My impressions are that he didn't reveal anything in any way sensitive.
The person asking him questions also seemingly asked him questions like how "he felt" about things. Pretty irrelevant considering at each turn he was about to say something he is interrupted to ask how he felt.
I realize he is on his deathbed but at the same time while watching this short interview I noticed that the man is still very loyal to what he dedicated his life to.
All his answers were squared away into the confines of the narrative of popular UFO culture.
He seemed at all times to "conform" his answers into the box that the UFO community accepts as actual fact.
Any time the interviewer barely graces a question worth asking the guy squared it with what UFO lore has to offer.
As far as I saw, from a 20 minute sample, it seems pretty evident that he never has any intentions of breaking oaths or revealing what is behind the curtain.
Instead he seemingly shows just how incredibly loyal he is at every turn. Across his face often comes the look of someone who was seemingly pretty happy with the work he was a part of at his job.
Any relevant detail is omitted by himself and the person asking questions strangely leads him down a path of pretty ridiculously focused questions.
The guy is still very loyal to the agenda behind the curtain. No signs of giving up the golden eggs and his body language seems to indicate that he was anything but pretty darn happy with his work over the course of many years.
No signs of distress, distrust, discomfort, disobedience....nada.
Regardless of the circumstances of his then impending death he seems pretty laid back while reading back UFO lore in the ear of the questioner and the camera.
Hes not your typical liar, but he doesn't give away anything.
A nod to the department that keeps these folks in check, I guess?
Guys/Gals, watch it over again and keep in mind what I have said. See if you see any "cause" for this guy to even leak a single thing. If anything he just looks like he is perpetuating UFO community folklore.