Here is an interesting article with video from The Enquirer.
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Here is an interesting article with video from The Enquirer.
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Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
This is the raw image from NASA. (Thanks to Vincent Papasergio on Facebook).
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Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
At some point in time, it would not be surprising if ancient structures on Mars are confirmed.
yeah, or a vast network of tube like glass or crystal structure and a underground /built into the rock like network.
That raw picture is very interesting and we've been having a lot of head scratcher's here in the pat several years that fly in the face of mars ever having any life now or i n the past and there has been dead silence. While more and more stuff comming out. Even Nasa said there is a possibility of ancient water in the past but still no one in main stream is jumping up and challenge the old beliefs or even questioning when new stuff comes out.
There might be something left from a past Civilization. But because it must have been a million years back, it would probably be long since gone. I bet Giza would be gone to after that long. Some think there is life now there and point to the "Big Foot" shot some years back that really did look good. I downloaded it from Nasa my self to have a look. Still makes me wonder. But having no water present on the surface and air as thin as 30,000 feet on earth really looks bad on that front. You would have to have lungs the size of a 50 gallon trash bag. lol. Only way to know for sure is for a citizen group of researchers like us to put our own stuff up there. No one trusts nasa on that front.
While this object is relatively small, 4 to 7 feet on a side, it might also be just the corner of a block of stone. But looking closely it looks like the corner of an upended block. The question though, is why does this appear to be a dressed stone, worked by a stone mason which I have done myself. There should be no dressed stones on Mars. Unless, they are a cultural artifact.