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Thread: UFO over Reno NV 1/4/16. (Phone quality)

  1. #1

    Red face UFO over Reno NV 1/4/16. (Phone quality)

    First sighting of a UFO for me. Me and my girlfriend went outside to smoke while i warmed the car up before I went to the store. As we smoked and looked at the stars we noticed a bright orange star, the star started moving around. Neither of us brought our phone so we just relaxed and enjoyed the showed and after a couple minutes we agreed it was a UFO. The car was plenty warm by now so off I went even though i wanted to stay and watch! While i went to the store my awesome girlfriend went and got her phone to see what she could record for me. Horrible quality and hurts to stare at but a couple spots you can see it move. Even if its hard to make anything out in the video, I really wanted to share it.

    Here are the results,

    Nothing matters very much, and few things matter at all.
    -Arthur Balfour

  2. #2
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Difficult to make out. Wish
    we could have been there to share.
    Any ideas on what it might be?
    Laser light show?
    Were you close to any airports?
    Military bases?
    No Reno air races this time of year, right?
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
    Attachment 1008

  3. #3
    I figure it was a Military/Gov vehicle for a couple reasons. Very Similar look and actions of multiple sightings I have come across researching the subject ( I was driving at this time, but my girlfriend said that it "split/separated" into 3 lights multiple times then back to 1). The weather has been stormy lately and that night it was very calm, Just a couple clouds.
    Cant 100% that it was not a light show but I'm 95% sure it was an object,not a projection of light.
    There is an airport in my city, I watch a lot of planes/jets in the sky. Never seen anything remotely close to it in person. There are a lot of unidentified/unmarked planes flying in this area. Nevada, Yep lots of Military bases and lots of Military cargo type planes that fly real low. (lots of fun structures to look at that are viable by satellite in the NV Desert.)
    No air or balloon races during this time of year.

    Thanks for the interest calikid, Since that night i have spoken to 3 separate people who say they also saw a orange orb putting on a show that night. That makes 6 sets of eyes that saw it so far.
    Nothing matters very much, and few things matter at all.
    -Arthur Balfour

  4. #4

    It is always interesting and fun to spot something.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. #5
    Member U.N.C.L.E.'s Avatar
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    I've seen very similar. Your thoughts about it being our "stuff" is mine as well Ebenmatter.
    I can't believe you captured this, well done!
    "Immolation is the sincerest form of flattery." ~ Crow from MST3000

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