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Thread: Predictions for 2017.

  1. #71
    As far as value goes, the best route for betting in this race, using the info I got via evp too, would be a trifecta box for Irish War Cry, Gormley, Senior Investment and J.Boys Echo.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  2. #72
    US politician is reported to have committed suicide, starts an intense conspiracy thing.

    Happens between late 2017 and late 2018...

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by A99 View Post
    As far as value goes, the best route for betting in this race, using the info I got via evp too, would be a trifecta box for Irish War Cry, Gormley, Senior Investment and J.Boys Echo.
    Please disregard my above post. (in quote) Was only thinking of possible trifecta box bets for this race but my previous post on who would win the race still stands. (the lower level contact tier is still sticking with Gormley but I'm still going with Irish War Horse for the win)
    Last edited by A99; 06-11-2017 at 12:20 AM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  4. #74
    Tapwrit won.
    Irish War Cry came in second
    Gormley came in fourth

    Tapwrit was spoken in my session today as a possible winner by someone on the lower level but because they emphasized Gormley again, I decided to stay with him. One contact said that Gormley would end up third but another one thought he would win. A little bummed out but happy they were able to pick out two horses who would end up in the top four for this race; IWC and Gormley.

    I think predicting the winners and who would end up in the top four for horse racing is something I could continue to work with them on to get better at it. I definitely see some potential here and they seemed to enjoy it too.
    Last edited by A99; 06-11-2017 at 01:07 AM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  5. #75
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A99 View Post
    Tapwrit won.
    Irish War Cry came in second
    Gormley came in fourth

    Tapwrit was spoken in my session today as a possible winner by someone on the lower level but because they emphasized Gormley again, I decided to stay with him. One contact said that Gormley would end up third but another one thought he would win. A little bummed out but happy they were able to pick out two horses who would end up in the top four for this race; IWC and Gormley.

    I think predicting the winners and who would end up in the top four for horse racing is something I could continue to work with them on to get better at it. I definitely see some potential here and they seemed to enjoy it too.

    Kind of disappointing none of the prior two race winners participated.
    Guess we'll have to wait for next year at a shot for a triple crown winner.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  6. #76
    If a channeler like C. Goode or any others who are calling themselves ET contactee's out there, were tasked to get the names of the winners of a horse race where they were to successfully name 2 of the top four winners in a wide-open race like this one was, I would rank them, on a 1-to-10 scale on the Veracity/Proof Indicator, as a number 6.

    IOW's, nothing to write home about but is at least significant enough to jot it down as a side note on the Proof List. It's 'something' as opposed to nothing.

    About the Belmont this year:

    Not even the odds favorite, Irish War Cry, of this race was cited as ending up even in the top four by those top handicappers/experts out there. Most hated that horse. As we know, the real stars, the ones who won the Derby or the Preakness, had dropped out... or in one case, a top ranker... that being Classic Empire.

    Gormley's existence in this race was hardly even acknowledged; not even for their trifecta line-ups. Most were naming Looking-at-Lee or Senior Investment as their choices as possible winners of this race. Even Tapwich only got an honorable mention.
    Last edited by A99; 06-11-2017 at 06:02 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  7. #77

    If a channeler like C. Goode or any others who are calling themselves ET contactee's out there, were tasked to get the names of the winners of a horse race where they were to successfully name 2 of the top four winners in a wide-open race like this one was, I would rank them, on a 1-to-10 scale on the Veracity/Proof Indicator, as a number 6.

    Additional clarification on my statement above.
    The contactee would be tasked to get the winners of a horse race e.g. the top four winners in that race... from those ETs they claim to be in contact with.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  8. #78
    Next up is the Royal Ascot - Ladies Day Gold Cup which is the Thurs. after next. Even have a fascinator to wear for it that I designed and created for a Freaking News assignment. I won a trophy for it too.

    Last edited by A99; 06-11-2017 at 11:36 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  9. #79
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A99 View Post
    Next up is the Royal Ascot - Ladies Day Gold Cup which is the Thurs. after next. Even have a fascinator to wear for it that I designed and created for a Freaking News assignment. I won a trophy for it too.

    Sry? I'm clueless. Horse race?
    After the Triple Crown, and Indy 500, I'm on to other predictions.

    Nice hat by the way, fish imaginary or model of a real species?
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
    Attachment 1008

  10. #80
    Didn't know you called for predictions for the Indy 500 here but apparently I missed that one.

    I've decided that it would be much easier for my contacts to predict in a game like baseball where there are only 2 teams competing against each other as opposed to horseracing which has 12 competitors in each racing event. That makes horse racing a lot harder when it comes to predicting the winner.

    It's baseball season now so baseball it is.
    Will start up a new thread for us to post 'psychic' (or otherwise) baseball predictions.
    Last edited by A99; 06-12-2017 at 03:17 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

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