What an elegant way for the universe to convey a message to us too! A reminder of the greatest event of all times, the birth of Jesus! How beautiful!
What an elegant way for the universe to convey a message to us too! A reminder of the greatest event of all times, the birth of Jesus! How beautiful!
HTML Code:For it is in giving that we receive. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Actually, the constellation Virgo had nothing to do with Jesus at the time the Book of Revelation was written (as early as the mid 60s AD and no later than 96AD).
The constellation wasn't even named and noted until the 2nd Century AD by the Greek astronomer, Ptolemy. Virgo was thought to be the goddess of justice, Dike. Since Virgo is next to Libra (the scales of justice), that makes a lot of sense.
The association of Virgo with Mary, the mother of Jesus, did not take place until Medieval times.
Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
Mythology - Virgo
According to the Babylonian Mul.Apin, which dates between 1000 BC and 686 BC, this constellation was known as "The Furrow", representing the goddess Shala's ear of grain or corn. One star in this constellation, Spica, retains this tradition as it is Latin for "ear of grain", one of the major products of the Mesopotamian furrow.
The constellation was also known as AB.SIN and absinnu. For this reason the constellation became associated with fertility. According to Gavin White the figure of Virgo corresponds to two Babylonian constellations - the 'Furrow' in the eastern sector of Virgo and the 'Frond of Erua' in the western sector. The Frond of Erua was depicted as a goddess holding a palm-frond - a motif that still occasionally appears in much later depictions of Virgo.
The Greeks and Romans associated Virgo with their goddess of wheat, Demeter-Ceres who is the mother of Persephone-Proserpina. Alternatively, she was sometimes identified as the virgin goddess Iustitia or Astraea, holding the scales of justice in her hand as the constellation Libra.
In the Middle Ages, Virgo was sometimes associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Virgo is depicted as an angel with wings, holding an ear of wheat. She is usually identified as Dike, the goddess of justice, who was the daughter of Zeus and Themis.
She lived on Earth during the Golden Age of mankind. This was a time of peace and happiness where it was always springtime and food grew without cultivation and humans never grew old. The men lived like gods, not knowing work, sorrow or war.
Zeus overthrew his father, Cronus, on Olympus and the Silver Age began. Zeus was a harsh and strict ruler during these times, as many new rulers tend to be. He saw humans as rather lowly creatures who were far beneath immortals, and in fact should be treated as animals. He shortened spring time and introduced the yearly cycle of seasons.
People during this time became quarrelsome and no longer honored the gods. Virgo longed for the Golden Age times and assembled the human race together and spoke sternly to them about changing their ways. She warned them that worse was to come. Afterwards, she spread her wings and took refuge in the mountains, turning her back on mankind.
The Age of Bronze and Iron fell upon mankind. Humans descended into violence, theft and war. Virgo could no longer bear the sins of humanity and abandoned the Earth and flew up to heaven. To this day, she sits next to the constellation of Libra, which is seen as the scales of justice.
Last edited by A99; 09-14-2017 at 04:53 AM.
HTML Code:For it is in giving that we receive. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
With all due respect, my comment that you quoted was in reference to the planetary line-ups for Sept. 23rd. It includes the const. Virgo and const. Leo... and then there are those planetary line ups that make connections to those constellations on that day too.
At that time, Jupiter will be in the womb of Virgo... please view that vid for information on that. The vid posted by the OP of this thread.
This is not to say that I agree with the minister's interpretation of that astronomical line up eg the day of Rapture....
Last edited by A99; 09-14-2017 at 05:18 AM.
HTML Code:For it is in giving that we receive. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Uh oh. There's more to what some say is going to happen next Sat. than what's been posted in this thread thus far:
Biblical prophecy claims the world will end on Sept. 23, Christian numerologists claim
Published September 15, 2017Fox News
File photo: A photo taken by Expedition 46 flight engineer Tim Peake of the European Space Agency (ESA) aboard the International Space Station shows Italy, the Alps, and the Mediterranean on January, 25, 2016. (REUTERS/NASA/Tim Peake)
A Christian numerologist claims that the world will end next Saturday when a planet will, supposedly, collide with Earth.
According to Christian numerologist David Meade, verses in Luke 21:25 to 26 are the sign that recent events, such as the recent solar eclipse and Hurricane Harvey, are signs of the apocalypse.
The verses read:
“25: There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
"'26: Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.'
Sept. 23 is a date that was pinpointed using codes from the Bible, as well as a "date marker" in the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
Meade has built his theory on the so-called Planet X, which is also known as Nibiru, which he believes will pass Earth on Sept. 23, causing volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes, according to British newspaper The Sun.
From The Sun
Is the end of the world on September 23?
A Christian numerologist claims a verse in the Bible proves that the world will end on September 23.
In Luke's passage 21: 25 to 26, there is a quote which apparently matches the date of the Great American Solar Eclipse, when Hurricane Harvey hit and when Texas was flooded.
September 23 was pinpointed using codes from the Bible and also a “date marker” shown by the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
But NASA has dismissed the claims, insisting the Planet X theory is merely a hoax.
What is David Meade's theory about Planet X and the Great American solar eclipse?
Conspiracies about the mysterious planet named Nibiru suggest it could be headed towards Earth to destroy it on September 23.
It was first mentioned in 1976 by author Zecharia Sitchin in his book The 12th Planet.
He believed the planet is home to ancient aliens called the Annunaki who he claimed created the human race.
As the date fast approaches, Christian conspiracy theorist David Meade expects says Nibiru, also known as Planet X, will pass the Earth - bringing with it volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes.
