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Thread: Danny Goler - DMT Experiment Finds 'Alien Code' Hidden in the Fabric of Reality

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  1. #1

    Danny Goler - DMT Experiment Finds 'Alien Code' Hidden in the Fabric of Reality

    Danny Goler DMT Experiment Finds 'Alien Code' Hidden in the Fabric of Reality

    This guy is fascinating it looks like he's reallly struck upon something, using laser beams he can show other on DMT people these symbols by peaking through the patterns of laser beams scattered on a wall. The symbols appear behind the wall.
    They look apparently very like the infamous CARET releases and he thinks this is exactly how they work coding function into the world around us.

    He's got a sound head on his shoulders. His understanding is that this is how the world is made up and thjis could be humanities chance to start to peeking below the covers to see the workings.
    Think Danny Jones has a poor bulls**t detector and some of his guests are a bit flakey but this guy seem completely genuine.

    Whatever it is it's an observable effect, quite what it is still out for interpretation but he says the other beings in DMT space are there, they are real. They've helped him but he still doesn't know thier objectives.

  2. #2
    Mini doc about his discovery on his own channel...
    Last edited by Longeyes; 12-04-2024 at 07:01 PM.

  3. #3
    That sounds interesting. Thanks
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