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Thread: The Flat Earth is a Mandela Effect for me

  1. #1
    Junior Member Matthewgalin's Avatar
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    The Flat Earth is a Mandela Effect for me

    I'll Start off by saying that my opinion is that we live in a simulated existence, but that doesn't mean that we are not created and part of a Devin entity.We are in a lucid world. The soul inside of us lives in the real world/realm. We are here for the reasons in which you can only find for yourself. We shall wake up to truth in the right time.
    I live as one with my soul! I can see the real world if I let myself. The simulation that IS this world can be as breathtaking and beautiful as it can be dark and dangerous. I enjoy playing with others who enjoy the game as I do. That keeps me wanting to play.
    I'm an old soul. I've been on this journey for quite some time. I would not be me without me. I am the reason I exist. However, I do give thanks to the creation!! Fulfilling my mission here will allow me to start the next. I have an understood position of myself.
    If it exists, it cannot be wrong. If I want to know, I must look and find! Answers are there!
    I can't remember hearing anything about the flat earth talk until the Mandela effect came to light. Yet I would not be surprised if the earth was flat! I see all the evidence that supports that. And with all the other changes we are seeing in and through the Mandela Effect, how could I rule anything out?
    Before I go any further let me say that I am a person who has done a lot of travelling and I can clearly remember seeing the curve of the earth. It was something I paid attention to. I can no longer see it. I see the moon taking on a new rotation. Land has been shifting all over the world. I ask myself, "Could it be possible that the earth I knew had a major life altering event? And through a Divine Knowledge of that upcoming event, people started shifting to what we now know is the new earth?"
    I believe that this is bigger than anything CERN has the ability to be responsible for. All I can say is that I know with all my heart that this earth is a lot different from the place I grew up calling home. I felt the shift long before I even knew what it all meant. I was standing on the beach in 2008 when this feeling came over me. I said to myself at that time that I just shifted into a different dimension. That's exactly what I felt and thought. I had no idea of what that would mean until the ME was revealed to me.
    There are clearly questions to which I don't have the answers to. I will continue to explore the facts. Evidence is not just pointing to a flat earth, but providing proof to it. I would like to know that everything in the world was the way I understood it to be. I hope we are in orbit around the sun! However I don't need any more convincing of the flat earth! I'm sure of both the changes to the earth and of the changes to in the material we use intimately, such as the Bible.
    I feel that the creator of this life has in some way been part of the shift. So much still unknown though! And I don't think we have enough evidence to determine how/why yet. That's what I will be looking for. Hoping ever evolving in my quest for the truth.
    We are unable to stop anything that's taking place, but maybe we can grow and evolve through this. We have suppressed ourselves for far too long! We have been ignoring the truth. That's why we have not been able to grow as a species past selfish and fake ideals. We think we know it all and except the word of man as the word of God. I think that is the reason for the Bible changing. To show us that it has fault. I am not trying to offend anyone and I only speak for myself.
    I can see things for what they are not. Giving me a chance to sort through the years of oppressed spiritual growth by seeing the truth to the lies that we have been told, and through the misunderstood events.We just ignore the deception all around us by crawling into our greed and our denial.
    Anyway, I know that we are able to evolve, but I also know that we need to get rid of the bull**** to do so. We need to admit that we do not know, except that anything is possible and try to understand as much as we can about this new world we live in. The truth is out there. We can see that now more than ever before. It's up to us to find it.
    Truth Seeker

  2. #2
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Hello MatthewGalin,
    Welcome to the forum, nice first post.
    Going to take a bit to digest it all.

    Noticed you eliminated CERN as the source of your perceived earth changes.
    I believe that this is bigger than anything CERN has the ability to be responsible for.
    Could you please tell us why you suspected CERN in the first place?
    And then, how/why you came to eliminated CERN as the culprit?

    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthewgalin View Post
    I'll Start off by saying that my opinion is that we live in a simulated existence, but that doesn't mean that we are not created and part of a Devin entity.We are in a lucid world. The soul inside of us lives in the real world/realm. We are here for the reasons in which you can only find for yourself. We shall wake up to truth in the right time.
    I live as one with my soul! I can see the real world if I let myself. The simulation that IS this world can be as breathtaking and beautiful as it can be dark and dangerous. I enjoy playing with others who enjoy the game as I do. That keeps me wanting to play.
    I'm an old soul. I've been on this journey for quite some time. I would not be me without me. I am the reason I exist. However, I do give thanks to the creation!! Fulfilling my mission here will allow me to start the next. I have an understood position of myself.
    If it exists, it cannot be wrong. If I want to know, I must look and find! Answers are there!
    I can't remember hearing anything about the flat earth talk until the Mandela effect came to light. Yet I would not be surprised if the earth was flat! I see all the evidence that supports that. And with all the other changes we are seeing in and through the Mandela Effect, how could I rule anything out?
    Before I go any further let me say that I am a person who has done a lot of travelling and I can clearly remember seeing the curve of the earth. It was something I paid attention to. I can no longer see it. I see the moon taking on a new rotation. Land has been shifting all over the world. I ask myself, "Could it be possible that the earth I knew had a major life altering event? And through a Divine Knowledge of that upcoming event, people started shifting to what we now know is the new earth?"
    I believe that this is bigger than anything CERN has the ability to be responsible for. All I can say is that I know with all my heart that this earth is a lot different from the place I grew up calling home. I felt the shift long before I even knew what it all meant. I was standing on the beach in 2008 when this feeling came over me. I said to myself at that time that I just shifted into a different dimension. That's exactly what I felt and thought. I had no idea of what that would mean until the ME was revealed to me.
    There are clearly questions to which I don't have the answers to. I will continue to explore the facts. Evidence is not just pointing to a flat earth, but providing proof to it. I would like to know that everything in the world was the way I understood it to be. I hope we are in orbit around the sun! However I don't need any more convincing of the flat earth! I'm sure of both the changes to the earth and of the changes to in the material we use intimately, such as the Bible.
    I feel that the creator of this life has in some way been part of the shift. So much still unknown though! And I don't think we have enough evidence to determine how/why yet. That's what I will be looking for. Hoping ever evolving in my quest for the truth.
    We are unable to stop anything that's taking place, but maybe we can grow and evolve through this. We have suppressed ourselves for far too long! We have been ignoring the truth. That's why we have not been able to grow as a species past selfish and fake ideals. We think we know it all and except the word of man as the word of God. I think that is the reason for the Bible changing. To show us that it has fault. I am not trying to offend anyone and I only speak for myself.
    I can see things for what they are not. Giving me a chance to sort through the years of oppressed spiritual growth by seeing the truth to the lies that we have been told, and through the misunderstood events.We just ignore the deception all around us by crawling into our greed and our denial.
    Anyway, I know that we are able to evolve, but I also know that we need to get rid of the bull**** to do so. We need to admit that we do not know, except that anything is possible and try to understand as much as we can about this new world we live in. The truth is out there. We can see that now more than ever before. It's up to us to find it.

