I can't help but wonder if at least, one of these objects, was the structure from where I was shown Titan.
I can't help but wonder if at least, one of these objects, was the structure from where I was shown Titan.
Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
That very well could be lilly. I have had my own dreams, in my case lucid dreams and mind-eye visions when meditating, that have shown me things that I would never bother to post in this forum because I don't think anyone would believe me... but if you think you saw Titan in that dream, there's a good chance that that is what you may, in fact, have seen.![]()
Last edited by A99; 02-26-2017 at 02:28 PM.
HTML Code:For it is in giving that we receive. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Those rings you saw having to do with that planet that you now think might have been Titan reminds me of those rings Ingo Swann saw in a 1973 remote viewing experiment at SRI for the planet Jupiter....
Here's an excerpt about that in chapt. 1 in his book 'Penetration".
8. Water/ice crystals in atmosphere: Confirmed 1975.
9. Crystal bands reflect radio probes: Confirmed 1975.
10. Magnetic and electromagnetic auroras ("rainbows"): Confirmed 1975.
11. A planetary RING inside the atmosphere: Confirmed 1979, not only as to its existence, but as being inside the crystallized atmospheric layers.
12. Liquid composition: Confirmed 1973, 1976, as hydrogen in liquid form.
13. Mountains and solid core: Still questionable, but suspected as of 1991.
Six of these thirteen factors were given scientific substantiation by 1975, which is the year that the events narrated in this book begin. It needs to be pointed up that before it was actually discovered in 1979, most scientists flatly denounced the possibility of the RING, but which had been sketched in the raw data acquired in 1973. And just recently the existence of more refined rings has been confirmed.
Ingo Swann, Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, Ingo Swann Books, p.6
Last edited by A99; 06-05-2017 at 06:31 PM.
HTML Code:For it is in giving that we receive. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Photo from https://qz.com/1401394/images-from-c...-largest-moon/Sometime early Thursday morning, I woke up from a beautiful dream. I dreamt that I was in some kind of structure with walls of what looked like glass, held together by some sort of welded beam. The structure wasn’t on Earth. It was either a spaceship or on a moon near a planet that looked like Saturn. I could see the planet through the glass and it was huge. It didn’t fill up the whole glass wall (which was about as high as 2 to 4 apartment building floors) but it did fill up about 80% of the height. The planet was tilted to about 11:00 and the rings could clearly be seen. It was the rings that made me think it was Saturn but the color of the planet wasn’t right. The planet was a mottled dark blue and white, very much like pictures of Earth. I could feel someone standing there with me but I don’t know who it was. All I could do was look at the planet with awe.
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Last edited by newyorklily; 09-26-2018 at 08:06 AM.
Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
Hi Lily,
Thanks for this incredible thread, I just saw this for the first time today.
This has been a life changing experience for you and I think for many who stop by our forum I'm quite sure also have similar "off world experiences". But yours is very special in the sense of what they are and possibly from "where"!
I have had my eye on Titan for over 40 years, it's an amazing place. If you get the chance, see if you can get a copy of Intelligent Life in the Universe By Sagan and Shklovskii
There's some great discussion and info on Titan.
But of course, the "emperor" of the solar system is Saturn, Titan's master!.
I now believe there is life there, possibly located on the very edge of the B ring. My guess is that life there is beyond our comprehension. They are also unbelievably old.
I made a great video in high magnification of the massive structures which float along the edge. Some are over 2km tall and SQUARE by design. As an architectural designer, I bow to their grace and beauty. They are truly awesome.
Right up to date on September 11th 2018, an amateur astronomer by the name of Paula Gilley https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWN...tsUqzlKPEjU2tg who spends countless hours looking at the planets, caught some fascinating telescope video footage that seems to show Saturn, "very much alive'! This is a must see!!
Much respect.
Last edited by M-Albion-3D; 09-27-2018 at 09:56 AM.
NASA unveils new mission to fly to Saturn's moon, Titan, which could be home to alien life.
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Last edited by calikid; 06-28-2019 at 07:12 PM. Reason: add pic
Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
Should be interesting as they plan to use a drone. Or is that Mars....
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"
Sherlock Holmes
They are calling it a drone.
https://www.space.com/nasa-dragonfly...oon-titan.htmlNASA Is Sending a Life-Hunting Drone to Saturn's Huge Moon Titan
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Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010