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Thread: An Ontological Voyage, With Added Woo Woo !

  1. #51
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sykotronik View Post
    That is probably just after I left & the the main group collapsed. There have been follow on groups ever since, I'm glad you didn't get dragged in even though I suspect the people you encountered were were on the mild end of it all.

    The core teachings were based on buddhism which I'm now convinced is pure deception to open people up to god knows what, just like the new age movement & "wicca" (which is a construct).

    The heart of buddism is not meditation, it's rituals aimed at "binding" the devotees with their so called master in the astral, just like all pagan rituals.

    If anyone thinks this is way off, then I invite you to do the research, its all out there, ditch your beliefs & look at the meta data !
    Sykotronik, this is the Sanctuary board.
    Outright sweeping general condemnation of Buddha and Wiccan is basically an attack.
    Sanctuary is a place where members can express their ideas/beliefs WITHOUT fear of recrimination.
    In the future, please express your opinions on this board in a less hostile manner.

    Calikid - MOD
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  2. #52
    Member Sykotronik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calikid View Post
    Sykotronik, this is the Sanctuary board.
    Outright sweeping general condemnation of Buddha and Wiccan is basically an attack.
    Sanctuary is a place where members can express their ideas/beliefs WITHOUT fear of recrimination.
    In the future, please express your opinions on this board in a less hostile manner.

    Calikid - MOD
    OK, sorry about that, I thought I was clear enough that it's just my opinion, & anyone can question me as to why I have come to the conclusions I have, which I may & will change should further data present it self.

    It worries me where people end up, I've spoken to some seriously messed up dead people & they can't do anything about it over there, you can only really sort a lot of things here so it seems.

    (BTW by wicca I am not talking about real witchcraft / cunning men/ women, it's not the same thing)

  3. #53

    It worries me where people end up, I've spoken to some seriously messed up dead people & they can't do anything about it over there, you can only really sort a lot of things here so it seems.

    Talk about your feelings about your above statement. If I was in your shoes where those 'dead'ones I was communicating with said that, I think I would find that a little unsettling.

    Is that how you feel about it too? And why?

    Note: The Sanctuary is a JUDGEMENT-FREE ZONE.
    Last edited by A99; 08-24-2017 at 04:17 AM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
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  4. #54
    Member Sykotronik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A99 View Post
    Talk about your feelings about your above statement. If I was in your shoes where those 'dead'ones I was communicating with said that, I think I would find that a little unsettling.

    Is that how you feel about it too? And why?

    Note: The Sanctuary is a JUDGEMENT-FREE ZONE.
    A lot about the predicament of a lot of dead people is unsettling, very often magnetically attached to places, objects & "guru" type people (not necessarily gurus, film & sport stars too for ex)

    I find the lack of detachment from materialism & people results in situations I don't want to find myself in !

    Hard to go into details without either getting into very personal info when I'm trying to be anonymous & also not saying anything outside the sanctuary remit.

    Had a UFO turn up over my house that I was notified of by a fighter jet doing a tight turn & then shooting off the other night, I need to do a proper post about it.

  5. #55
    Member Sykotronik's Avatar
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    The following relates to something I talked about in this post

    Not long after I ended up buying the book on runes as a teenager I went into a wood on what seemed like an auspicious day & ceremonially cut a branch from an ash tree.

    This I then carved into the requisite number of staves for a set of runes, which I then painted on with my own blood, with all the intensity a teenage boy can muster.

    I got some soft black leather from somewhere & made a little pouch for them.

    For some reason or other I kept these runes by my bed ever since, in a bedside drawer.

    Now that I'm trying to disentangle myself from all this stuff it suddenly hit me how stupid it was to have them, a blood pact between myself & this unseen occult force that I have come to link with abductions & seeing ufos.

    I prepared the logburner with the bag of runes on a pile of kindling, said some prayers, & then set fire to it & said more prayers.

    Later that night, well after dusk & single fighter plane seemed to come from nowhere & do a tight circle around the village.

    Due to previous experiences I lunged out of the door as fast as I could, the jet had already gone out of sight, so I stepped out onto the yard and turned around to look straight up. There directly above the house was a clear but small blue-green light pulse, it flashed three times, & then descended extremely fast as a blue-green "dot" & shot off to the west at a speed that was well into the thousands of mph.

    I think I got my proof these things are all part of the same thing !

  6. #56
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    Part 9c, More Reptilians...

    One morning in early 2014 I awoke with a strange tenderness on my spine, right between the shoulder blades, and a terrible feelings of disorientation, dread & dispair.

    When I felt my back its was very sore & there was a mark like a small puncture wound, which became more irritating as the day went on (frankly it was driving me mad), by evening it felt like there was a tiny bit if fine wire sticking out, so I used a venom suction machine on it & which seemed to do the trick, but I could not see an object in what had come out, but then I could no longer feel this little sharp thing sticking out either.

    Then a couple of weeks later after it had healed the same thing happened again, this time I saw the “implant” it looked like a short (5- 6 mm long) piece of wire, but within seconds it “disolved” into the watery blood that came out with it (againg using a venom pump), this might have happened a third time, the memories are vague now, and I was not in a good way.

    During this time on an mental & emotional level I was getting worse & worse, the sense of futility & dread were off the scales, only the sense of duty to my wife kept me here, the blackness was so engulfing I don't think I could have even spelt love, never mind felt it.

    Long ago I discovered that a sense of duty can be used as leverage against such states, probably because it comes from the reptilian part of the brain (rather ironically as I shall get to).

