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Thread: The Bases Conference 2016

  1. #1

    The Bases Conference 2016


    My name is Taj and I am the administrator of the Bases Project Facebook Group, which is run by Miles Johnston.

    I would like to post details of the Bases Conference which is being held this year on August 12th -14th.

    I have attached a poster with details of the event and the speakers.

    This event is mostly about disclosure and a lot of the speakers will be revealing unique information at this event.

    Please go to the Bases Project website for further details and to purchase tickets which are available at a discounted price until July 12th.

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Sunny California
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    A conference in the UK starting August 12 2016.
    Looks to be very educational.
    Can you share specifics on a few speakers, and their proposed lecture topics?
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