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Thread: International UFO Congress

  1. #11
    Senior Member earthman's Avatar
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    Off to the Congress in the morning. I guess they have been talking about the CubeSat Project there. Chase Kloetzke said she talked a bit about during her presentation and now people want to meet me. Even Stanton Friedman, so i'll be busy tomorrow.. Hope to see some of you there. Lionheart,, come on down...

  2. #12
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    Have fun guys. I wish I had the time to go or I'd be there myself.


  3. #13
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    How was the IUFOC conference?
    Meet any interesting celebrities?
    Did your project receive the attention it deserves?
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  4. #14
    Senior Member earthman's Avatar
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    Mornin... I'm just get'n up. Didn't get home till a million oclock last night. Really about midnight, lol. Felt like a Million oclock. Was a long two days. I'm horse as can be. I spoke with about every body who was there. Most had heard about the Cubesat project. Chase Kloetzke, from Fate magazine and Fate Radio talked about us in her presentation. So everybody wanted more info. So I had to explain it over and over to a thousand people. No joke on the thousand people. That's not counting all the UFO Celeb's. Most had heard of it but wanted more. Even Stanton Friedman heard of it, but wanted more. Fate Mag is doing a story on us for the Magazine... and that's cool to me, That was the first Magazine I ever read growing up... I met every research. Jacques Vallee' and Lee Speigel already knew most of the Details and had fun with them.. Got to play with John Greenwalds new son.. Had a blast with Him and his wife and son. He got Researcher of the Year award. He deserved it to. His presentation was great. He had been posting about our project and promoting it to. He is going to give me some links to what the sites. Seems David Hatcher Childress, from Ancient Aliens is a nabor... He live around here.. His mom has a book store not far from here. Going to have to hook up sometime. Nice guy.. Met a lot of people at the conference. And most said they will donate too. When they get home. So I expect to see that start to happen soon. My phone doesn't take good pictures so I didn't get to take any. Sucks, since I was a Celeb to the Celeb's. There was other peoples pictures that I'm sure I will see so i'll try to nab some of those. Great time at the International UFO Congress..

  5. #15
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earthman View Post
    Mornin... I'm just get'n up. Didn't get home till a million oclock last night. Really about midnight, lol. Felt like a Million oclock. Was a long two days. I'm horse as can be. I spoke with about every body who was there. Most had heard about the Cubesat project. Chase Kloetzke, from Fate magazine and Fate Radio talked about us in her presentation. So everybody wanted more info. So I had to explain it over and over to a thousand people. No joke on the thousand people. That's not counting all the UFO Celeb's. Most had heard of it but wanted more. Even Stanton Friedman heard of it, but wanted more. Fate Mag is doing a story on us for the Magazine... and that's cool to me, That was the first Magazine I ever read growing up... I met every research. Jacques Vallee' and Lee Speigel already knew most of the Details and had fun with them.. Got to play with John Greenwalds new son.. Had a blast with Him and his wife and son. He got Researcher of the Year award. He deserved it to. His presentation was great. He had been posting about our project and promoting it to. He is going to give me some links to what the sites. Seems David Hatcher Childress, from Ancient Aliens is a nabor... He live around here.. His mom has a book store not far from here. Going to have to hook up sometime. Nice guy.. Met a lot of people at the conference. And most said they will donate too. When they get home. So I expect to see that start to happen soon. My phone doesn't take good pictures so I didn't get to take any. Sucks, since I was a Celeb to the Celeb's. There was other peoples pictures that I'm sure I will see so i'll try to nab some of those. Great time at the International UFO Congress..
    Thanks for sharing.
    I take it from your comments that most everyone you spoke with held a positive view of the cube-sat project?

    Sorry to hear photo ops were missed.
    Maybe next year you will have a newer phone, with a better camera
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  6. #16
    Senior Member earthman's Avatar
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    I didn't have any negative comments on the project. My voice is about gone Openminds has a lot of photo's of us all, and I seen me in a few.. I'll at least post some links to some of the shots. My girl friend made me some flyers about the project, and they looked great. But she miss spelled a couple word. She did it in a hurry. So when I was talking to Stanton Friedman about it, and he loves it too, he made fun of my girlfriend. I told her to be proud, Stanton was talking about her.lololol. It was funny and he was great. What a great time there. I might be on "Midnight in The Desert" the 24th with Heather Wade. Not sure yet. We talked at the conference about it. They had someone cancel. So I'm not sure yet. I'll Keep you all posted..

  7. #17
    Man that must have been so awesome.

  8. #18
    Senior Member earthman's Avatar
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    Sure did have fun. Made a lot of friends and now about every researcher knows about our CubeSat project. And everyone loves the idea. It great when Stanton Friedman like it... What a nice guy too. Friendly as can be too. I was contacted tonight by the producer of Midnight in the Desert and I will be on March 1st and on Fate Magazine Radio with Chase Kloetzke march 8th. And Don't know the date yet but on The Jamie Havicon show too. Talked to him tonight. Fate Magazine is doing an article for the Magazine too, I met the editor at the conference. That extra cool for me, because that's like the first magazine I ever read when I was young. And I'm 54 now. Going to be busy it looks like, and the Outpost is home base for me. So I will be keeping everyone up to date. Many of you are long time friends from OMF and love all of ya. Man, just think. We will have our OWN satellite In orbit for UFO research... Can't beat that S$#T... lol

  9. #19
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earthman View Post
    Sure did have fun. Made a lot of friends and now about every researcher knows about our CubeSat project. And everyone loves the idea. It great when Stanton Friedman like it... What a nice guy too. Friendly as can be too. I was contacted tonight by the producer of Midnight in the Desert and I will be on March 1st and on Fate Magazine Radio with Chase Kloetzke march 8th. And Don't know the date yet but on The Jamie Havicon show too. Talked to him tonight. Fate Magazine is doing an article for the Magazine too, I met the editor at the conference. That extra cool for me, because that's like the first magazine I ever read when I was young. And I'm 54 now. Going to be busy it looks like, and the Outpost is home base for me. So I will be keeping everyone up to date. Many of you are long time friends from OMF and love all of ya. Man, just think. We will have our OWN satellite In orbit for UFO research... Can't beat that S$#T... lol
    I hope you and your team get some great shots with your cube sat up there. Maybe piggy back a ride off of China's next visit to the moon and put one up there too, now that's an idea


  10. #20
    Senior Member earthman's Avatar
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    I learned at the conference that someone is launching a cubesat to the moon. Don't know anything on it yet.. But I will look into it.

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