    Hey Matthew, thanks for posting your deep understanding of reality, I thoroughly enjoyed the read and found many similarities in your story. I have recently come upon this myself and began a quest which culminated in a journey throughout our solar system.

    Several years back, I had an overwhelming drive to find out more of my apparent reality in which I was experiencing. Like you, I think we had the same yearning to explore "the immediate unknowns", and looked for tangible proof and, by the looks of things, CERN failed you and so you moved on, if I am reading you correctly. Please excuse me if I misunderstood.

    For me, my proof came in the form of photographic evidence of the Martian surface primarily, which told me "to my soul", that we were not the only living entities residing, at the very least, in our immediate solar system. This took about five years to finally conclude and is a journey I would recommend although at times, was quite overwhelming. There's a lot of data to discover in just one 1.5 gigabit of data image swath of a 20km long high resolution picture of another planet....especially in 3D!

    But I have to tell you, in my research, I discovered something else in addition to; "just proof of life" which turned my world a bit faster. So far, my science brain (for what it's worth) has yet to come up with an answer but I would like to take a moment and explain what I have found there and I am quite sure that the folks over at NASA HiRISE do not even know. If they do, they are probably keeping silent on it.

    So here goes for the first time....

    In a nutshell, I discovered many "habitat" images which seemed to show "another reality". The surface was mis-aligned. Of course I immediately assumed that the "join" in the topography was in fact, a join in the means by which the images are "sewn together". Although the scenery was incredibly diverse with astonishing structures crisscrossing the landscape, I decided the visual anomaly was a quirk of the imaging processes. But one thing became frighteningly apparent, the anomaly was only visible in anaglyph 3D mode! In 2D, the join or tear (which it really isn't) in the surface was absolutely not there in 2D.

    A little background. In order to make a 3D image successful, the distance between the red lens and cyan lens needs to be consistent with the distance between your right and left eye, otherwise, you won't get the 3D effect. It's that simple.

    So, when you zoom in and magnify at very close quarters, (remember the Martian photo has pixels roughly 25cm) then, you need to move the two stereo images closer together to maintain the ratio set for the 3D experience. This is easy enough to do with the available software and frankly, is a lot of fun as you can create amazing 3D images "up front and personal" of another planet - wow!

    The closer you get in, you just compensate the "eye distance" apart, relative to the surface and then....move right on in! Once you begin to explore Mars in 3D and close up, trust me, it's almost like being there.

    So when looking at the surface, your mind begins to understand the reality of what is called "depth of field". You see surface protrusions that are closer and in more detail as well as surface protrusions (and depressions) which are further away. Truly awesome! Here's an example looking straight down on the western end of the giant Hebes Chasma.

    So the image above then, is made up of two stereo images (below), one in red and the other in cyan. Both are slightly different as the camera took the both images slightly "offset" from one another.

    So, back to the dimension anomaly.

    Here's an example below. The dimension is a little tricky at first but once you see it, you'll known you have seen it.
    The location is quite a dense hillside with many structures. For scale, if you were standing in this image, you would not be visible - you would be too small.

    In the image below, we see the same area in 3D and now you can see the different terrains as they split in two.
    The image has two realities from top right down to bottom left and the join follows the contours of the topography!

    What is most compelling, is that where the two come together, the edge of the top dimension is jagged -not a straight line.

    This condition is "on the surface of the planet and not a line produced in the imaging process". As I explored the Martian surface further, I came across many of these incredible "multiple dimension realities" which are just awesome and many show two "directional" topographies interweaving as though the surface has several "layers" of surface reality - really quite spooky!

    So the next stage in this reality check was when I first saw a resemblance in the so named "Luna Wave" discovered by Crrow777

    Leaving me with the very real possibility, that "what" we are seeing "out there" may very well be one gigantic and impossible hologram. More discussion on this and your experiences to be had, for sure.

    Last edited by M-Albion-3D; 02-28-2017 at 11:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Matthewgalin's Avatar
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