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Thread: Walking Through The Great Wilderness

  1. #31
    Thanks for those links... will watch those vids tonight.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  2. #32
    “Believe it or not, you are sacred space. Paul in particular refers to the believer as the place where God now tabernacles—we are the temple of God, both individually and corporately.”
    ― Michael S. Heiser, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

    “The serpent (nachash) was an image commonly used in reference to a divine throne guardian.”
    ― Michael S. Heiser, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

    “Seeing the Bible through the eyes of an ancient reader requires shedding the filters of our traditions and presumptions.”
    ― Michael S. Heiser, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible

  3. #33
    Recanting Roswell?

    In this review, Clark continues:

    Randle was initially taken with what seemed to be credible evidence. Eventually (as I did), he grew doubtful of that evidence, especially as it concerned the supposed recovery of dead aliens. Of the eight claimants (he spoke directly with all) who said they had observed such bodies, Randle writes, "not one [..] turned out to be telling the truth."

    So Randle has raised the number of those who lied about seeing alien bodies at Roswell from four to eight, and there never were more than eight. This completely undercuts the need for bizarre ET or non-ET explanations for alleged alien body sightings at Roswell. Stalin and Mengele sent in deformed children in a Commie Nazi saucer: Annie Jacobs. The U.S. Army flew in dwarfish captured Japanese pilots in a bizarre craft: Nick Redfern. The Air Force dropped crash test dummies in the desert: U.S. Air Force. All of these highly implausible explanations are unnecessary, because there are no truthful accounts of alien bodies at Roswell to explain.

    Randle doggedly pursued the Holy Grail of alien evidence at Roswell for more than thirty years. When he realized it wasn't there, he was brave enough to admit it.

  4. #34
    I thought the thing about Kevin Randle was he liked to portray himself as a truth seeker but in fact was a closed minded bigot, no one would ever convince him that UFOs existed as they were clearly complete fiction and therefore anyone who made a claim to the contrary was clearly a liar.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    I thought the thing about Kevin Randle was he liked to portray himself as a truth seeker but in fact was a closed minded bigot, no one would ever convince him that UFOs existed as they were clearly complete fiction and therefore anyone who made a claim to the contrary was clearly a liar.
    I'm not a fan either. I once read a piece in which he made no less than three consecutive non sequitur errors in his reasoning to dismiss an abduction case.
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  6. #36
    Here is a book review by Michael Heiser on Jack Brewer’s book, The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community. I pretty much agree with Michael's line of thinking on most abduction cases. Do any abduction cases involve extraterrestrials at all?


    Jack has devoted considerable effort into tracking the connections between what passes for alien abductions and documented, historical mind control programs run under the auspices of U. S. agencies since the Cold War began. Those connections are not coincidental. Whereas Jack’s blog gives readers glimpses into the tangled web that results from the intersection of the high strangeness of alien abduction reports and things like MK-ULTRA, his book delivers the motherlode and — most importantly — citations and links to the available documentation.

    If you can’t already tell, I consider this book a must-read for anyone interested in the alien abduction phenomenon. Most readers of my material will know my view of what people experience in this regard. I don’t think it has anything to do with extraterrestrials. While I leave room for certain cases that sound a lot like genuine demonization or possession, I think most of what passes for alien abduction is either natural brain function (e.g., sleep paralysis) or very human (and very sinister) intentional abuse of people. Jack’s book chronicles the latter, providing the paper trails that lead to people, events, clandestine agendas, psychological techniques, and drugs and other “technologies” for inducing such experiences and manipulating victims. And the data for all that aren’t new.

  7. #37
    This article from Nick Redfern is interesting because Nick is not a UFO debunker in the least. He has over the years moved further away from an extraterrestrial explanation for UFO'S.

    UFOs: Extraterrestrial? Probably Not…

    As people who know me well will be aware, my views on the nature of the UFO phenomenon have radically changed over the years. Back when I was in my twenties, I was of the opinion that UFOs (the truly unknown ones) were extraterrestrial. As indefinitely extraterrestrial. As I slid into my thirties, however, my thoughts slowly began to change (something which also happened for a few friends of mine in the field, too). And as many people will also know, my views – today – are far closer to those suggested by John Keel. Namely, that we’re dealing with something that co-exists with us and which masquerades as ET. It’s not enough for me to say “My views have changed.” There are the reasons why my mind has altered since my early thirties (or thereabouts). And, there are several reasons, rather than just one.

  8. #38
    I don't believe entities in "Rebellion" will ever surrender. What they have must and will be taken from them. These entities will fight with all their strength to hold on to the bitter end.

    They know when the game clock clicks to 0:00 the game is over and so are they. These entities have no lawyers to stand before the judge in hope of getting a reduced sentence. Their fate is sealed and surrender is not an option.

    I see this all no different than when the Fallen Sons of God ask Enoch to plead their case to The LORD. It didn't do any good then and it will not do any good now.

    The Book of Enoch

    Chapter 13:5-7

    And they (Fallen Sons of God,Watchers) all became terrified, and trembled;

    Beseeching me (Enoch) to write for them a memorial of supplication, that they might obtain forgiveness; and that I might make the memorial of their prayer ascend up before the God of heaven; because they could not themselves thenceforwards address him, nor raise up their eyes to heaven on account of the disgraceful offence for which they were judged.

    Then I (Enoch) wrote a memorial of their prayer and supplications, for their spirits, for everything which they had done, and for the subject of their entreaty, that they might obtain remission and rest.

    Chapter 14:3

    Judgment has been passed upon you (Fallen Sons of God,Watchers): your request will not be granted you.

  9. #39
    Sorry I haven't been around often. My Father has been in the hospital and even after him getting home it has been a lot to do. I just don't have the time I would enjoy having for this subject matter.

    Here is a very good video from Michael Heiser.

    REVERSING HERMON - 1 Enoch, the NT, Watchers, Nephilim & Antichrist - Dr. Michael S. Heiser

    The upcoming book Reversing Hermon (2017) by Ancient near East scholar and author Dr. Michael S. Heiser, addresses how the book of Enoch reverberates throughout the New Testament narrative. It goes beyond Peter and Jude. Within the Gospels, the Epistles, and the book of Revelation are many references to the worldview presented in 1 Enoch (chapters 1-36). Furthermore, early church fathers, in particular Irenaeus, argued for the inspiration of Scripture, while others clearly quoted Enoch as part of their developing theology.

  10. #40
    It sounds like your dad is being well taken care of... thanks to you. He's lucky to have you around to help him out like that.

    Will check out that video.. sounds interesting.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

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