Make sense so far? First of all, you just have to "experience" the reflections and projections of the 4th dimension to understand what I am talking about. If you argue with me, that is only because you are arguing with information from INSIDE the 3 dimensional BOX. Stop looking at holograms like this from a 3D physics perspective. Those holograms are just like the poor man's copy of 4D see?
With 3D holograms, you project light onto something. Remember the "tree" example? They are ALL 2 dimensional planes...but at different depths....your brain puts ALL of there INDIVIDUAL reflections (they being leaves, branches, etc.) at their different depths from you TOGETHER. Well.....3D holograms just mimic this by creating WAVEFORMS that TRICK your brain into perceiving DEPTH..interference patterns. However, 4D projections are different. If you shine a flashlight onto a wall, you see the "circle"...the 2D reflection, right? You shine 3D light onto the wall and get a 2D reflection. However, if you shine a 4D light onto the 3rd dimension, you do not get a circle. What do you get? Yup....a SPHERE. This would explain people seeing "orbs" and such. "Orbs" are no different than a flashlight on a wall. It is just that you can not perceive the plane REFLECTING that light BECAUSE you exist INSIDE that very plane. However, you see the can't see the source. When you SEE this with your OWN will start to understand. No 3rd dimensional "critical thinking" will touch it...and it is quite humerous. No "physics" book can show you. It can possibly describe it, like I am here, but it can't SHOW you. Because the projections are 3D, they look quite real. In fact, yes, you can project a "movie" of a "body" or "person" in this reality and you will ONLY see the reflection...or "the body". It will seem quite real if coming from the 4th dimension. You are seeing FAKE people, especially on "tv" ALL OF THE TIME. When you can learn to "change" your perception, you can LITERALLY see THROUGH the hologram and SEE what it is covering up......yup.......NON humans. They create a magnetic field AROUND their body and shine a MOVIE of a human ONTO the surface of their body and OF COURSE it will cover from EVERY angle. Your mind is being TRICKED and Hypnotized into seeing humans. In truth, their "body" is a 3D "movie screen". You are looking at the "movie" and NOT the "screen".....THEM. Try looking at the silver of a "mirror" once. Why do you think it is silver? You'll see...try LOOKING at IT and NOT the reflection. When you can discipline your mind to do THAT, THEN and ONLY then, will you know what I am talking about. You must learn to look THROUGH the 4th dimensionally projected MOVIE onto these beings' bodies and SEE the BEING. When you, you are gonna flip out. They are RIGHT THERE....right in FRONT of your FACE. Not ONLY can they project a "movie", but they can project "other energy" patterns to simulate "texture" and "tactile" existence....heat, texture....a "copy" of a human body. People, it is JUST interference patterns. It is ELECTROMAGNETIC....your nervous system IS electromagnetic. Why do you think an eeg, ecg, or myogram WORKS? Everytime a neuron depolarizes that is an electromagnetic emmittence. In this case.....structure AND waveform are one in the same. Again, this is something you have to SEE to know. When you do, try to remain calm. THIS is how they have been controlling the world. They are ALSO psychic and KNOW if you see them, lol. Trust me. I "dated" one of them.
To know the truth, you must be able to handle the "ego deflation". If you want to continue to "believe" you are "smart", fine, go ahead. No one is stopping you. But, if you are TRULY concerned about THIS topic, then you must be able to expand outside of "science created" belief systems. Your "science" is a FRAUD and they KNOW IT. It works well enought to cover 3D...but NOT reality as a whole...which was the preoccupy the 3D mind