    To make matters worse I was getting triggered by all kinds of things which caused surges of cortisol, leaving me unable to sleep & exhausted.

    I struggled & fought to “get it together” and eventually managed to get into a deep meditation, which culminated in a memory surging to the surface, after which I very rapidly got back to my old self.

    The memory was short but extremely intense, I am certain its a memory due to the way it felt, it certainly wasn't a dream or imagination.

    I was in a state of blackout when what felt like someone was drilling a hole in my spine with a small red hot drill woke my consciousness from a very deep state of shut down, my body was completely paralysed.

    I was laid on my right side on a metal table & some thing was behind me, I was aware of a “hand” on my left arm holding me in place.

    However all that was swamped by the loud cracking sound of what sounded like bones, and the overwhelming odour of hot blood and innards, the sort of blood smell that only comes from inside of a large animal when its being gutted.

    As my eyes came into focus in front of me was another metal operating table parallel to mine 3-4 m away, with two large Reptoids one either side of the table, the one my side had its back to me & blocked a clear view of the other one, I could smell them despite the sickly stench of blood too.

    On the table was something I never want to see again, there was what looked like a young man with darkish skin, he was on his back, where his left arm should have been there was a gaping wound, & his chest was open like in an autopsy, the Reptoid was in front of his lower abdomen & pelvis, and there were no legs the other side of the Reptoid on the bottom half of the table.

    The guys face from the ear forward, around the chin & forehead was also missing.

    At this point everything went black.

    Shortly after getting the memory back I wrote this;

    It is now 5 days later and the memory is in mind any time I am not busy or reading, so its been enough time to mull it over whilst its still very fresh, and what has formed over the last couple of days is that it was some kind of communication in a very reptilian way, they were letting me know something in their brutal & direct way, not enough to tell me anything of great value other than I have some meaning, value or purpose to them, beyond being a lump of meat.

    My suspicions are around spines & psychic abilities, possibly spinal fluid & intense fear too.

    Last year I had some spine X-rays done for my chiropractor, the radiologist came out of his booth holding the x-ray & stared at me, he then said “why are you not in a wheel chair!” such is the state of my spine.

    My lower spine often feels like it isn’t attached to my pelvis on a morning, & the shooting pain is beyond pain, everything just seems to “short circuit”, I can’t even see or think.

    The thing between the shoulders has left a legacy too, & it’s hard to sleep because of it.

    All these abductions seem to happen just after Christmas in the early new year for some reason.

  7. #57
    I haven't read your last posts here yet but good that you've got your experiences documented in a public venue so experiencer researchers can easily access it. As I mentioned before, I have trouble reading other experiencer's personal testimonials about their experiences and encounters. I'm hoping someday that will change and I believe I have much to look forward to if and when that happens.
    Last edited by A99; 08-28-2017 at 01:29 AM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
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  8. #58
    Senior Member lycaeus's Avatar
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    One night I awoke to find myself lying on a cold metal table, I couldn’t see but I felt naked.

    Everything was dark apart from me & the beings to my left, light wasn’t operating as we know it.

    There were beings next to / above my head that I couldn’t see too, the ones to the left were blurring out their faces & appearance, but they were very tall, possibly 9 feet tall, in the front row at least one being was wearing what appeared to be a white lab coat.

    One of the beings stood in such a position as to be above my head telepathically & dispassionately told me they would be screening my heart so I wouldn’t die….then they electrocuted the **** out of me, my back was arched like a horseshoe for what seemed like forever & then I blacked out with the pain.
    Interesting thread. This part stood out to me because I remember something similar happening to me. It didn't seem like a dream, but a real memory. I was on a metal table, with beings around, and one of them hit me on the head which electrocuted my whole body. It made me shake like I was having a big seizure, really intense. That's all I remember.

    The part about being dropped into bed I experienced too. That phenomena has to be pretty common with abductees.

    The surgical procedures sound intense. My friend who is an abductee described something similar. His chest was cut open, and there was some yellow-green liquid involved... weird stuff... I also had trouble sleeping pretty much all my life. i think this stuff sits in our subconscious minds. Its important to address this dark stuff and also let it go and enjoy some fun things in life. Anyways thanks for sharing man!
    "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock."

  9. #59
    Member Sykotronik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lycaeus View Post
    Interesting thread. This part stood out to me because I remember something similar happening to me. It didn't seem like a dream, but a real memory. I was on a metal table, with beings around, and one of them hit me on the head which electrocuted my whole body. It made me shake like I was having a big seizure, really intense. That's all I remember.

    The part about being dropped into bed I experienced too. That phenomena has to be pretty common with abductees.

    The surgical procedures sound intense. My friend who is an abductee described something similar. His chest was cut open, and there was some yellow-green liquid involved... weird stuff... I also had trouble sleeping pretty much all my life. i think this stuff sits in our subconscious minds. Its important to address this dark stuff and also let it go and enjoy some fun things in life. Anyways thanks for sharing man!
    Thanks for the reply Lycaeus, whilst it's very disturbing that anyone else should have experienced anything remotely similar it is also reassuring in a personal way for me as it adds weight to it not being my imagination or a crazy dream.

    I think ingproblems with sleep & things sitting in the subconscious mind are very much linked, I think we sink into that subconscious realm when we sleep, apparently we dream in REM & the other states too, such as night terrors which don't have dreams the waking mind can remember, the person just wakes up screaming, which I did for years.

    Making the most of the fun things in life is good advice, make the most of beauty & love too.

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