The Hat Man Documentary

The Hat Man is an entity that lurks in the darkness. Sighted all over the world for centuries, no one really seems to know who, or what he is.

This documentary attempts to explain The Hat Man, and furthermore what his motives are.
The Hat Man’s wardrobe consists of what can be described as him wearing a long-black trench coat and a flat rimmed gaucho hat. Some have reported seeing a gold watch chain hanging from his side. Facial features have been reported as being a black fog, red eyes or solid black eyes.

Described as being pale, black shadowy, solid black, tall and thin with sharp boney finger nails. He may grin, tip his hat, or stare undeniably at a person at length or briefly. Most sightings never include that he/it speaks; however I have heard one report of him asking for a favor but never revealing the favor.

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