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Thread: The Telepathy Tapes - Podcast about non-speakers with autism

  1. #1

    The Telepathy Tapes - Podcast about non-speakers with autism

    This is absolutely startling, if you've seen Caroline Cory's Super Human: The Invisible Made Visible you might be aware that you can learn to see without your eyes especially if you are a child.
    But this is a new one on me, these non- verbal autistic kids are getting 95-100% in blind tests - guessing numbers, words and pictures. Seems to have telepathic connections with their mother's but also sometimes other members of the family and freinds, even learning from each other telepathically.
    It's like the next stage in human evolution or some ability we've just buried, interesstingly that what the kids communicate - we can all do it.
    The Telepathy Tapes is podcast documentary series by Ky Dickens who journey exploring this topic is fascinating.

    It's on many of the popular podcast streamers follow the link below for more details

    In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary as mere fantasy, The Telepathy Tapes dares to explore the profound abilities of non-speakers with autism?individuals who have long been misunderstood and underestimated. These silent communicators possess gifts that defy conventional understanding, from telepathy to otherworldly perceptions, challenging the limits of what we believe to be real. For years, their parents and teachers have quietly witnessed these remarkable abilities, knowing that the time to share their truth would eventually come. But now, as the evidence mounts, the time has come to reveal what has been hidden in plain sight.

    This groundbreaking series challenges everything we think we know about communication and the human mind, inviting viewers to step into a reality where the impossible is not only possible but happening every day. Through emotional stories and undeniable evidence, The Telepathy Tapes offers a fresh perspective on the profound connections that exist beyond words. Traveling with Neuroscientist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, witnessing mind-boggling telepathy tests and forging deeply intimate relationships with families around the globe - Host Ky Dickens invites you to contemplate the world through the eyes of those who speak without words. Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and ultimately transformed as the series shines a light on the untold capabilities of those who have been underestimated for far too long.

  2. #2
    Got to Ep 5 absolutely fascinating -kids in schools and their teachers report the same thing have done since the 1990s - how has this gone unnoticed all this time?
    Also 'the hill' the place where these non-speakers meet and chat. How many you may ask? I won't spoil it but its pretty amazing.

  3. #3
    The lady whose research inspired the series Dr Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D.

    Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D. is an author, researcher, public speaker and practicing psychiatrist who started as a neuroscientist before obtaining her medical degree and training in medicine, neurology, and psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. She became a member of Harvard Medical School?s faculty and later an original member of the La Jolla Group for Understanding the Origin of Humans, a think tank at the Salk Institute with several world-renowned neuroscientists and Nobel laureates. She has spoken at international conferences such as Towards a Science of Consciousness and the IONS annual conference. Her research findings and hypotheses about the brain and psi are published in her book,The ESP Enigma: A Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena.

    Her Website

    When examined closely, telepathy isn?t any more difficult to fathom than savant syndrome itself. Savants can know information without any history of exposure to it, or possessing the underlying skills needed to derive it.

  4. #4
    Fist off, thank you Longeyes for posting this.

    Just completed episode 8 and looking forward to episode 9.

    This is beyond affirming to my own childhood experience.

    What I can say is the hill is real. For me it was like doorway at the end of rainbow... Still not sure how or why it worked It was a construct that worked for me.

    The realms are real and travelling to learn in these realms is real.

    Unfortunately as I got older much of the access diminished considerably.

    Probably a lot to do, with a shift in my own, faith, love, humility,

    then again I have recollection of a war and exodus in the realms occurring in the 90s. (Moving children out of harms way) I never got any corroboration or reason behind this.just a lot of speculation on my part,and questions on the veracity of my own memory.

    Conspiracy wise, I would say when certain elements in our government found out about this, they probably tried using remote viewers to gain access and control these realms. And/or they already had access and using it as a resource to advance their technologies. Parents stumbling on this would have been a national security threat. The latter most likely aligns better with what was seen and experienced on the surface.

    I feel there has been a recent shift in what is being allowed into public view. Anyone serious in UT, light body research and its connection to the field of consciousness should be paying attention to this. Our perception of reality is going to shift dramatically over the next decade or two.

    This could very well be what was behind the statements of the public is not ready and would descend into chaos if they knew the truth. Where 1. Our realty comes from this field and 2. There are entities both benevolent and malicious who can not only read our thoughts but manipulate our perception to determine what ultimately becomes our reality.

    My own experience is we never had control of the field, it was faith and a pure intention that allow for any actions to occur. It was an aligned concentrated effort where the field allowed it to proceed or guided the effort. We cannot suppress nor force information or an action into our reality.

    For me at personal level I would love to have certain constructs in these other realms affirmed. And an answer to if they are just there or if they are something we either individually or collaboratively create. Maybe it's a little of all of the above.
    sit on the edge to watch something unfold with a force we cannot control but communicate with

  5. #5
    Hi WildMage, thanks dude think is one of the most important developments in years.

    I'm been following Tibetan Buddhism now for 15yrs or so, and it's well known that if you become a very highly realised master, you can access this 'knowledge' and pull out new teachings etc. Somehow the information is there.
    Also there are many tales of masters passing down their realisation at the time of death or just after death, like a merging of minds.
    We're never seperate from this stuff/realms/people as seperation doesn't really exist at some level.
    So many NDE experiencers, come back and can play the piano or speak another languages just like some savants, some end up with PSI abilities like precognition and telepathy just like these non-speakers.
    We really barking up the wrong tree if we see our world as truly solid and these other realms as elsewhere something different it's different forms of the thing, none of it is anything but consciousness.

    Ep 6 was really good examining the scientific evidence- for me it was good reminder that although meta analysis has proved the versacity of PSI phenomena in one part of the scientific community but it's nevercrossed into the mainstream yet.
    I think these kids will be the tipping pt, 3% over chance in a Zenner card tests taken over thousands of samples might be statisically significant sigma, but these kids are right over 95% of the time.
    They are pulling out four digit numbers, random words and pictures out the ether - its f$%%ng phenomenal! The odds against it are astonomical and scientist with a clear head can see that.

    There's no quibbing I really think this could be the trigger that sparks the awakening of humanity.

  6. #6
    Dr Mishlove on the case

    Psychic Abilities of Autistic Savants with Diane Hennacy Powell

    Ep 10 of the Telepathy Tapes apparently due before Xmas
    Last edited by Garuda; 12-11-2024 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Corrected typo in name.

  7. #7
    Just listened #9, and looking forward to # 10.

    My own thoughts is this is going to be massive.

    Has anyone from the outpost reached out to offer her group a discussion board? Have not seen any mention of a discussion forum, where those involved can gather to share.

    Personally would love to interact and ask questions perhaps even get answers on some experiences.

    Perhaps they already have one but much more private.
    sit on the edge to watch something unfold with a force we cannot control but communicate with

  8. #8
    Jesse Michels has done a good interview with Ky and Dr Powell

  9. #9
    Grant Cameron has done one as well:

    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.
    - Jef Mallett

    Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
    - Charles Darwin

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