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Jeremy Corbell claims he will make a new release on Tuesday. (6-29-2021)
I am unsure as to what his angle is on that. To pressure the discussion or simply
to cause trouble?
I think both Corbell and Elizondo have a mistaken impression about their role in disclosure.
Elizondo thinks he should keep the secrets for the sake of an orderly acclimatization and keeping his personal honor and integrity.
Corbell on the other hand thinks more in terms of protecting his sources and releasing information to get people to speculate and discuss the topic. (so that it becomes mainstream)
I understand their views but at the same time I don't think they realize that it focuses all the control into one spot. Basically, if Elizondo becomes inconvenient he can experience a sudden accident and thats it. Theres no one to take over.
Corbell is pretty much the same scenario.
I did not like an aspect of Elizondo's interview where he sets his loyalty above providing critical information and evidence to those entitled to it. He talks about how government is employed by the American people, but puts his loyalty towards the government/military rather than the people.
I am sure he is doing it out of an honorable sentiment...but at the same time it also makes it easy to shut up disclosure where he is inherently the easiest handle to control. Same with Corbell.
Should the government not agree with disclosure releases, that leaves Elizondo with no recourse.
He doesn't also know if the "ET"s are going to publicly reveal themselves in a year, next month or tomorrow.
Speculating that there is plenty of time is rather optimistic in my eyesight.
I think letting people know critical information in a timely fashion is more important than an orderly and sanctioned flow of information....
I just don't see the "ET" allowing governmental agencies the leeway to do things on their own time table. Speculating that we do have time is rather dangerous and puts orderly and sanctioned information above the public interest. (and I don't mean mental interest, I mean life or death decisions they might have otherwise taken in advance if they had known about the problem.
The "ET" already have preplanned scenarios where a subset of the population is already considered dead prior to arrival. So delaying that release is like Russian Roulette with their lives each day. Even chaos may be a preferable option when you factor in the fact that most of the population isn't informed enough to make proper decisions and may make decisions under intense duress.