The latest from our friends over at "The Black Vault"
June 2017.
The Black Vault effort to obtain Historical FBI Employee Newsletters
Can you help? This is an important piece of history, and we need to come together to preserve it!
The Black Vault plans to get and post electronic copies of The Investigator, the FBI internal, employees only publication of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Investigator was published internally at the FBI from May 1932 for several decades. Its release will provide valuable historical insights into the history of the Bureau, the Department of Justice, and the 20th Century.
The FBI says there are approximately 50,890 pages of records, and would put them on 102 CD-ROM disks for a charge of 1525 dollars.
While the electronic file would easily fit on fewer disks, the FBI policy has been to put a maximum of 500 pages on a disk, claiming that this promotes sound administrative processing practices, despite the extra costs to requesters.
There is a GoFundMe site at the link below to undertake this worthwhile goal, and I hope you can help me reach it!
Copies of already released issues were posted by Greenewald here:
John Greenewald, Jr.
The Black Vault