Meade buys into the idea that a 2,000-year-old prophecy, which was described in the book of Revelation, will cause an apocalypse.
NASA has repeatedly said Planet X is a hoax.
For a certain branch of evangelical Christianity, Revelation 12:1–2, describes the beginning of what is known as the rapture and the second coming of Christ.
The passage reads: "And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth."
In the passage, the woman is Virgo. On Sept. 23, both the sun and the moon will be in Virgo, as will the planet Jupiter. However, this occurrence happens naturally once every 12 years. There is also a rare alignment, known as "the Lion of the tribe of Judah," which the conspiracy theorists are hanging their hats on.
Last edited by A99; 09-17-2017 at 07:26 PM.
HTML Code:For it is in giving that we receive. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Revelation definitely describes some cosmological events that the world seems keenly aware of.
Last edited by Sansanoy; 09-17-2017 at 09:38 PM.
I'm looking forward to September 23. It's the first full day of Autumn.
Disclosure begins at home so start a conversation about UFOs.
"Debunkers are like school yard bullies." - Kevin Smith to Leslie Kean, August 31, 2010
I am looking forward as well, fall and spring are the most visually stimulating to me.I'm looking forward to September 23. It's the first full day of Autumn.
So years back I recall having several conversations with our old friend ETH (Doug) and as much as he was against "date setting" he would tell me how this date in the far off future -Sept 23 2017 had his interest. And here it is...
Maybe just leaves falling from trees and football season. But no man shall know the day yet we are all encouraged to be "watchful"..
This world has gotten a whole lot crazier in the past 10 years note: north korea. Earthquakes and hurricanes and jihads running all over the place..
And for you doubters that Nibiru would show up- you are wrong
Hope ya all are good and should we still be here on Sunday- Go Eagles!!
Last month a reader shared with me that exactly 726 days transpire between the last of the four "Blood Moons", which was a supermoon visible over Jerusalem, and the Revelation 12 Sign on September 23rd.
It just so happens that Strong's 726 is harpazó, which is the Greek word for "rapture". It's the exact word used to describe the catching away of the saints in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Revelation 12:5. What are the chances of that?
Yesterday another amazing "coincidence" was discovered: September 23, 2017 has 726 minutes of daylight (see here). In fact, it is the only day in all of 2017 with 726 minutes of daylight. Even more - the first day of the Feast of Trumpets on September 21st has 730 minutes of daylight. Strong's 730 is arsén, which is the very word used to describe the corporate male child in Revelation 12:5 and the LXX version of Isaiah 66:7.
When you begin compiling all of these "coincidences" it starts to defy the laws of probability.
Next, I want to point your attention back to an article I wrote a few weeks ago in which I demonstrate that the Blood Moon tetrad wasn't for nothing. It was pointing to 9/23 all along. The first and third Blood Moons occurred in Virgo and the Sun was in Virgo during the second and fourth Blood Moons. Next week's Great American Eclipse occurs in Leo. Think about that for a minute. There are twelve constellations in the Mazzaroth and these eclipses were all pointing at the two specific constellations that compose next month's Revelation 12 Sign.
But that's not all. I derived what might be a message if you take these eclipses in order:
Blood Moon #1: All eyes were fixed on Virgo. 1,255 days until the Feast of Trumpets in 2017. Strong's 1255 is a proper name meaning "he has given a son".
Blood Moon #2: 1,079 days until the Feast of Trumpets in 2017 and 1,081 days until the Revelation 12 Sign. Strong's 1079 is genete, which means "birth" and Strong's 1081 is gennéma, which means "child" or "offspring".
Blood Moon #3: All eyes were again fixed on Virgo.
Blood Moon #4: 726 days until the Revelation 12 Sign. Strong's 726 is harpazó, which means "rapture".
Great American Eclipse: All eyes will be fixed on Leo. 31 days until the Feast of Trumpets and 33 days until the Revelation 12 Sign. Strong's 31 is aggelia, which means "a message" and Strong's 33 is age, which means "Come!"
Add in the additional layer of the length of daylight on the Feast of Trumpets and on September 23rd and look what message is formed:
He will give a son. Look at Virgo give birth to her offspring. Look at Virgo again. Look at Leo. A message: the rapture of the male child has come!
The message doesn't end there. From the year when Christ was crucified to 2017 is 1984 years. Strong's 1984 is episkopé, which means "visitation". It's the very word used by Christ to condemn Jerusalem for not realizing the timing of His first coming:
They will level you to the ground--you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation [episkopé] from God.
- Luke 19:44
It is also used by Peter to describe the next coming of Christ and the context appears to be the rapture:
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits [episkopé] us.
- 1 Peter 2:12
Skeptics will quickly chime in, questioning what Strong's Numbers have to do with anything. Trust me - I get it. They are not in Scripture and they don't rise to the level of Scripture. We're only speculating on meaning here and you have to take it with a grain of salt, but keep in mind that Strong's Numbers are the only system of fixed numbers assigned to biblical words (at least that I'm aware of).
So here is the question I want to pose to the skeptics, especially Christian skeptics: what kind of universe do we live in? Is it one where nothing has meaning, some things have meaning, or everything has meaning? I used to live my life believing some things have meaning and most things God gave over to probability, but as I've grown in my faith I've begun to see that we worship a truly sovereign God who has orchestrated all of creation in very precise fashion.
You have to be careful and choosy when researching things that are outside of Scripture, testing everything, but dismissing them out of hand seems foolish to me. God created all things - not just the Bible and you can find His fingerprints everywhere if you're willing and humble enough to look.