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Thread: UFO sighting - personal 11/02/15

  1. #1

    Exclamation UFO sighting - personal 11/02/15

    I had left my mother's, driving southwestward. Lake Michigan as the crow flies, less than five miles. Between 5 and 5:30PM, daylight. Low and near enough to see if it was plane, helicopter or drone. It was not. Almost egg shaped, reflective metal sparkling in the sky. No plane wings, no helicopter and not a drone at that height.

    It was there roughly 15 to 20 seconds, upward and ahead of me. I was not gaining ground on it, so it was moving but not fast.

    Glimpsed up and down a number of times, I needed to keep part of my focus on driving. On third or fourth glimpse, it was gone...

    Southwest Michigan....

    Will file a report with MUFON.
    Last edited by CasperParks; 11-03-2015 at 05:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CasperParks View Post
    I had left my mother's, driving southwestward. Lake Michigan as the crow flies, less than five miles. Between 5 and 5:30PM, daylight. Low and near enough to see if it was plane, helicopter or drone. It was not. Almost egg shaped, reflective metal sparkling in the sky. No plane wings, no helicopter and not a drone at that height.

    It was there roughly 15 to 20 seconds, upward and ahead of me. I was not gaining ground on it, so it was moving but not fast.

    Glimpsed up and down a number of times, I needed to keep part of my focus on driving. On third or fourth glimpse, it was gone...

    Southwest Michigan....

    Will file a report with MUFON.
    Date of sighting: Nov 2, 2015
    Were you alone?
    Can you name a nearby city or landmark, to help us locate the area on a map?

    Thanks for sharing.
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    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
    Attachment 1008

  3. #3
    Congrats! Lucky to catch one visible.

    Tons of talk of a collider that is quite huge under lake Michigan. Tons of UFO traffic over the middle to slightly lower area of the lake. I had seen a documentary on its activity on that MUFON program, Hanger 'something'.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by lionheart001 View Post
    Congrats! Lucky to catch one visible.

    Tons of talk of a collider that is quite huge under lake Michigan. Tons of UFO traffic over the middle to slightly lower area of the lake. I had seen a documentary on its activity on that MUFON program, Hanger 'something'.
    In that general area of UFO sightings, SW Michigan near Lake Michigan.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    Nice Casper, thanks for sharing your experience there. Looking forward to your report and experience when you finally meet them.

    Oh and yes Lionheart, Ufo activity around the Lake Michigan area is up and on the rise in all states surrounding Lake Michigan. In the last 10-15 years lots of activity.


  6. #6
    Senior Member majicbar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lionheart001 View Post
    Congrats! Lucky to catch one visible.

    Tons of talk of a collider that is quite huge under lake Michigan. Tons of UFO traffic over the middle to slightly lower area of the lake. I had seen a documentary on its activity on that MUFON program, Hanger 'something'.
    Collider is not under Lake Michigan, but SouthWest of Chicago, in the Batavia area: this is part of the Fermi labs complex. While the Fermilabs are not under Lake Michigan, they are close enough that high energy work might still attract UFOs.
    Last edited by majicbar; 11-09-2015 at 05:54 PM.

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