NRP says:
April 8, 2016 at 12:19 PM
Long true story made short; have a friend, that I trust his word, told me of a story/bet with someone, one(the friend) in Laser Technology, the other in Satellite Technology, Short version, bet was Sat guy could find the Laser’s guy truck and tell him what bumper he would put a Quarter on. Sat guy not only told him where truck was, where it was parked, what corner/bumper the Quarter was on, but it was face up…….. AND, y-all ready for this, it was a 1972 Quarter, and sent him a screen capture of it….
So, the old story of being able to read a newspaper from space/spy satellite, don’t bet against it, you will lose your Quarter.
There is NO privacy anymore, Spy Planes, Spy Satellite, Laser Tech that can pick up the vibrations of a conversation on a window from over a mile away, Taping into your Cell Phone (and yes they CAN turn on your camera, and microphone to know what you’re doing, all alone the GPS to find you), the list is endless. And NO I’m not a conspiracy theorist, Just-The-Facts-Jack.
NRP aka code name “&#@%” hahahaha
PS; I’m on so many list it don’t matter anymore :-) :-)
Give me my Tin-Foil Hat BACK!!!!!