New article in JAR Magazine:
Some years ago, I did an informal survey among approximately 100 fellow researchers. I asked what the question was they were asked the most. The reply was 'Are the extraterrestrials good or bad?' The question is of course a 'bad' question in that it starts from an unwarranted generalization. Can you say people belonging to a certain race, religion or country are bad? Or is mankind bad? There is no correct answer, as one has to take into account cultural differences as well as individual differences. So we rephrased the question and asked the members of our panel: "Overall, do you view the extraterrestrial presence as positive or as negative, and why?" Here are their replies, in the order that we received them.
Helen Littrell
One thing we are mostly agreed upon is that beings—from other planets / dimensions / wherever—are really present on Earth and have been here for a very long time. However, until fairly recently it was neither politically correct nor personally safe to speak about them in any but a disparaging manner which, sadly, was an attitude adopted by the majority of the general public. It made no difference to our peers whether we may have been repeatedly abducted, seen ships in the sky or as they landed, or had personal face-to-face contact with “others.” I know from my own experience as a child that any mention of the “others” was strictly forbidden and resulted in very real threats of punishment by commitment to an insane asylum, courtesy of the family who raised me. So, wisely, I didn’t speak of these entities for many years, but my interactions with them continued as a young child and I looked forward eagerly to my only companions, the little blue orbs which appeared nearly daily and spoke telepathically to me.
The controversy regarding whether alien presence is a negative or positive force in our society is ongoing, with the general population still vehemently divided and all too eager to label those of us who choose “positive” as “woo-woo”, “crazy”, and “off our rockers.” I’ve been called all of the above and more, plus experienced job loss, and ostracism by friends and family.
In my own personal case which includes encounters and abductions since early childhood, I can truthfully say that I have never once been harmed by “others”: instead, I consider each situation a valuable learning experience. I have willingly accompanied “others” inside their ships, and shown the navigation and guidance systems which brought them to Earth. I have learned how they propagate their young using sperm and ova extracted from humans combined with embryos from “others”, the resulting fetuses then raised in what appeared to be nurseries, each fetus nurtured in a nutrient-rich liquid in an individual aquarium-like tank through infancy. I’ve learned that the ultimate result is entities called hybrids, that some are sent here to Earth in conjunction with ultra-secret joint agreements with our government. The desired objective is that they will “pass” as humans, looking like us and acting like us. Over the past 20 or so years I have recognized several hybrids seemingly passing in ordinary human capacities in ordinary human jobs. These hybrid entities, although usually reserved in nature, usually seem friendly and knowledgeable when engaged in conversation.
For as long as I remember, I’ve known firsthand that alien presence on Earth is an undeniable, definite fact of life, here to stay. It has been a critical, driving force in my life to the point that several years ago I wrote the book, Raechel’s Eyes, dealing with my experiences and those of my daughter with a hybrid being, Raechel, who was part of a very, very Black Project in conjunction with the U.S. government. We knew Raechel personally and stood by as she struggled to integrate herself into regular human life as a college student living as my daughter’s roommate, attempting to meet the expectations of both our government’s Humanization Project and her home planet.
In closing, I reiterate my belief that alien presence here on Earth is definitely a positive thing, based on a lifetime of personal knowledge and experience as well as the distinct privilege of my deep involvement with the “others.” An infinite amount of knowledge is available for us humans to learn, if we will only take off our blinders and open our eyes, our minds, and our hearts. The “others” are here to teach and help us, but it is up to us to demonstrate compassion and a willingness to learn.