Ye ha AI engine being shared by Google!?!
In the article is states 'Google believes it can accelerate the evolution of AI.' Brilliant. I didn't ask for it and I'm sure none of you did we've probably got more sense.
Did know one read sci fi as a kid? Watch Terminator?? I'm no luddite we need technology to help not rule us.
Are we not going to even get a chance to decide if this is safe or not? Because it isn't.
We need to solve these problems ourselves. We are here to realise our own spiritual potential that's why life is such a bitch. Try to take that away and you are left with a dead civilization.
Google search engine works just fine thanks. I don't want it telling me what to do or taking over my life.
The infrastructure is there it's naive madness.
Google Just Open Sourced TensorFlow, Its Artificial Intelligence Engine
Tech pundit Tim O’Reilly had just tried the new Google Photos app, and he was amazed by the depth of its artificial intelligence.
O’Reilly was standing a few feet from Google CEO and co-founder Larry Page this past May, at a small cocktail reception for the press at the annual Google I/O conference—the centerpiece of the company’s year. Google had unveiled its personal photos app earlier in the day, and O’Reilly marveled that if he typed something like “gravestone” into the search box, the app could find a photo of his uncle’s grave, taken so long ago....