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Thread: Mandela Effect

  1. #1
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    Mandela Effect

    Anyone heard of it, or know of it? I have heard of it before but never looked into it at all, until just recently.

    What's being discussed with the Mandela effect is very similar to the opening remarks found here on temporal discontinuities in a thread started in 2014. Here is the link for a reference to what Im about to show you guys.

    Some may be familiar with the thread and how possible ETs interaction may cause that as to what Fore relayed to what he had learned.

    I'm going to post several videos some going into deep discussion on it. So i ask you this, ala the matrix. Oh god, Edward not another Matrix quote from you. You know it, and here it comes.

    "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

    Stop here if you don't want to know any more. Last chance.......

    ok good here we go. "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!"

    This leave me to question the nature of consciousness, and the nature of reality. It a big Mind Screw(yeah cant say the F word). Let's discuss the possibilities.

    Last edited by Edward; 10-20-2016 at 08:05 AM.

  2. #2
    It is a fascinating topic. My wife and I had instances where we remembered e.g. news items of somebody dying, years ago, who then seemed to be perfectly alive years afterwards. The first one that comes to mind is Ernest Borgnine. I remember hearing it on the news (reconstructing from other events going on at the time, in 1998), remembering my first reaction (how a relative would react who was a fan) etc. And then 14 years later, it's in the news again that he died.

    Because of a number of other anomalies, we actually came to the conclusion that there seemed to be two timelines that were intersecting and that we seemed to be hopping between the two.
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  3. #3
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Or, two divergent time lines that had split into two different paths re- converged to a single time line, after the precipratating event concluded.

    Very odd that you would remember both events Garuda (Ernest Borgnine). Would not think the human brain would be capable of retaining double simultaneous memories of reality.

    It is interesting to consider the similarities and differences between "alternate time lines/multiverse" vs a "Universe computer simulation" (ala Matrix), where reality could be rewound and played over with a different outcome.

    How could we distinguish between the two?
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    I think it has partly due to the consciousness of the people. Something is going on. A lot of people are remember various discrepancies and it seems that more and more are happening. That Quantum Computer stuff where its working with multiple dimensions of itself and getting stronger with each parallel dimension it interacts with. I don't know but me just thinking about that gives me a great deal of pause as to wtf are they thinking. Because think of it like this. With each parallel dimension it hooks up that is similar with the same Quantum computer experiment I would think that would link us(Our reality/dimension) with all those other dimensions the Quantum computer is interacting with. Who knows what kind of issues that might bring. I think that perhaps we are already seeing it? With those Dwave Quantum computers and who knows what else Cern and LHC experiments are up to and how they are affecting us as well? I'm am just wondering if they know what they are doing and if so, what is it?


  5. #5
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    I forgot to post this in my main post above but its an interesting read. Here it is below.

    The Mandela Effect & The Berenst(ae)in Bears Conspiracy
    Alanna KetlerAugust 15, 2016

    First things first: before beginning this article you may want to take this quiz to test your knowledge and memory introduce the concept of the Mandela Effect. Don’t be surprised if you come away feeling a little shaken up!

    What if I told you that there are actually multiple different timelines and alternate realities all happening at the same time as this one, the one where your conscious awareness currently resides? What if I told you I could prove it, with the help of the Berenstain Bears?

    Yes, those lovable little forest creatures from the memories of so many of our childhoods are still teaching us things today, but only if we’re able to see it — stick with me here. I have just discovered that the Berenstain Bears are part of a huge conspiracy theory that claims someone or something has actually gone back in time and altered history.

    First of all, I need to ask you, does something look weird about the way I have spelled the Berenstain Bears? If it appears wrong to you, then you are not alone, because there are literally thousands of people, including myself, who fully remember and believe it is spelled like this: Berenstein Bears.

    *Personally for me it was the Bernstein Bears*

    You may think, as many people do, well maybe they changed it, so what? But the fact of the matter is, it has never been changed, at least not according to history and in this current reality we are living in. The bears are named after the authors of the series — Stan and Jan Berenstain — who apparently have spelled their name like this all along.

    So where does this leave the thousands of people who swear that they remember with perfect clarity the Berenstain bears being spelled with an ‘e’ instead of an ‘a’? Well, when I first read this I thought it was a bit strange, as I am one of those people who is 100% certain of the alternative spelling of the name, but I just figured it must have been changed, or somehow, as unlikely as it seems, I was simply wrong. This was until I learned about the Mandela Effect.
    The Mandela Effect

    This term comes from an instance where a woman named Fiona Broome specifically remembered details of Nelson Mandela passing away in prison in the 1980s and then finding out he was in fact still alive. Upon asking her peers and many others, she found that there was a large number of people who distinctly remember the death of Nelson Mandela, long before his eventual death in 2013.

