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Thread: Redefining Reality

  1. #1

    Redefining Reality

    Based on his research, John Mack famously said that we may have to expand our definition of reality.
    People who have had contact experiences seem to experience or perceive reality differently.

    During abductions, e.g., people are often floated through solid objects: windows, doors, even walls and ceilings.
    That is not part of traditional reality.

    So, what are your thoughts on redefining reality?

    In what way would you say your experience or perception of reality has changed (either as an experiencer or as a researcher or someone who worked with experiencers)?
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  2. #2
    Here's a quick list just to get the ball rolling...

    In what way would you say your experience or perception of reality has changed?

    1. That we are each members of a much larger reality than what I thought before which was that we are mere Earthlings separated from the larger universe. Now I know that we are not separated from that larger world out there at all.
    2. That there are visitors from other planets and other realms here on our planet.
    3. There are greys, there are reptilians, there are all white humanoids like Tall Whites only shorter. There are hybrids. There are unknowns.
    4. They can be photographed if they allow it.
    5. They operate in a world with an entirely different physics than the one we exist in on the physical plane. But, for us, it’s just physics that hasn’t been discovered yet.
    6. Changes on how I interpret my reality now: I’m more apt to explore the symbolic and metaphoric aspects of personal and outside events and experiences than analyzing things strictly on a literal and logical basis only.
    7. This drills in the point there are many things that we experience with our conscious minds that may only be the tip of the iceberg of what’s really going on; at any given time. So to cover all bases, it’s important to look at important matters in a more depth manner for more clarity on what just transpired. Sometimes that involves throwing caution to the wind and going with one’s gut feeling about something as opposed to pure logic.
    8. I became more or less a vegetarian. I get nauseous when even thinking about eating meat.
    9. I changed from being not so interested and concerned about our environment to becoming somewhat of an activist after my experiences.
    10. The world is going to end and they have been trying to let us know why that is. I would only be speculating as to why they are doing that.
    11. After my first UFO sighting, I started to have many more paranormal experiences, precognitive dreams, inner eye visions etc...
    12. I love nature now more, much more than before. Sometimes when I'm in the woods, it's like being in an enchanted and magical world for me. I see things and feel things others don't. I wasn't like that before.
    13. I'm really big on nature documentaries. Before I didn't even like them. But now it's like I can't get enough of them. lol I moved to an apt. complex that's next door to the zoo.
    14. I became closer to God. Not more religious but more spiritual. My love for the Catholic Church grew. I love going to Mass and being involved in community worship. Before I wasn't like that.
    Last edited by A99; 09-09-2017 at 07:34 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  3. #3
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    Based on his research, John Mack famously said that we may have to expand our definition of reality.
    People who have had contact experiences seem to experience or perceive reality differently.

    During abductions, e.g., people are often floated through solid objects: windows, doors, even walls and ceilings.
    That is not part of traditional reality.

    So, what are your thoughts on redefining reality?

    In what way would you say your experience or perception of reality has changed (either as an experiencer or as a researcher or someone who worked with experiencers)?
    I think Einstein redefined our understanding of reality with his theory that time and space are not fixed, but malleable.
    A jump ahead of Newtonian physics beliefs that had held for centuries.

    The next promising knowledge leap seems to rest with M-Theory. But if E.T. has FTL drives now, that could become yet another simple stepping stone to even more exotic laws governing "reality".

    Don't really feel qualified to comment on the "floating through walls thing", other than to say it sounds amazing, and I'd sure like to know how "they" do that.
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  4. #4
    Thanks A99 and Calikid.

    I've been thinking about this one a lot, and I wonder where to even begin, because it really is a different paradigm.

    In the reality I experience, there are whole realms that are not included in the traditional model of reality. Take, e.g., subtle bodies and auric fields. I often get glances of several of those layers, but those are just the top of the iceberg. Barbara Ann Brennan, e.g, perceives 7 extra layers, apart from the physical one.
    And different realms correspond to these layers, some with inhabitants of their own.

    Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest argued that altered states work makes those other realms accessible to us.

