Direct link to "60minutes Overtime" website link, for additional interview footage.
Navy pilots recall "unsettling" 2004 UAP sighting
by Jacquelyn DiNick
Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich were training with the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group when a UAP encounter occurred over the Pacific Ocean.
60 minutes "overtime"
The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
progress. -- Joseph Joubert
Attachment 1008
I found some research from 2010 that may indicate that some military activities are or have achieved extremely high speed crafts. Although I don't think we have reach the 66.000 mph level just yet . . .
Blasting The Air In Front Of Hypersonic Vehicles With Lasers Could Unlock Unprecedented Speeds
Over the last decade, two of the most significant topics in defense research and development have been directed energy systems and hypersonic weapons. The Department of Defense and its major contractors have been pushing the boundaries of what is possible with these technologies and those efforts could someday soon literally change the face of warfare forever.
As it turns out, these two cutting edge areas of defense research are beginning to converge in laboratories with the goal of enabling unprecedented levels of speed for aerial weapons. By combining advanced directed energy technology with the latest in hypersonic vehicle design, researchers in private and Department of Defense (DoD) funded laboratories have laid the groundwork for systems designed to literally sheathe an entire vehicle in laser and/or microwave-induced plasma in order to drastically reduce drag. If successfully developed, this concept may someday lead to new frontiers in speed and radical new forms of aerodynamic control and aircraft design.
The Rapidly Evolving Hypersonic Landscape
As the world’s military superpowers jockey for position in a new arms race, hypersonic technologies have been pushed to the forefront of defense and aerospace research. These vehicles and weapons represent a true leap-ahead capability, enabling flight speeds that can outpace even the most advanced and robust air defense systems. It’s one thing to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile falling on an arcing path, but it’s another thing entirely to attempt to intercept a projectile moving at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound while executing abrupt changes in trajectory. It's no surprise that hypersonic systems are becoming integral to the United States' military's future strategy in key theaters such as the Indo-Pacific region.
Looks a bit like a Tic Tac . . .?
more at link:
The article calls it "wedge shaped", more of a delta than a Tit-tac.
And they refer to it as a weapons platform/delivery system. Did not see mention of use in aircraft.
I can only guess this is in response to Mr. Putin's claim to having "Hyper-sonic missiles" a few years back.
More blood and treasure to keep up with the enemy.
IMHO, going to take awhile to reach a whole other tech level, before achieving migration of this tech to manned vehicles.
But when/if they do.... "put in a quarter daddy, I wanna ride!"
The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
progress. -- Joseph Joubert
Attachment 1008
I don't know why it took me so long to process it mentally. The realization hit me today when I was waking up and laying in bed thinking about the current disclosure process and wondering if I should just fade away from the forum before things become better understood.
I realized when recalling the Tik-Tak UFO/UAP that was reported by the F18 pilots. They described the Tik-Tak ufo was hovering over a patch of water that was "frothing" (probably boiling) and the UFO/UAP was zig zagging across this patch of the oceans surface.
I then realized it. The UFO/UAP must have had it's phasing field in the open configuration and was venting/radiating excess heat into the ocean. Hence, the frothing water it was moving back and forth over, was probably being irradiated by intense venting of heat.
I assume it was discharging the trapped heat inside the phasing field into the water below to prepare for the arrival of the F18? Perhaps it was zigzagging to prevent a steam explosion occurring one concentrated spot.
"Gimbal" UFO also displays the phasing field, this time with heat still emanating all around it.
Last edited by Fore; 06-02-2021 at 06:20 AM.
For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous
Depictions of Cases where I believe people accidentally walk towards a UFO that has it's field in the open configuration and is expelling/venting excess heat trapped during travel.
What happens if you leave the phasing field open and come into contact with water??
Large Steam Explosion.
Last edited by Fore; 06-02-2021 at 06:46 AM.
For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous
The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
progress. -- Joseph Joubert
Attachment 1008
I recall one of the ET's (The "Advisor") Mentioned something about certain craft become unstable when stationary near the ground. That due to the field interactions with the ground it had to attain a certain height (about tree tops level) before it became stable.
She said some ET craft like the diamond shaped ones require a thruster to gradually get to tree top height so that the field can stabilize. Not necessarily like a straight forward propulsive force fro a rocket. But more like an external thrust to get a weightless (though unstable) ufo up to a certain height.
Seeing these video's after some...25~ish years I finally made the connection and got the full understanding of what she meant.
Though, I still do not know what the ground level field of earth means. I've always assumed it was earths magnetic field, but she didn't define it. So I don't know. Maybe I misunderstood?
Anyway, watching it again, in the second video, they misleadingly dramatized it. Most likely the "lightning" is the swirling heat and energy trapped inside the field and the hull of the craft. Considering they could see it optically, that means the field settings were really low.
They were close enough to see the swirling trapped energy and called it "lightning"?
The UFO was probably getting ready to vent excess heat trapped inside the field and these ladies drove up on it while doing so, though they were some 200ft away. Probably venting excess heat so that it could remain at a safe distance to the escorting squadron of helicopters.
I've heard that the ET have systems to remove heat from a UFO at hangar habitats. But that info was never disclosed on how exactly. So I wonder if Human Groups in the military have a procedure for it or if it is expected that the ufo has to be at close to room temperature for it to arrive at a base.
All I am wondering in the back of my mind, is how do they hide the heat signature from spy satellites from other nations. If they did it at the last mile of the trip, that would be very visible right next to a secret base.....I wonder if they use underwater installations instead to cover up that activity? (Just thinking aloud with no basis in reality)
I recall watching "that" Unsolved mysteries (Stefan Michalak) episode (apparently in 92') with the Advisor that depicted that incident Calikid. You'd think for having an ET next to you they would spill the beans. But they are hardened on leaking info.
I can see that I make more correlations with the little information they gave me, by simply watching the content in the UFO community. No wonder they forbid me from reading books and delving into it.
Last edited by calikid; 06-07-2021 at 12:27 AM. Reason: Inject Stefan Michalak name.
For every action, there is a corresponding over-reaction. -- Anonymous
Great interview with Sean Cahill who was on the Princeton at the time.
Interesting to see where it's lead him.