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Thread: Linda Moulton Howe - Earthfiles Wednes YT Broadcast

  1. #11
    That can't be entirely true WM, the Invisible College is larger than you think, Diana Pasulka found there were quite a few.
    But what about the ones purely employed by the USG or black projects, yes they risk losing their jobs but also scientist are an open-minded bunch, who generally abhor secrecy and control. I'm just surprised more haven't come forward. There are a huge number of them employed by the Air Force based near Wright Patterson.

  2. #12
    It's not so much the size but the specialization and compartimaliztion breaking the whole enterprise into small teams. More like an upside down pyramid, the deeper it goes the less likely those who know are going to talk. Much less have the ability to prove out any claims they might make.

    What we see for the most part was allowed to percolate up to organizations like NASA, or major academic institutions. What is interesting is the MIC has for years included a medical/pharmaceutical aspect to it. It is almost like new medical devices and procedures are just a few steps behind what abducted are reporting. Why would a scientist self report on cutting edge unsanctioned human trials? Alternately working side by side and learning from aliens about the human body? Likewise for material sciences or energy, propulsion, optics or any other branch. If you were a marine biologist would you divulge working in an underwater city and lose access to this city and all its cutting edge technology and top minds in the field of your choice? Something would need to go horribly wrong before this occurs.
    sit on the edge to watch something unfold with a force we cannot control but communicate with

  3. #13
    I'm pretty sure if I was a scientist, at some point I would blow the lid on at least some of what I knew. Then again maybe I would be screened out long before I got a job at a sensitive facility?

  4. #14
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    I'm pretty sure if I was a scientist, at some point I would blow the lid on at least some of what I knew. Then again maybe I would be screened out long before I got a job at a sensitive facility?
    Don't know if you have ever viewed an NDA, but your signature acknowledges some pretty enormous penalties for violation.
    Imagine anyone would have reservations before breaking confidentiality, with Long Prison Terms and Large Fines$ an almost sure outcome.
    In addition one would risk being blackballed within your chosen profession, possibly for the rest of your life.
    The obvious reason for so many "Anonymous" leaks vs. outright verified witness accounts (death bed revelations are a welcome exception, life in prison not much of a threat with only days left to live).
    On a more optimistic note, NDAs normally specify a time limit. Can't talk about your work/project for some period of time (ie 10 years, 50 years, whatever). So some T.S. projects do become public, just not early on.
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
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    Attachment 1008

  5. #15
    Hi Guys Linda's film - Antarctica:Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice is out.

    Basically AVOID- don't spend your money on it. There was more in the old i/vs with Spartan 1 and 2 which are no longer on youtube. (Posted higher up the thread)

    Virtually nothing new and it's only an hour long. The other films were longer had more in them.

  6. #16
    Lead Moderator calikid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longeyes View Post
    Hi Guys Linda's film - Antarctica:Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice is out.

    Basically AVOID- don't spend your money on it. There was more in the old i/vs with Spartan 1 and 2 which are no longer on youtube. (Posted higher up the thread)

    Virtually nothing new and it's only an hour long. The other films were longer had more in them.
    Thanks for the heads up on the new video.
    Not sure, but I think Spartan 1 & 2 were combined into this single 2 hour youtube video?
    The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but
    progress. -- Joseph Joubert
    Attachment 1008

  7. #17
    Hi Calikid

    The two I posted last year were Antarctic specials with Spartan 1 and 2 she's made them private now annoyingly didn't download copies.

  8. #18
    Here is this weeks Earthfiles. Linda M. Howe has just returned from a 4 week vacation.

    A very relevant 0:00 to 19:05 to Disclosure. (possible) Comments in the video from a USAF Major General Jahn A. Allen Jr. Commander . . .

    Edit to add: (possible)

  9. #19
    Two very good programs from Linda in the last month

    September 13, 2023 - Does Edwards AFB “Detachment 3” Have E. T. Implant Removal Program?

    And has a some follow up from others in the military with implants

    September 20, 2023 - Is JSOC “Zodiac” Program the Real U.S. Gatekeeper of UFO/UAPs?

  10. #20
    Couple of good shows from the grande dame of ufology LHM
    Linda's getting into USOs and 'John Smith' witnessed USOs going upto 700knots underwater, was saw boomerang shaped craft pulling out of the water above the artic circle.

    PART 1

    This is a still a live link so won't embed but click on the link and it should be there

    PART 2

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