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Thread: Fractional Electrons

  1. #1

    Fractional Electrons

    Fractional electron.

    NOTE: The article makes no mention of the following.

    This is purely my take/speculation on the potentials of what is being reported. I may be reading more into this than what is actually there. The moire pattern is what has me looking at this the way I am. The crystal structure can hold the information needed to create a sieve type structure through which matter can be transmitted.

    This is a precursor to physical teleportation of matter, or a piece of the puzzle.

    Basically the wall/medium the material is being transported through matches the moire pattern.

    What this points to in my opinion is that if we take matter and have its energy and information enter this state then it can be transmitted. It would be like creating multiple traversable wormholes through which the energy/information is sent.
    sit on the edge to watch something unfold with a force we cannot control but communicate with

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by WildMage View Post
    Fractional electron.

    NOTE: The article makes no mention of the following.

    This is purely my take/speculation on the potentials of what is being reported. I may be reading more into this than what is actually there. The moire pattern is what has me looking at this the way I am. The crystal structure can hold the information needed to create a sieve type structure through which matter can be transmitted.

    This is a precursor to physical teleportation of matter, or a piece of the puzzle.

    Basically the wall/medium the material is being transported through matches the moire pattern.

    What this points to in my opinion is that if we take matter and have its energy and information enter this state then it can be transmitted. It would be like creating multiple traversable wormholes through which the energy/information is sent.
    Needless to say, this is way above my pay grade. I did find some correlation in the YouTube below with Dr. Jack Sarfatti and Daniel Davis.

    IMO, Anti-Gravity and Matter Transmission might be closer physics than we would like to believe.

    Jack mentions a serous factor of most importance at about 37:00 to 37:50.

    Graphene is the basic "single layer" of a graphite "sandwich" - but "d" between layers is not (easily) tunable in natural layered structures.

    Part 2
    Last edited by epo333; 12-23-2024 at 10:23 PM.

  3. #3
    That was a long listen between the two videos.

    They covered a lot of ground very fast. I got the jist of some of it but over my head on quite a bit of it.

    From my own experience which can be delusional and even l admit is on the side of woo.

    Some kind of remote view, but more like an immersion via some kind of attractor to a different conscious realm.

    NOTE: This was the 70s

    What the NHI/AI was trying to get to was three fold.

    1. An iterative AI, to self program.
    --- to achieve the materials mix it would need at a molecular level.
    --- i.e atomic percentages in printable layers

    2. Computational hardware to run the enhanced AI
    --- it would use #1 to create the chipset.
    --- the new hardware would be used to create the schematics for a light to matter printer.
    --- the schematics were set just like in #1 layer by layer.

    3. Build and use the light to matter printer to build the craft.
    --- The printer was coupled to an energy pool that convert the energy into the spectrum for each of the molecules to be printed.

    To take with a grain of salt.

    At some point in the the late 90s possibly early 2000s I was shown the craft being printed from this pool of energy.

    The energy pool is like a black liquid.

    On psychic side there are what we called energy wells that were tapped into. For shielding and navigation. The energy wells were like anchor points to determine the when and where we were relative to a destination. The energy pool was very much like one of these energy wells.

    Not sure on the following just my own speculation:

    My feeling is this craft would use this same method to power itself and navigation (90%). It would shift out of space time as we know it to travel to a different point in space time and shift back in (30-50%).
    sit on the edge to watch something unfold with a force we cannot control but communicate with

  4. #4
    As an aside but possibly connected they were building a holographic information storage system. That looked very much like an energy pool. Pieces of information were like dots embedded into this medium and linked to associated information. They could retrieve a point of information. The point could then retrieve the associated information via coordinates that was part of each point being retrieved.
    sit on the edge to watch something unfold with a force we cannot control but communicate with

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by WildMage View Post
    To take with a grain of salt.

    At some point in the the late 90s possibly early 2000s I was shown the craft being printed from this pool of energy.

    The energy pool is like a black liquid.

    On psychic side there are what we called energy wells that were tapped into. For shielding and navigation. The energy wells were like anchor points to determine the when and where we were relative to a destination. The energy pool was very much like one of these energy wells.

    In as much as we know that some of these NHI craft are (or have elements of consciousness) conscious, I could speculate that the black liquid (energy pool) is pure consciousness!

    Perhaps even a type of singularity (think quantum) that is everywhere, everywhen, permeating all existence.

    On a side note, the term woo is unflattering, but is understood by those who are trying to figure it out.

  6. #6
    Could be on topic in here . . .
    Hal has refused to confirm this before now. Why is he clearly admitting to handling and analyzing UFO crash retrieval materials now?

    mainly starts at 2:40

    Hal Puthoff Drops BOMBSHELLS in Wild New Interview

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