welcome to the Outpost!
    Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
    "Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010

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