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I seem to remember that the Blue Planet stuff was suspect. But here is WHISTLEBLOWER’s latest post. He could well be Linda Moultin Howes source for all her Trantaloid stuff.
Only one thing that's ever been released that I know of references this and got most of it correct, and that is the original Blue Planet Project that was released in the late 1980s. I will fill in more blanks and information.
Here it is:
CBE-1: "Archquloid".
-Created and given Civilization by ETE-2 Type-A, but designed to be slaves, this species is originally from the 5th planet out of a star system within the Cygnus arm. And yes, this star system revolves around a star about the same size as our sun. When translated to English you pronounce the name of their home planet "Pon-Til" and it is spelled Pontel.
This species turned out to be aggressive with a base IQ. We had one prisoner that was given to us and held at the Extra-Terrestrial Prison complex at the subterranean sections of the S2 facility located within the Nellis facility, AKA the Nevada Test Site.
It actually escaped when "J-ROD" let it out, in the early 80s and made it all the way to Gate 3 where it actually killed a guard and was shot by another and died a year later. This species is a moderately tall gray skinned species with a very wide top of the head that comes down into a skinny face, has slanty pointed eyes with yellow cat eye like Vertical pupils.
CBE-2: "Quadloid".
-Created and given Civilization by ETE-2 Type-B, this species is originally from The Zeta Reticuli 1 Star System, 4th Planet out. When translated to English, the name of their original home planet is "Otto", which is pronounced "AUTO".
They were created for the purpose of being allies following the 100 Year War (Earth years in length) where other clones were used to defeat their (ETE-2's) enemies.
This species was created from two other extraterrestrial species' DNA; Reptilians & Mantids (the praying mantis type of Insectoid that has been around for millions of years).
This civilization are known to be both benevolent and malevolent towards humans.
CBE-3: "Heplaloid".
-This species was created and given Civilization by ETE-2 Type-A, and are originally from a planet within the Cygnus Arm.
The solar system in which they are from contains between 10 to 12 planets and their planet is the fourth one out from their Sun. Their planet is a little bit larger than Earth. And when translated to English is referred to as "Damco", Pronounced; "Damn Co".
I have never seen a photograph, or a drawing of this species, and unfortunately I do not remember much about the description I read on the species. The others I saw the photographs so it is a lot easier to remember.
CBE-4: "Trantaloid".
-Originally from the Epsilon Eridani Star System, this Insectoid species was then cloned and brought back to Zeta Reticuli 1 Star System, 3rd Planet out, and giving its own civilization. When translated to English the name of this planet is called "Silus", Pronounced; "Sigh Luss".
They were a mistake. This species has now joined forces with the original insectoid species they were cloned from and called the same thing in our classified files; Trantaloids. Cloned, and non cloned, both now of the same civilization which is headquartered in the Epsilon Eridani Star System, in which the cloned ones relocated to.
The species resembles a stick bug here on Earth, with two bipedal legs and two arms on each side totaling six appendices. This species can retract the appendages at will to disguise their self as a regular bipedal hominoid, and using a defense mechanism rooted in their prehistoric DNA, similar to a reptilian chameleon, they can change their skin to then blend into any background or environment, including disguising their self as a human.
This species is EXTREMELY HOSTILE, and considered to be the number one threat in the known Galaxy to us and all other Extra-Terrestrial civilizations, including the Galactic Federation of Light. The Galactic Federation's main mission is to protect other civilizations from them, while exploring new worlds