    In those other realms, other 'physical laws' apply.

    And then add consciousness to the mix, and the different realms of consciousness that seem to intersect but are not the same as those subtle realms.

    Add to that, then, the concept of higher (physical) dimensions, and it's a whole different ball game.

    And, again, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

  5. #5
    To compare the universe to a jack in the box, any universe could have popped out when you turned the crank. And yet one of the least probable came out...a universe filled with strict laws with ordered mathematical foundations. It's supposed to be a closed system but 68% of the energy in the universe is coming from something we can't detect. If evolution is true it must also be an open system to move from simple to complex against the law of entropy. Even our minds defy the modern logic of what is defined as reality. We defy it every day as living matter as soon as we wake up and choose our breakfast. Humans operate through the laws of the universe but are bound to none of them. Our reality functions on a system of layers.

    The interesting thing about layers is that they form a whole. The real questions is what is the "whole" that all these layers are forming.
    Last edited by Sansanoy; 09-10-2017 at 12:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Great conversation going on here!

    I want to add another statement to my 'list'....

    In what way would you say your experience or perception of reality has changed?

    15) The realization that I now had a new 'normal' that presented to me new ambiguities and new paradox's that I never consciously experienced and encountered before e.g. encounters with paraphysical materialization's of non-human intelligence's.
    Last edited by A99; 09-10-2017 at 05:13 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
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  7. #7
    Member Sykotronik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garuda View Post
    Based on his research, John Mack famously said that we may have to expand our definition of reality.
    People who have had contact experiences seem to experience or perceive reality differently.

    During abductions, e.g., people are often floated through solid objects: windows, doors, even walls and ceilings.
    That is not part of traditional reality.

    So, what are your thoughts on redefining reality?

    In what way would you say your experience or perception of reality has changed (either as an experiencer or as a researcher or someone who worked with experiencers)?

    John Mack uses the word "ontological", I had never heard that before, so I looked it up & it took some getting my head around, but when I did I came to the conclusion that just calling abductees & experiencers "ontological pioneers" was enough to have him bumped off so profound is the meaning.

    There are some odd commonalities in this thread for me, I also have a very worn copy of BA Brennans book "hands of light", I feel very close to nature ( much more than people ) & I attend mass ( converted to Catholicism aged 40).

    As a lifelong abductee/ experiencer / oddball I can look back on my life & it's been quite clearly a bizarre & unusual path that has been solely about learning & developing in relation to the larger reality, the "coincidences" are quite ridiculous.

    IMO "aliens" are not extraterrestrial at all, they are beings from the background field upon which this plane of existence or reality floats, which is why science dribbles away into theories of nonsense when it looks beyond the boundaries.

  8. #8
    I've come to a point where I need to reign things in and work within a defined, coherent framework now. I've been trying to understand things without that, much too long now. I'm tired of ending up running circles around every new paradigm that comes my way to see if it's a good fit. Or being inundated with information overload and not knowing what to do with it. I need to narrow all that data down now so the first step for me in this regards is to commence in an academic program in exopolitics which will present a more systematic and disciplined approach on all of this.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
    ~ St. Francis of Assisi

  9. #9
    Member Sykotronik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A99 View Post
    I've come to a point where I need to reign things in and work within a defined, coherent framework now. I've been trying to understand things without that, much too long now. I'm tired of ending up running circles around every new paradigm that comes my way to see if it's a good fit. Or being inundated with information overload and not knowing what to do with it. I need to narrow all that data down now so the first step for me in this regards is to commence in an academic program in exopolitics which will present a more systematic and disciplined approach on all of this.
    I went through that for a LONG time, eventually I came to realize that all I was seeing fitted in the same framework when you look at the meta data, that is that what is defined as paganism uses the same forces in the same ways to get the same effects under a hundred different names, ie it's all luciferic & it's all a deception.

  10. #10
    Thanks for sharing your viewpoints on that.
    Last edited by A99; 09-15-2017 at 01:54 PM.
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    For it is in giving that we receive.
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