    These people swear that he had passed away and remember specific details about his funeral and even a speech given by his spouse. This initial realization is what started the Mandela phenomenon, as since the term was coined, many other different memories of past events have popped up.

    This topic has gained a lot of attention on Reddit over the past few years, with many people weighing in on their various memories of how things were and even going so far as to provide proof of these anomalies wherever possible.
    Examples of The Mandela Effect

    The following are just a few of many examples of the Mandela Effect and are listed with the commonly remembered version of history first, then the correct (at least in this time… and space) answer second:
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    Berenstein Bears / Berenstain Bears – Popular children’s book series and television show.
    “Mirror, mirror on the wall…” / “Magic mirror on the wall…” – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
    “My Mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates.” / “My Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.” – Forrest Gump
    Sex In The City / Sex And The City – HBO television Show
    There are 51 United States / There are actually only 50 States
    The location of New Zealand and Sri Lanka being located on different places on the map
    Fruit Loops / Froot Loops – Children’s cereal

    Possible Explanations For The Mandela Effect

    There are a few different explanations that attempt to prove this theory that literally involves the memories of thousands of people. Some say it is a theory of parallel universes, which could explain why so many people have vivid memories of the same thing but others do not. Another possible explanation is that somewhere, someone has been able to go back in time and alter the past, with some believing that perhaps there were bigger, more important reasons for going back in time, and the little anomalies that we see today are a byproduct of something bigger that was happening. Others have posited that someone, somewhere travelled back in time in order to change things ever so slightly, but enough to inadvertently change the death of Mandela and the spelling of the Berenstain Bears, which created a ripple effect causing a percentage of the population to remember these events differently.

    In an interview with Vice, expert in false memories Dr. Henry L. Roediger offered his opinion on the subject, saying that people likely just remember the Berenstein Bears with the “ein” instead of “ain” because that is a much more common spelling, similar to Einstein, Frankenstein, and Goldstein. He says children could have easily mixed this up. My question to that is, how many children actually know how most last names are spelled? I remember reading these books as I was just learning to read.

    Are They Really Alternate Timelines Or Just False Memories?

    Well, that is up to you to decide. It depends on what’s more plausible to you. When I first started learning about this theory, I must say I was quite blown away by the examples that I was hearing, specifically the Berenst(a)ein Bears reference and the classic line from Star Wars, “Luke, I am your Father.” But in all honesty, what sounds more likely to you? That time travel has occurred, that the Earth is in fact split into two separate dimensions, or that a large group of the population just remembers some facts about certain pop culture things from the past differently?

    I leave it up to you to decide!

    Do you have examples of anything from the past that you remember differently from how it is portrayed now? Please share in the comments section below!

    Much Love


    Also enjoy this fabulous song, which upon hearing it again after all this stuff has come to me gives me a new meaning but regardless the song is so chill.


  6. #6
    Senior Member Edward's Avatar
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    For those of you who don't have a lot a time to watch some video's here is a piece on those who run the Dwave quantum computers. Although this guy could have elaborated more. You get the over all jist.

  7. #7
    So excited about creating an quantum Ai
    Great! Look at your our mind!
    Complete waste of time hoping and looking in completely the wrong place.

  8. #8
    Edward, impo I think Longeyes is on the right track; the mind is connected to the quanta of the multiverse, sort of a, "spooky action at distance," with all those other us's, i.e. (Mandela effect). Again, imho the guy who posted that vid exhibited a good example of how people in their fundamentalism miss the whole point, to me they seem to exist in a slough of despond bound by their own fears. Look around and see the like throughout history... Take care or we'll fall off the edge! Remember what Paul Atreides, said, "Fear is the mind killer."

  9. #9
    Here's another weird story like that: people who claim to have seen a movie that never existed: Shazaam, with comedian Sinbad as a genie.

    I, too, vaguely remember having seen the trailer, yet it doesn't exist.
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  10. #10
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    Here's another weird story like that: people who claim to have seen a movie that never existed: Shazaam, with comedian Sinbad as a genie.

    I, too, vaguely remember having seen the trailer, yet it doesn't exist.
    Shazaam? Sounds a lot like a (1996) movie called "Kazaam!", that starred Shaquille O'Neal as the genie.
    Terrible movie, wish I could forget

    IMHO, Possible confabulation vs alternate time line. Similar Genie sounding name, famous African-American actor. Not a big leap.
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